Placeholder for “Persons” #
Category | Placeholder | Name |
Address | | |
| {{person.title}} | Title |
| {{person.firstName}} | Name |
| {{person.lastName}} | Surname |
| {{person.street}} | Street |
| {{person.addressAddition}} | Addition |
| {{}} | Postal Code |
| {{}} | City |
| {{}} | Country |
| {{person.sexId}} | Gender (ID) |
| {{person.phonePrivate}} | Private phone |
| {{person.phoneWork}} | Phone business |
| {{}} | Mobile phone |
| {{person.fax}} | Fax |
| {{}} | E-mail
| {{person.cmsUserId}} | User name |
| {{person.optigemId}} | Optigem number |
| {{person.nickname}} | Nickname |
| {{person.isSystemUser}} | System user |
| {{person.guid}} | GUID |
| {{}} | ID |
Information | | |
| {{person.birthday}} | Date of birth |
| {{person.birthName}} | Birth name |
| {{person.birthplace}} | Place of birth |
| {{person.job}} | Profession |
| {{person.nationalityId}} | Nationality (ID) |
| {{person.familyStatusId}} | Family status |
| {{person.weddingDate}} | Date of marriage |
| {{person.firstContact}} | First contact |
| {{person.dateOfBelonging}} | Belonging since |
| {{person.dateOfEntry}} | Entry date |
| {{person.referredBy}} | Transferred from |
| {{person.dateOfResign}} | Leaving date |
| {{person.referredTo}} | Transferred to |
| {{person.dateOfBaptism}} | Baptism date |
| {{person.placeOfBaptism}} | Place of baptism |
| {{person.baptisedBy}} | Baptized by |
Categories | | |
| {{person.statusId}} | Person status |
| {{person.campusId}} | Campus |
Area | | |
| {{person.departmentIds}} | Bereich |
Data privacy | | |
| {{person.privacyPolicyAgreementDate}} | Einwilligung erfolgt am |
| {{person.privacyPolicyAgreementTypeId}} | Einwilligung wodurch |
| {{person.privacyPolicyAgreementWhoId}} | Einwilligung durch wen |
| {{person.acceptedsecurity}} | Vertraulichkeitsvereinbarung akzeptiert am |
Placeholder for “Relationships” #
Category | Placeholder | Name |
Couple | | |
| {{}} | Name of spouse |
| {{relations.couple.spouse.#1.firstName}} | First name of spouse |
| {{relations.couple.spouse.#1.lastName}} | Last name of spouse |
| {{#with reations.couple.spouse.#1.person}} #any text, including person placeholders# {{\/with}} | Own fields of spouses |
Couple | | |
| {{}} | Name of parent 1 |
| {{relations.parent-child.parent.#1.firstName}} | First name of parent 1 |
| {{relations.parent-child.parent.#1.lastName}} | Last name of parent 1 |
| {{#wih relations.parent-child.parent.#1.person}} #any text, including person placeholders# {{\/with}} | Own fields with parent 1 |
| {{}} | Name of parent 2 |
| {{relations.parent-child.parent.#2.firstName}} | First name of parent 2 |
| {{relations.parent-child.parent.#2.lastName}} | Last name of parent 2 |
| {{#wih relations.parent-child.parent.#2.person}} #any text, including person placeholders# {{\/with}} | Own fields with parent 2 |
| {{#each relations.parent-child.parent.all}}{{#with this}} #any text, including person placeholders# {{\/with}}{{\/each}} | All children |
| {{relations.parent-child.parent.quantity}} | Number of parent |
Children | | |
| {{}} | Name of child 1 |
| {{relations.parent-child.child.#1.firstName}} | First name of child 1 |
| {{relations.parent-child.child.#1.lastName}} | Last name of child 1 |
| {{#wih relations.parent-child.child.#1.person}} #any text, including person placeholders# {{\/with}} | Own fields with child 1 |
| {{}} | Name of child 2 |
| {{relations.parent-child.child.#2.firstName}} | First name of child 2 |
| {{relations.parent-child.child.#2.lastName}} | Last name of child 2 |
| {{#wih relations.parent-child.child.#2.person}} #any text, including person placeholders# {{\/with}} | Own fields with child 2 |
| {{}} | Name of child 3 |
| {{relations.parent-child.child.#3.firstName}} | First name of child 3 |
| {{relations.parent-child.child.#3.lastName}} | Last name of child 3 |
| {{#wih relations.parent-child.child.#3.person}} #any text, including person placeholders# {{\/with}} | Own fields with child 3 |
| {{}} | Name of last child |
| {{relations.parent-child.child.last.firstName}} | First name of last child |
| {{relations.parent-child.child.last.lastName}} | Last name of last child |
| {{#wih relations.parent-child.child.last.person}} #any text, including person placeholders# {{\/with}} | Own fields with last child |
| {{#each relatios.parent-child.child.all}}{{#with this}} #any text, including person placeholders# {{\/with}}{{\/each}} | All children
| {{relations.parent-child.child.quantity}} | Number of children |
Placeholder for “Groups” #
Placeholder | Name |
{{}} | Name of the group |
{{group.meetingday}} | Day of meeting |
{{group.meetingtime}} | Time of meeting |
{{group.meetingplace}} | Place of meeting |
{{}} | Grouptype |