Changelog Web

245 min. read

Table of Contents

ChurchTools 3.113.0 (16.09.2024) #

Improvements #

  • General
    • A simulation can now be started directly in the new person tooltip.
      • The input field for two-factor authentication has been adapted so that it should lead to fewer problems.
      • Focus management in form dialogs has been improved.
      • If ChurchTools is integrated as an iFrame and you want to use the “Download” function, there is now a message alert.
  • Posts

    • Posts can now be scheduled for publication and also scheduled for archiving.
  • Groups

    • There is now a comprehensive add button on the group details page.
    • The start and end of a group login can now be scheduled.
    • The default role of a group type can no longer be deleted.
    • There is now a separate page for general group settings.
    • Your own group membership is now immediately visible in the group list
    • A QR code can now be generated and downloaded directly in the settings for a public group.
    • The size of the public group image has been adjusted.
    • The group and group member table is now easier to scroll.
    • Forms with changed data can no longer simply be closed. There is now a confirmation prompt asking whether to save or not.
    • Meta data is now displayed in the context menu of a group.
    • Automatic memberships
      • Filters can now also be negated and ignored.
      • The standard filter “Archived is no” is now better explained.
      • Empty values can no longer be saved in the filter.
      • Roles are now displayed in connection with the group.
      • There are now additional operators for date fields.
  • Calendar

    • When subsequently changing the repetition of an appointment, the event template is now automatically preselected if it is unique in the series.
    • The day of the week is now also displayed in the old list view.
    • The layout of an entry on the info screen has been improved. In addition, the description of the event is now optionally displayed.
    • On mobile devices, it is now also possible to create a new appointment by clicking in the calendar.
  • Events

    • The view of which persons can be assigned to a service due to absences and other services has been improved.
    • An arrangement can now be assigned a source (e.g. a songbook). This source can be filtered and optionally displayed in the schedule.
  • Ressources

    • Bookings are no longer automatically confirmed if there is a conflict with bookings that have already been confirmed. In addition, the automatic confirmation is no longer anticipated in the frontend, but is only displayed once the booking has actually been confirmed on the server side. This means that every booking request behaves in the same way, regardless of whether it was ultimately confirmed automatically or by an administrator.
  • Wiki

    • The “All pages” button is now always displayed.
    • “All categories” is now always selected by default for the search.
  • Check-in

    • Only people who have a group membership with the status ‘active’ are displayed at check-in.
  • Finance

    • It is now possible to split transactions (split transactions).
    • The totals line in the accounting journal is now also displayed when filtering by multiple cost centers.
    • New donors can now be created when importing account statements.
    • New donors can now be created in the simple booking mask.
    • All registered printers can be retrieved via the api /api/printers.
    • The start page now shows your own birthday again.
    • The search for songs with GET /api/songs?query=test now also searches the song author.

Fixed Bugs #

  • General

    • The reverse search in the map has been improved and corrected.
    • When searching for an explicit tag, only complete matches are displayed and partial matches are ignored.
  • Persons & Groups

    • When exporting persons, spouses are also combined if the name of this relationship is changed.
    • When duplicating a group, a new GUID is assigned again and the chat of the copied group is no longer attached to the duplicated group.
    • The address coordinates of a person now remain hidden if you are not allowed to see the zip code or city due to a lack of authorization.
    • Already archived persons are now ignored as addressees of an e-mail to an entire group.
  • Groups

    • The activation of the write assistant is now correctly taken into account in the group description.
    • The presence of a standad role is now also checked for the status of the group registration.
    • Loading group meetings now works correctly again.
    • The status of automatic memberships now also includes the existence of actions.
    • Some errors regarding automatic memberships and multiple values have been corrected.
    • In the registration form, the description of date fields was not displayed correctly. This has been fixed.
    • The authorizations for sending QR codes are now checked correctly again.
    • When changing the group type, the roles are now displayed correctly sorted by type and SortKey.
    • Clicking on the map on the group homepage now leads to the correct group again.
    • The e-mail to leaders for a group registration shows multiple choice fields correctly again.
    • The link “To registration” on a public page now works more reliably.
  • Events

    • The event cancellation email is now sent more reliably. However, it is still only sent if the event is in the future.
    • In the e-mail for sending the schedule, the buttons are now correctly translated into the recipient’s language.
    • If the songs of the current schedule are selected in the list of songs, the correct arrangement stored in the schedule is now also selected.
    • The e-mail footer for sending the agenda can now also be used on mobile devices again.
    • The dialog for event templates no longer closes without a prompt to save.
  • Finance

    • The dropdown for purposes is displayed correctly again in the account statements.
    • Postings marked as waiver of reimbursement of expenses are included in the account balances.
  • Ressources

    • Multi-day resource bookings are now sorted in the correct place.
  • Wiki

    • Newly inserted images were not displayed under certain circumstances. This has been fixed.
  • Public Relations

    • Some missing countries have been added for the address information in the church profile.
    • When sharing posts on the website, the correct number of posts per group is displayed.

    • The history of service assignments and cancellations is now written correctly.

