How to find the sync user’s login token

1 min read

You have been contacted by the administrator of the installation of your association or another ChurchTools installation because you would like to sync your ChurchTools installation with this other installation.

To establish a connection between your two ChurchTools installations, the login token of a user from your installation is required. Then you send this login token to the administrator of the installation with which a connection is to be established. 

And this is how it works #

1. Create a sync user #

To do this, create a new user (e.g. named “sync user”) in Persons & Groups via Create new person.

2. Assign permissions #

You give the following necessary permissions to this user:

  • View “Persons & Groups” (view).
  • Security Level Person Data (security level person)
  • Security Level Group Data (security level group)
  • Put persons in and get them out of archive (push/pull archive)
  • Edit relations of visible persons (edit relations)
  • Edit group memberships of visible persons (edit groups)
  • Right to create persons (create person)
  • Right to delete persons (delete persons)
  • Write access for all visible persons (write access)
  • View all persons of the active department (view alldata)
  • View single groups – including hidden group (view group)

3. Give login token to the admin of the other installation #

When all permissions have been granted, you invite this new user to ChurchTools and log in to this account with the stored access data. Then call up the login token of the Sync user as follows:

Persons & Groups > Persons > e.g. "sync user" > Permissions > Login token

Copy the token and send it to the administrator of the installation to which your ChurchTools installation is to be connected.

Aktualisiert am 5. November 2024
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