Apply for ALPHA Partnerlink-ID

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If the ALPHA Bookstore-Integration is displayed in your church’s ChurchTools app, you have the option of entering your ALPHA Partnerlink ID in ChurchTools. This will earn your church a 10% commission for each purchase. In addition, by depositing your ID, the persons in charge for your “book table” have the opportunity to select a personal display in the bookstore for your church.

If your church does not yet have an APLHA Partnerlink ID, you can apply for one at the ALPHA Bookstore. When you apply, your church will receive the Partnerlink ID and at the same time a user account with the ALPHA Bookstore, which can then be used to select the display.

This is how it works #

  1. Go to the Partnerlink web page of the ALPHA Bookstore.
  2. Fill out the form for your church and submit it.

This way you apply for two things at the same time: On the one hand the Partnerlink ID for your church and on the other hand the access to the user account at ALPHA Bookstore for the maintenance of your own display.

  • For the Partnerlink ID, an e-mail with the necessary information will be sent to the address of the person responsible for the book table and that of the admin.
  • For the user account at the ALPHA Bookstore, the person responsible for the book table will receive an e-mail with the access data. If a user account already exists for this e-mail address at ALPHA, only the design option for the display will be activated for this account.
What are your Feelings?
Updated on 19. September 2024
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