ChurchTools 3.112.0 (30.07.2024) #

Improvements #

  • Persons & Groups
    • Automatic group can now also include AND linking of group memberships
    • For group homepages, you can now select how many group sublevels should be included in the group display.
    • The term “status” has been renamed to “person status” to avoid confusion with other statuses
  • Posts

    • The authorization to create posts can be assigned separately for each visibility (‘Only group members’ or ‘Like group’).
    • The maximum length of a post in the email summary before the text is truncated has been increased to 500 characters. In addition, your own posts are no longer filtered out.
  • Groups

    • There is now a map view for the meeting points of groups.
    • The permission ‘Edit group memberships of all visible persons’ has been split into two permissions: ‘Edit group memberships of grouptype’ and ‘Edit group memberships of group’.
    • The person’s tags can now also be displayed in the member table.
    • The scrolling behavior for embedded login pages has been improved
    • You can now jump directly to individual groups in the group filter.
    • There is now an additional card view on the member page of a group.
    • There is now a prominent search bar on the group overview page.
    • New tags can now also be created.
  • Events

    • The term “Service groups” has been renamed “Service categories” to avoid confusion with groups of the “Service” group type
    • Facts of the type “Number” can now also display a unit.

    • New api for groups and song notes /notes
  • System-Settings

    • The validation for e-mail addresses has been improved in the e-mail settings.

Deletions #

  • Persons & Groups

    • Tags can no longer be created with the authorization ‘Edit group memberships of all visible persons’.
    • Permissions that are displayed on the person profile and belong to a deactivated module are no longer displayed.
    • Editing the visible own group membership fields now works again with the “Edit own group membership fields” permission.
  • Sync

    • Sync logs are deleted after 6 months.

Fixed Bugs #

  • General

    • People who do not have a first name are no longer addressed with the placeholder “{0}” in emails.
    • “Contact admin” now works correctly again.
  • Persons & Groups

    • The placeholders in email templates now also work for person and group fields of the type “Yes-No field”
    • The page for group-internal authorizations no longer redirects to the start page if individual rights have no security level set.
    • When changing the group type of a group, the automatic emails were not assigned to the new group type roles. This has been fixed.
    • The person view now also works with multi-level family relationships.
    • The Hero component in email templates is now displayed correctly again in Outlook. Existing templates must be saved once again.
    • Chat can now also be activated for hidden groups.
    • The bulk operation to add people to a group now displays a corresponding error message if the group is already full.
    • The checkbox “Inform the group leader about the change” when editing a group membership is taken into account again.
    • When deleting a person’s address, the calculated geocoordinate is now also deleted.
    • Inaccurate coordinates now work correctly again in the map views.
  • Posts

    • The lightbox now opens again for just one image.
    • The search is no longer displayed to the public user.
  • *Groups

    • The number of guests at a group meeting can now also be left blank when closing.
    • When using the local e-mail program, all recipients are now set to “bcc:”.
    • People who are on the waiting list can now be given the status “active” directly.
    • Absences are now displayed in the correct order on a member’s card.
  • Public Relations

    • In the dialog to start the test phase, the buttons now work correctly again.
  • Calendar

    • In the tooltip of an appointment, the title and subtitle are now displayed in full in any length

ChurchTools 3.111.0 (24.06.2024) #

Deletions #

  • Events
    • Appointments can no longer be modified indirectly via the event module. Only event-specific information can be changed in the corresponding dialog.

Improvements #

  • General
    • The mobile app is now advertised if it is not yet in use.
    • The setting ‘Start page when opening ChurchTools’ now also works for posts.
    • If ChurchTools is integrated as an iFrame and you want to use the “Copy to clipboard” function, there is now a hint alert.
  • Posts
    • Posts can now be searched and filtered.
    • Link previews are no longer displayed for email addresses.
    • The links in the summary email for posts no longer look strange in GMail.
    • If there is only one image, the image is now displayed less cropped and more complete.
    • There are now some quick actions in the menu.
  • Public Relations
    • Posts can now be approved for publication on the ChurchTools website.
  • Persons & Groups
    • Group membership properties are now accessible via placeholders
    • When creating groups, it is no longer necessary to select a parent group if you have the authorization “Create groups of grouptype”.
  • Groups
    • The filters for automatic group memberships now also support existence checks (‘is empty’, ‘is filled’).
    • The meeting widget now shows a better selection of dates.
    • Group types can now also be deleted on their detail page.
    • The error message if a person is called who is not in the current group has been improved.
    • A prompt can be specified for group member fields, which is used in the login form. If no prompt is specified, the name is used as before. The idea is to choose a short form for the name that is suitable for display in headings, headers and menus and sufficiently identifies the field. NB: In a future release, the name will be shortened to 100 characters. New names can therefore only be set up to this length with immediate effect.
    • The registration for a group is now automatically closed if “Finished” or “Archived” is selected as the group status.
    • The number of guests is now also displayed in the group meeting overview.
  • Events
    • The character limit for fact options has been increased to 1000 characters.
    • When accepting/rejecting an event via the Api, the scheduling is now also automatically updated in an open browser window.
  • Finance

    • For donation accounts, the setting ‘Donation account’ can no longer be adjusted if donations have already been posted with it.
  • Resources

    • Booking requests that are still open and lie in the past are no longer displayed on the start page.
  • System-Settings

    • The sending of the test e-mail to a custom mail server is logged.

