Which different elements are available?

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Below you’ll find a list of all elements available to you for your ChurchTools website.

Audio #

With the audio element you can integrate podcasts or songs. Apple Podcasts, Spotify and Soundcloud are currently supported.

Banner #

The banner is a special element for integrating images in the sidebar. It is only available as an element in the sidebar.

Button #

Add a clickable button to an external link or existing content on the website.

Download #

Make a file available for download. You can make an already uploaded file available for download or upload a new file and then make it available.

Expandable content #

With this you can add a text field that can be expanded. Ideal for making a complex page clearer. Expandable content can also include other elements.

External service #

Include an external service, e.g. a map from OpenStreetMaps or a donation service provider like donation.app.

Forms #

You can use this element to integrate simple contact forms into pages. You can send the received messages by e-mail and/or save them as an Excel list.

Gallery #

Display one or more images on the website. The gallery combines several image elements.

Persons #

Introduce persons from your church. You can select individual persons directly or display all persons with a keyword or a specific group role.

Picture #

Upload an image to be displayed on the page.

Posts, groups, dates #

Allows you to display a selection of posts, groups or events in an overview. You can limit this selection using keywords or a maximum number.

Section (Abschnitt) #

With this element you can display a part of the content in a different colour style.

Slider #

With a slider, you can have several slides change automatically. Slides can be composed of images, texts or a combination of both and can be provided with links. For example, you can display clickable news on the website.

Tabs #

With tabs, you can display several text fields or elements overlaid in one place. This works exactly like the tabs in your browser: Click on the heading to switch to the corresponding tab.

Teaser #

With a teaser you can include several text fields on a standard or a portal page.

Video #

You can include not only audio but also videos on the website. Videos from YouTube, Vimeo, Vimeo Live Events and Showcases are supported.

Aktualisiert am 5. November 2024
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