Embed calendar: CSS classes

< 1 min read

The calendar view is equipped with various CSS classes that you can address to modify the embedded calendar view for your own website.

CSS ClassDescription
event-calendarCalendar name
event-titleAppointment title
event-subtitleSubtitle of the appointment
event-dateAppointment date
event-commentAppointment description
event-linkLink to the appointment
event-authorCreator and changes of the appointment
event-addressAppointment place
event-imageAppointment picture
event-requestsMeeting requests for the appointment
event-resourceResources booked for the appointment
event-modulesButtons at the bottom leading to the other modules:
Resources, Events and Registration
body.embedded #page {background-color: transparent !important;}Hintergrund des Kalenders transparent machen
Aktualisiert am 5. November 2024
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