    • There is a new endpoint to fetch file metadata: GET /api/files/{id}

Fixed Bugs #

  • General
    • The “All” links for the blog widgets are back.
    • When running the cron job, the system user is now always the actor.
  • Posts

    • In Safari, posts no longer display a black heart.
  • Persons & Groups

    • The additional persons to be registered for a group registration are now numbered correctly.
    • When creating persons, the geocoding is now carried out directly and the map with the address is then displayed.
    • Hidden leaders are no longer displayed on a public group page.
    • The placeholders for first name and last name can now always be used regardless of the security level.
    • When registering for groups, the mandatory personal fields are now validated correctly.
    • The widget for logging in and out on the start page now only shows groups that the user is actually allowed to see.
    • Starting the follow up works again.
    • The number of days when a follow-up is due is always reduced in the morning at midnight and not at noon.
  • Groups

    • The dialogs in the automatic memberships can now be closed again with “Cancel”.
    • Changing saved views now works correctly.
  • Calendar

    • In the old list view, the arrow icon is now displayed again for further information.
    • In the dialog for an appointment, if you are not allowed to edit it, line breaks are now displayed correctly.
    • The e-mail for changes to an appointment now looks appropriate.
    • If an appointment with associated resources is removed from an appointment series, further resources can now be added in the same step.
  • Events

    • The right Edit songs and upload files (edit songcategory) is now also sufficient to view song attachments.
    • When downloading text files from CCLI, the authors are no longer labeled as musicians.
    • The authorization May use CCLI in "Events" (use ccli) is now checked correctly.
  • Wiki

    • The name of the wiki is now translated correctly in the sidebar if a translation key is entered.
  • Reports

    • The report ‘Development of members and friends’ no longer takes system users and archived users into account.
  • Finance

    • Duplicate recognition during posting import now takes the selected account into account.
    • The total amount now only appears on the last page of donation receipts.
    • The deletion of donation receipts now works more reliably.
  • Resources

    • If an individual booking is removed from a booking series, it is now immediately displayed correctly as an individual booking.
  • System-Settings

    • Due to the redesign of the e-mail settings, it was possible to incorrectly change the sender address if the ChurchTools server was used as the SMTP server. This has been fixed.
    • An error when creating the data sheet for users (right to information) has been fixed.

ChurchTools 3.109.0 (29.04.2024) #

Improvements #

  • Persons & Groups

    • The default comment for a group registration is now always set in the language of the installation.
    • When deleting HTML templates, there is now a correct error message if this is not possible.
    • Email templates can now be created using an editor. The templates can be attractively designed with columns, backgrounds, images, buttons and placeholders. The created templates can be used for manual emails or automatic group emails. You can find out more about the new e-mail templates in the help section.
  • Posts

    • Notifications for posts can now be activated by default for each group.
    • The recognition of links has been improved.
    • It is now possible to set separately for each group whether and which users automatically receive a push notification.
    • There is now also a widget with the latest posts on the start page.
    • The viewer is now informed that a post has been changed.
  • Groups

    • The confirmation dialog for removing a sub- or superior group is now more clearly worded.
    • In the hierarchy page of a group, there are now also bulk operations in the table view.
    • The subtitle for group member fields is now better displayed in dialogs & forms.
  • Calendar

    • There is now an indicator for the current time in the day & week view.
    • The open meeting requests are now updated automatically.
    • In the tooltip of an appointment, line breaks are now also displayed correctly in the description.
  • Events

    • Concurrent events are now also displayed in the order of the corresponding calendars.
  • Wiki

    • Headings in Markdown are now more valid, as the space between # and text is necessary.
  • Sync

    • The error message for properties that are no longer found has been improved.

    • New endpoint /api/domainobjects to get domain objects.
    • Appointment Apis now return the title extension from the services as ‘titleSuffix’.
    • The specification of a timestamp in Zulu format now also allows milliseconds and microseconds.

Fixed Bugs #

  • General

    • Scrolling was broken in some dropdowns, this has been fixed.
  • Persons & Groups

    • When creating a group, the superior group is set correctly again.
    • The authorization for group hierarchies is checked correctly
    • When merging persons, duplicate relationships are discarded.
    • Only group meetings that belong to active groups are reminded on the start page.
    • The person ID can now also be used as a placeholder in e-mails.
    • The old person API ‘getAllPersonData’ now also takes the security level into account for the category fields.
    • Editing of self-created group member fields is again possible with the authorization ‘Edit group memberships (role, status, comment, etc.) (+edit groupmemberstatus)`.
  • Posts

    • An upload of unsupported image formats is now prevented.
  • Groups

    • The authorizations to change the basic settings of a group are checked correctly
    • The authorization for group hierarchies is checked correctly
    • Groups can now be added again on the overview page of a category.
    • The entry for the public page or the settings for the group homepage are now only displayed in relevant groups.
    • Duplicating a group is now also possible with the create groups of grouptype permission.
    • Permissions are now checked correctly when displaying the settings menu items within a group.
    • Reloading within a group member dialog now loads all data correctly.
    • When customizing the group hierarchy, the display is updated immediately.
    • Automatic groups are no longer updated twice in the cron.
    • Double scrollbars were displayed in some cases for embedded group homepages.
  • Calendar

