You select what should happen when you execute your job by clicking on the Add action-button. Of course, the actions for the person and booking sync differ from each other. For both order types, we explain below which actions you can select.

Synchronise persons #
Actions that create new person pairs #
- Link persons and unify properties
- Import persons
- Export peersons
Actions 1. – 3. create new Persons pairs when the job is executed.
A Persons pair is a link between a person in your own system (e.g. Max Muster) and the same person in the linked system (e.g. Max Muster). A combination of first name, last name, e-mail and birthday decides whether a person from your installation is linked to the same person in the connected system. The minimum requirement for linking is that the first and last name of a person are identical in both systems.
Once the new Persons pair has been created, only actions 4. – 10. will be carried out for this pair in future.
Actions that maintain linked Persons pairs #
Update properties
Import properties
Export properties
Archive persons in own installation
Delete persons in own installation
Archive persons in the connected system
Delete persons in the connected system
The actions 4. – 10. always refer to already existing pairs of persons.
Synchronise Transactions #
Actions that create new Transactions pairs #
- Link Transactions and unify properties
- Import Transactions
- Export Transactions
Actions 1. to 3. create new Transactions pairs when the job is run.
A Transactions pair is a link between a transaction in your own system and the same transaction in the linked system. Two transactions are linked if all their fields are identical in both systems. The exception is donor IDs.
Actions that maintain linked Transactions pairs #
Update properties
Import properties
Export properties
Delete Transactions in own installation
Delete Transactions in the connected system
Actions 4. and 8. always refer to already existing Transactions pairs.