How to find mistakes in the permission management?

2 min. read

Finding errors in the permission assignment can sometimes be a bit tricky. Since ChurchTools cannot know what you are trying to do, there is unfortunately no “Repair permission assignment” button. With this explanation we want to give you a systematic approach that you can use to check where a permission has been granted or not. If you don’t understand some steps, check out the “Articles for further reading” section at the bottom of this page.

1. What is not working? #

First think about what the person can do/see (or can’t) that should(n’t) be possible. To do this, simulate the person so it becomes visible for you what is possible with the specific user account.

2. Which permission is linked to the concernded function? #

After you have found out where the error is, you have to find out which permission is linked to the function that the user can (or cannot) use. If you don’t know straightaway what the permission in question is, you can look it up in the reference for Global permissions and Group-internal permissions.

3. How was the permission granted? #

Now you need to find out how the permission was granted (or should have been granted) to the user:

  • If it is an internal group permission, look at which role the user has in the group in question and then check in the permissions management which group-internal permissions are assigned to this role.
  • If it is a global permission, you start with the status of the person and check the permissions that have been assigned to the status. Then check the global permissions of the groups in which the person is located. If you don’t find anything here either, finally check the permissions assigned directly to the user.

If it is a wrongly assigned permission, you should now have found out how the permission was assigned. If the permission is missing, you must consider in the next step how you would like to assign the permission.

4. Correct the error #

This last step is to correct the error.

Therefore, consider whether the error in the permissions management must be corrected or whether the persons status or group assignment should be changed. If a permission is missing, you should also consider whether the person is perhaps missing from a group with the corresponding permission or whether the error could affect other persons.

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Updated on 1. October 2024