    • The zip code of a possible address is now also saved correctly in an appointment template.
    • Resources that are automatically confirmed can now be deleted again via the calendar.
    • Appointments can now be copied again.
  • Events

    • The checkbox for preserving marked events is now correctly taken into account in the “Further actions”.
    • If you open several songs at the same time, the option to upload files is now offered everywhere.
    • Service requests for past events no longer trigger a notification.
    • An error when assigning a custom service has been fixed.
  • Resources

    • Resources that are attached to an appointment series with a run-up time are now booked correctly, even if the run-up leads to a postponement to the previous day.
  • Finance

    • The creation of donation receipts is now also possible in small windows.
    • The closing of an accounting year also works again via the overview in the finance module.

    • One-day absences are now returned correctly if the search window only covers hours of the same day.
    • The endpoint GET /api/startpage now ignores withdrawn exchange requests.

Deletions #

    • The endpoint /api/campuses now contains the service banner as a domain object, no longer as a URL.

ChurchTools 3.108.0 (02.04.2024) #

Improvements #

  • General

    • More than 8 security levels can now be created.
    • In future, the version e-mail will only be sent for new releases, no longer for corrections.
  • Posts

    • Comments can now be activated and deactivated for each post.
    • Hidden posts can now also be managed on the web.
    • You can now find your own posts under “My posts”
    • Posts can now be edited retrospectively. The admin can restrict the editing period to up to 10 minutes.
    • If the visibility of a group is increased and the group contains posts with the visibility “like group”, the posts are only visible to group members.
    • There are now also actions for posts in the quick search.
    • A post can now only be saved once all images have been uploaded.
  • Persons & Groups

    • Completeness check for addresses in bulk letters or labels does not require a zip code for international addresses (i.e. if a country is specified).
    • When creating a group, the parent group is set correctly again.
  • Calendar

    • Calendar no longer gets stuck in the weekly view under certain circumstances
    • The widget for meeting requests now also shows the originator of an appointment, if available.
    • Simultaneous appointments are now displayed according to the sorting of the calendars.
    • For absences in groups, your own absences are no longer displayed, as these are displayed under “My absences”.
    • In the mobile view there are now also forward and backward buttons.
    • The 24-hour format is now used in every language.
    • The calendar now uses bars instead of dots to display the color code of the calendar.
    • The display of the calendar can be changed.
  • Finance

    • The highest donations of the last 31 days are now displayed in the overview (no longer the last month)

Fixed Bugs #

  • General

    • The “Change password” dialog has been slightly adjusted.
    • When ending a simulation, the language of the simulated person is no longer returned.
    • In some cases, e-mails were sent multiple times. This has been fixed.
      • The RSS widget on the web home page no longer displays an error if an empty link has been configured. (The widget should still be deactivated in the system settings if it is not needed).
  • Persons & Groups

    • Incorrect values for consent to data processing have been corrected. Such values could, for example, prevent the merging of duplicates.
    • The group member status is now correctly taken into account in the old group registration form.
    • When creating a group, the superior group is set correctly again.
  • Posts

    • When creating a post, the fields are correctly pre-assigned based on the group settings.
    • After using the setup wizard, it was no longer possible to scroll the page. This has been fixed.
    • Umlauts are now correctly recognized in links.
    • Messages about deleted comments are now also deleted.
  • Groups

    • Either-or fields now work in the group member dialog.
    • When editing a group membership, the checkbox and either-or selection work again.
    • The number in “My groups” is now correct.
    • The number of places on the waiting list is displayed correctly again in the member table.
  • Calendar

    • The name of the registration groups for an appointment follows the changes to the appointment.
    • In the old event list, the service text is now also output for embedded compact lists.
    • The old list view can now be printed again.
    • Resources are now displayed again in the day & week view when logged in.
    • Creating a registration group for an appointment works more reliably, even without being a superadmin.
    • The print view for the calendar has been improved.
    • It is no longer possible to accidentally book a resource for an appointment with a delay of more than one day.
  • Events

    • The placeholders for responsible persons in the schedule now also display translations correctly.
    • Authorizations for bulk operations now take into account the rights ‘edit events’ and ‘edit servicegroup’.
  • Resources

    • Resources that are linked to an appointment can now only be modified in the calendar.
    • The automatic confirmation of resources is now also used in the REST API.

    • Some definitions in the API documentation have been adjusted so that the entire documentation is more valid. In some cases, incorrect endpoints have been temporarily removed from the documentation.
    • The endpoints for retrieving relationships now also return the ID of the relationship.
  • Finance

    • The receipt number scheme in the bank statement import is now saved correctly again.

Deletions #


    • The endpoint ‘/api/groups’ currently provides role information by default. This will no longer be the case in the foreseeable future.
    • The old endpoints ‘addPersonGroupRelation’ and ‘editPersonGroupRelation’ are deprecated. The new endpoints PUT/PATCH /api/groups/$groupId/members/$personId should be used.
  • Groups

    • The group description will be limited to 10,000 characters in future.

