Permissions for finances

1 min read

As for every other module in ChurchTools, you also assign the permissions for the finance module in the permissions management. Here, too, a distinction is made between global and group-internal permissions.

Global permissions #

The global permissions define whether someone is generally allowed to see the module and/or edit data in it.

View Finances (view)See the Finance Tab in the ChurchTools menu.
View accounting years and clients (view accounting period)See all transactions of the selected clients and accounting years. You can restrict the authorisation to individual clients and accounting years.
Creating and Editing transactions for the Accounting Year and Client (edit accounting period)See and edit all transactions of the selected clients and accounting years as well as creating new transactions and deleting existing ones. You can restrict the authorisation to individual clients and accounting years.
Edit master data (edit masterdata)View and edit all Master data of the module. This also grants limited read-only access to all transactions, as the Overview- and Evaluations-tabs are also unlocked.

Group-internal permissions #

The group-internal permissions give users access to data in the finance area that is assigned to their group.

View budgets in linked cost centersView budgets assigned to the cost center linked to the group.
See transactions and budgets in linked cost centersSee transactions and budgets assigned to the cost center linked to the group.
View donors in linked cost centersView donors assigned to the cost center linked to the group.
Create transactions for linked cost centersCreate transactions in the simple transaction screen for the cost center linked to the group.
Aktualisiert am 12. December 2024
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