Embed calendar: URL parameters

2 min. read

You can embed calendars from ChurchTools on your own website using so-called iFrames, which retrieve a URL and display it on their own page. You can modify the calendar display using GET parameters.

GET ParametersDescription
viewname=eventViewSets the view. You can choose between eventView (event list) and calView (usual calendar with day, week and month).
title=example-calendarThis can be used to overwrite the title.
category_id=2,3,5It can be specified which calendars are available for selection. If only one is specified here, the multiselect is automatically omitted. Multiple calendars are separated by commas.
category_select=2,3This can be used to determine which calendars are already preselected. If the parameter is not present, all are selected.
embedded=trueThis must be specified if the view is to be shown without the usual frames.
entries=3This only works with viewname=eventView. It specifies how many calendar entries are to be displayed.
minical=trueThis only works for viewname=eventView. It reduces the entries even further to the absolutely essential. Notes are displayed directly with max. 100 characters and if a link is set in the event, it is used here.
startdateSets the start date of the calendar (in the format YYYY-MM-DD).
enddateSets the end date of the calendar (in the format YYYY-MM-DD).
hideFooterIf this is set to =true, the copyright and the entire footer will be hidden.
css_classWith this you can pass your own CSS class as text, which will be inserted into the DOM. This makes it possible to uniquely identify several iFrames and style them accordingly with CSS.

If you want to filter a list view of appointments, this is done via a hash value in the URL.  

Hash ValueDescription
#CalView/searchEntry:<term>The <term> represents the search term and must be placed at the very end of the URL.
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Updated on 17. October 2024