ChurchTools 3.107.0 (04.03.2024) #

Improvements #

  • Posts

    • The posts module is now available for everyone.
    • Reported posts and comments can now be edited by people with the right to moderate posts.
  • General

    • You can only change the current user if the other user with the same e-mail address has already set a password.
    • The creation of donation receipts and the execution of further actions for many entries now works more reliably.
  • Persons & Groups

    • New Further action allows you to retrieve people from the archive.

Fixed Bugs #

  • General

    • Creating the data sheet for the right to information works again.
    • The banner for the declaration of consent is reliably displayed again.
  • Calendar

    • Entries in the date field Repeat to are checked for correctness.
    • The quarter view is consistently referred to as quarter, no longer as list.
  • Persons & Groups

    • Fixes a bug in the further action Adjust group member role and status.
    • When creating a group, a location is no longer assigned if none has been selected.
  • Groups

    • Group member fields are now also displayed in the member list and when editing members in the set sort order.

    • The api ‘/api/persons/id’ now allows the specification of a GUID as ID parameter again.
    • The endpoints for accessing appointments no longer return appointments that have been declared as “internal” for the public user.
  • Events

    • Bulk operations are only visible to users who are authorized to edit events.

ChurchTools 3.106.0 (19.02.2024) #

Improvements #

  • Posts

    • The new Posts module is available for all with the permission administer persons to make settings for the church in preparation for the module.
  • General

    • Group type, location and category of groups are displayed in the search results
    • The editing modes in the profile make better use of the width of the screen
  • Persons & Groups

    • Batch adjustments are entered more consistently in the log.
    • The calculation of geo-coordinates for a person’s address has been improved and works more reliably.
    • Duplicate comparison now ignores upper/lower case when comparing names
    • Unnecessary rerendering could occur with slow network connections or with large installations. This has been fixed
  • Groups

    • The “Waiting list” status is now also available for manual selection.
  • Calendar

    • The calendar has been substantially revised, there is now an annual planning view and better list display. The previous list view can still be used.
    • The print view has been revised and now looks much better.
  • Events

    • The calendar location for an event is displayed on the ChurchTools home page, if available.
    • Bulk operations for events allow you to fill and add services in an event.
    • In the browser of the smartphone/tablet you can now move schedule positions via the menu.
    • Improved display in the duty roster when filtering services
    • Simultaneous editing of an agenda now works
    • Agenda templates can now only be created for permitted calendars
  • Finance

    • Transaction suggestions when importing account statements are now case-insensitive
  • System-Settings

    • Group-internal authorizations for group type can be overwritten for posts for groups

Fixed Bugs #

  • General

    • The e-mails sent can be retrieved as a super admin, even if the super admin does not have an e-mail address.
  • Persons & Groups

    • In the registration form, now also only zeros are allowed as text for text fields.
    • When exporting persons, the salutations “Mr. / Mrs.” and “Dear / Dear” are also exported correctly in other languages.
    • The age group statistics now also process birthdays without a year correctly.
    • QR codes for new group members are created again without problems.
  • Groups

    • In the rules for automatic groups, multiselect terms are now resolved correctly again when editing.
    • In Safari, the e-mailer now has a reasonable size again.
    • The age groups of a group are now correctly resolved when editing.
    • Selection fields without a value no longer show the default value.
  • Calendar

    • Appointment templates remain usable, even if resources used in them no longer exist.
    • Reminders for appointments that have already been deleted no longer cause a system error.
    • When displaying group birthdays, the members of public groups are no longer displayed.
    • Event templates that contain a service that has since been deleted can be used again without any problems.
    • Moving recurring appointments in the weekly view works again.
  • Events

    • You can now download files from the permitted event with group-internal rights only.
    • Songs can still be edited after renaming files.
    • Creating services now also works well with only group-internal authorizations.
  • Wiki

    • When converting HTML pages to Markdown, the image paths are converted correctly
    • Copying a link in the list of files & links works again

ChurchTools 3.105.0 (22.02.2024) #

Improvements #

  • General

    • An administrator can now see the subject line of system e-mails again, even if the content of the e-mail is confidential and therefore hidden.
  • Persons & Groups

    • The automatic e-mail dispatch of check-in codes can now be deactivated so that the check-in codes can be distributed manually or at a defined time.
    • Any textual content can now be inserted as a QR code in emails and serial letters using the #qrcode placeholder function.
    • Country names on address labels are now printed in capital letters.
  • Groups

    • After creating a group, you will be forwarded directly to it.
    • Abbreviated menu items are now provided with a tooltip in the sidebar.
    • Group meetings in the future can now also be unlocked again.
    • The HTML page titles are now more compelling than before.
  • Calendar

    • If a registration group has been created for a calendar entry, the link is now no longer to the group but to the actual public registration.
    • When a meeting request is created or changes are made to an appointment with meeting requests, the requested persons are also informed with a push message in the app.
    • The log entry for appointments now always contains a descriptive title.
  • Events

    • Im Feld ‘Zuständig’ im Ablaufplan können jetzt bis zu 1024 Zeichen genutzt werden.
  • Sync

    • Die Liste der Ausführungen und Simulationen von Sync-Aufträgen läd jetzt schneller.

