If groups are nested, i.e. there are superior and sub groups, you have the possibility to give permissions in a superior group that are valid for the sub group. This is called inheritance.
You can choose for how many subordinate group levels the selected permissions should be active:
- No subordinate group level – This means that any ticked permissions are inactive. The permissions selection will no longer be displayed in this case.
- One to three subordinate group levels – The role-specific selected permissions are active for the selected number of subordinate group levels.
- All subordinate group levels – The role-specific selected permissions are active for all subordinate group levels.
So, for example, if you give a staff member of superior group A the permission to view and conduct group meetings of a sub group B, the staff member from group A can conduct the check-in for group B. The staff member from group B, however, can’t do the same.