    • GET /groups/hierarchies – Notiz erweitert mit Verweis auf GET /groups/{groupId}/children.
    • Der Endpunkt /groups kann nun mit dem Parameter ‘include[]=places’ auch die Gruppentreffpunkte zurückgeben.
    • Der Endpunkt /groups kann jetzt mit dem Filter has_meeting_place nach Gruppen gefiltert werden, die Gruppentreffpunkte haben.
  • Public Relations

    • Die Rollen für die Webseite haben jetzt wieder eine Beschreibung.

Fixed Bugs #

  • General

    • Der Personen-Export funktioniert nun auch, wenn die Beziehung “nicht verwechseln mit” mit exportiert wird.
    • Der Datepicker öffnet nun wieder im korrekten Monat.
  • Persons & Groups

    • Ein Fehler beim Zusammenführen von Personen wurde behoben.
    • Es wird sichergestellt, dass immer eine E-Mail-Adresse als Standard gesetzt ist, wenn mindestens eine E-Mail vorhanden ist.
    • Beim Löschen eines Personen-Bildes konnte es zu Fehlern kommen, dies wurde behoben.
    • Die Duplikatserkennung beim Anlegen neuer Personen wurde verbessert.
  • Groups

    • Je nachdem wie man auf eine Detail-Seite einer Gruppe kam, konnte es dazu kommen, dass Informationen fehlten. Dies wurde behoben.
    • In der Hierarchie-Tabellen-Ansicht einer Gruppe wird nun auch das Tabellen-Layout gemerkt.
    • Die Berechtigungen zum Durchführen eines Gruppentreffens werden nun auch im Frontend korrekt überprüft.
    • Das Info-Widget wird nun konsistenter angezeigt.
    • Es gibt nun in den Einstellungen einer Gruppe die Möglichkeit diese als dynamische Gruppe durch Regeln zur automatischen Mitgliedschaft zu definieren.
    • Die Berechtigungen zum Sehen und Bearbeiten der Gruppenmitgliedschaftsfelder wird korrekt geprüft.
  • Calendar

    • Beim Wechsel im Kalender Modul auf “Nur meine Besprechungsanfragen” konnte es zu einem Fehler kommen. Dieser wurde behoben.
    • Ein Fehler bei der Auswahl eines Tages in der Listenansicht wurde behoben.
    • Geburtstage, für die nur das Geburtsjahr bekannt ist, werden nicht mehr am 1. Januar eines Jahres angezeigt.
    • Das Abo von Kalendern funktioniert wieder.
    • Die Berechtigungen, um Zugriffsrechte auf einen Kalender zu ändern, werden wieder korrekt überprüft.
    • In älteren Safari-Versionen konnte es im Kalender zu einem wiederholten Neuladen der Seite kommen, dies wurde behoben.
    • Beim Erstellen eines Termins konnte das Bild nicht erneut bearbeitet werden. Dies wurde behoben.
    • Wird zusammen mit einer Terminänderung auch eine Ressourcenbuchung geändert, so erscheint die Änderung der Buchung nun auch wieder in der E-Mail an den Verantwortlichen.
    • Besprechungsanfragen auf der Startseite im Web werden nun wieder korrekt angezeigt, wenn der dazugehörige Einzeltermin zeitlich verschoben wurde.
    • Die Einstellungen des Geburtstagskalenders werden jetzt korrekt geladen.
    • Das Anlegen von Events mit mehreren Event Admins funktioniert wieder zuverlässig.
    • Ein Termin, der ohne Änderung erneut gespeichert wird, erscheint nicht mehr im Abonnement.
  • Events

    • Mit dem Recht, Events anzulegen, kann man jetzt wieder alle Dienstgruppen auswählen und auch den Event-Admin eintragen.
    • Falls ein Benutzer nur Events sehen darf, für die er oder sie eingeteilt ist, idann zeigt Der Dienstplan nun wieder alle Events, in denen der Benutzer eingeteilt ist, nicht nur solche, in denen der Benutzer zugesagt hat.
    • Beim Löschen eines bereits vergangenen Events wird keine Absage mehr für eingeteilte Dienste verschickt.
    • Bei einer Änderung der Anzahl eines Dienstes werden die Zähler stets entsprechend angepasst. (Gilt nur für Änderungen über REST)
    • Der Dienstgruppenfilter verhält sich nun zuverlässiger, wenn zwischendurch auf die Einstellungen gewechselt wird.
  • Resources

    • Die E-Mail für automatisch bestätigte Ressourcen enthält nun wieder die Details der Buchung.
  • Wiki

    • Falsche Links führen nicht mehr dazu, dass die Datei-Uploads/Links nicht mehr angezeigt werden.
  • Finance

    • Die Erstellung von Spendenbescheinigungen funktioniert wieder.
    • Das Bearbeiten von Daten über die mobile Darstellung der Tabelle funktioniert nun wieder.
    • Beim Upload einer CSV-Datei von Konten, wird beim erneuten hochladen der Datei die Fehlermeldung resetet.
    • Es ist jetzt sichergestellt, dass für Buchungen, die als Gegenkonto kein Spendenkonto haben, auch kein Spender gespeichert wird.
    • Das Lernen beim Importieren von Kontoauszügen funktioniert jetzt auch bei Kontoauszügen aus dem letzten Jahr.
    • Buchungsjahre können nun auch gelöscht werden, wenn schon Spendenbescheinigungen erstellt wurden.
  • Public Relations

    • Die Beschreibung eines Standorts wird nun korrekt neu geladen.
  • Sync

    • Person im Archiv werden nicht mehr erneut angelegt beim Sync.

    • Der Endpunkt /startpage liefert zeigt mit nun Geburtstage nach einem Jahreswechsel mit der korrekten Jahreszahl an, auch wenn diese noch im Vorjahr abgerufen werden.
    • Geburtstage am 29. Februar werden immer dem 1. März zugeordnet, wenn der betrachtete Zeitraum kein Schaltjahr ist.

ChurchTools 3.104.0 (11.12.2023) #

Improvements #

  • Persons & Groups

    • The endpoint ‘/grouphomepages/{hash}’ can now be filtered with the parameter ‘depth’.
  • Groups

    • The settings for group chat can now also be edited.
    • Person fields can now also be used for filtering in the member list.
    • The table of group members can now also be sorted.
    • The history of group members is now integrated.
    • The filter of a table can now also be set via the column.
  • Calendar

    • The performance of the list view has been improved.
    • It is now also possible to view the entire description in the compact list view.
    • When printing the list view, the resources are now displayed in full length.
  • Wiki

    • The text for a page link [[Link]] is now no longer interpreted within backticks.

    • Changes via the endpoints for appointments and bookings initiate an update of the corresponding views (calendar or resources) on the web.
    • The endpoint ‘/api/groups/{id}/members’ now also allows filtering by person fields. Example: ‘/api/groups/5/members?person_firstName=Thomas’.
    • The API endpoints are no longer restricted due to module visibility.

Fixed Bugs #

  • Persons & Groups

    • Changes made by further person and group actions are now written to the log consistently.
    • Further person and group actions use meaningful messages to describe that an element was not affected by the operation.
    • The further filter now also shows correct results when switching to the archive.
    • When merging persons, upper and lower case letters are now ignored for emails.
    • Persons can now also be filtered with parts of the name or e-mail under Further filters.
    • Placeholders in automatic group emails that have the church as the sender now work again.
    • The placeholders for serial letters now work again.
    • ChurchTools no longer crashes when using a status without an abbreviation.
    • The setting for registering in a group “Multiple people can register together” can be activated and deactivated again.
    • An error could occur with some fields in the additional filters, this has been fixed.
    • The old placeholder syntax ([first name], [last name], …) in emails works again.
    • For automatic e-mails where the church is the sender, only the available placeholders are now offered in the editor.
    • If a person’s birthday is entered without a year, it will be displayed correctly again if a placeholder is used.
  • Groups

    • The permissions check for the group member export has been adapted to the existing module.
    • When executing another group action, the number of groups that were already configured accordingly is displayed.
  • Calendar

    • Changing an appointment with booked resources no longer leads to the loss of subtitle and description on the resource (if available).
    • The meeting request email now uses the correct time in the subject line.
    • Changing and deleting appointments no longer fails if one of the people previously involved is already archived or no longer exists.
    • Moving appointments in the calendar using the mouse now also handles deleted appointments correctly.
    • Deleting a calendar that still contains a series of appointments that are linked to several events no longer causes an error.
    • Emails to the creator of an appointment are only sent if there have actually been changes to the appointment.
    • Saving an unmodified appointment no longer leads to empty notifications that the meeting request has changed.
  • Events

    • The subject line of the e-mail for an exchange request is now used in the correct language.
    • When editing an event template, all service groups are now always visible, regardless of whether they are hidden in the overall view or not.
    • If an event is attached to a detached appointment and the appointment is also postponed by more than one day, the date of the linked event is now also adjusted accordingly.
  • Resources

    • Emails to the admin of a resource are no longer empty if the booking has already been confirmed.
    • If a booking is linked to an appointment, changing the status of the booking request no longer deletes an address linked to the appointment.
    • For resources that are booked via an appointment, the client can no longer be set independently of the appointment.
  • Wiki

    • When restoring a page, the page is now also reloaded correctly.
  • Check-in

    • When creating a new person with a date of birth, this is now saved correctly again.
  • Finance

    • When adjusting a transaction with a linked tax entry, the document date and document number are now also adjusted in the tax entry.

    • Validation for donations has been improved.
    • In case of validation errors, the correct parameters are now returned so that the translation works.

ChurchTools 3.103.0 (13.11.2023) #

Improvements #

  • General

    • In some cases the section of the avatars was improperly computed, this has been fixed.
    • The Infoscreen is now more stable, even if the network is unstable at times.
    • The translations of the modules are now loaded more efficiently. If no translation is found for the language selected by the user, the English translation is used.
    • The content of forgotten password emails is hidden in the archive of sent emails.
    • Die Platzhalter in E-Mails wurden überarbeitet. Es können jetzt alle Personenfelder, sowie Beziehungen verwendet werden. Bei Gruppen-E-Mails (z.B. automatischen E-Mails) stehen ausgewählte Gruppen-Felder zur Verfügung.
  • Persons & Groups

    • The automatic field mapping in the person CSV import now works better.
    • As a super admin, you can now reset the last group meeting without being the leader of the group.
    • Es gibt 5 neue globale Berechtigungen für das Arbeiten mit Gruppen: create groups of grouptype, edit group, edit groups of grouptype, delete group, delete groups of grouptype.
    • Beim Anlegen einer Gruppe bekommt der Ersteller automatisch die globale Berechtigung ‘edit group’ für diese Gruppe.
    • Die Benennung und Sortierung der Rechte im Modul Personen & Gruppen wurde verbessert.
  • Groups

    • The title of a group can now be edited directly on the overview.
    • Calls of member dialogs with wrong ID are now intercepted.
    • When deleting a group member via the context menu, there is now an intermediate query.
    • In the dialog for a group member, the link to the person’s profile is now opened in a new tab.
    • The pinning of columns in the tables has been improved.
    • The default visibility “Restricted” is now also displayed on the group cards.
    • It is now possible to add people to full groups.
    • It is now also possible to create new groups only with the group-internal right to create subgroups.
    • The error message for date entries has been improved.
    • Beim Hinzufügen von Gruppenmitgliedern können nun auch direkt alle benutzerdefinierten Gruppenmitgliedsfelder angegeben werden.
  • Calendar

    • When creating a calendar for a group with location, the corresponding fields are now better preset.
  • Ressourcen

    • Nach Änderungen werden E-Mails an die Administratoren einer Ressource nur noch verschickt, wenn sich die Buchung zeitlich verschoben hat.

    • Operations that would lead to a unique key violation in the database will be acknowledged with HTTP status 409 in the future.
    • The /persons/<id>/openmeetingrequests endpoint now additionally returns the start and end of the next meeting for each meeting request that is still open. This improves the display for recurring appointments that are already partially in the past.
    • The GET /permissions/internal/groups endpoint returns all in-group permissions for all groups.
    • The GET /startpage endpoint no longer returns a birthday widget if the user cannot see any birthdays at all, e.g. because permission on people in general or their birthdate in particular is missing.
      • Die Endpunkte GET /calendars und GET /calendars/<id>/appointments können auch vom unauthentifizierten Benutzer aufgerufen werden.

Fixed Bugs #

  • General

    • The language selected by the user now has priority again, even if multiple languages are accidentally set as ‘default’.
    • Date selection now takes into account the configured first day of the week.
    • Login with spaces in the password now works again.
    • Login via QR code works again for all users.
  • Persons & Groups

    • Search and person filter now also consider the non-default emails.
    • The number of a fax machine is now only displayed on the member list if it is actually set.
    • Relationships when uploading a family picture are now displayed correctly.
    • Follow-ups are now only displayed for active group members.
    • When people are archived using a bulk operation, the people list is automatically reloaded so that the archived people are no longer displayed.
    • On the group home page, a click is now only performed when clicking on a card element.
    • When exporting people, the line header for emails is now translated correctly.
    • Gruppenmitglieder werden nicht mehr sichtbar gemacht mit dem Recht Alle Personen des jeweiligen Bereiches sichtbar machen (view alldata), wenn man die Gruppe nur über ihre Sichtbarkeit (öffentlich, intern) sehen kann, sondern nur noch, wenn man sie über ein anderes Recht sehen kann. Details hier:
  • Groups

    • Alerts within a dialog now work correctly.
    • Automatic emails now only suggest ChurchTools as sender if there are no other valid senders.
    • The emailer now correctly takes into account the “copy to me”.
    • When entering the queries of a group, search parameters are now no longer passed.
    • Changing the group type of a group is now possible without errors.
    • Sub and superiors groups are now displayed correctly.
    • Group members can now also be filtered by group member fields that contain a space or a period.
    • For the export of group members, the group-internal right is now also taken into account.
    • If the role of a member in a group changes, the statistics are now updated accordingly.
    • Deleting groups from the list no longer leaves broken views.
    • The “All Actions” menu of the group table is no longer truncated.
    • Gruppenmitglieder auf Seiten größer als 1 können nun fehlerfrei aufgerufen werden.
    • Beim Ändern des Gruppenmitgliedsstatuses wird nun der Name der Person korrekt angezeigt.
  • Events

    • There was still an error in the selection of the displayed service groups, this has been fixed.
    • Beim Bearbeiten eines Ablaufplans wird wieder zuverlässig die letzte bearbeitende Person gesetzt.
  • Calendar

    • In an iCal export, all-day appointments are now output correctly.
    • When editing the description of an appointment template and then changing the template, the description is no longer overwritten but that of the new template is loaded.
    • Wird eine Vorlage auf einen bestehenden Termin angewandt, dann wird nun auch die Beschreibung wieder korrekt mit dem Termin gespeichert.
  • Ressourcen

    • Buchungen mit 24h Vorlauf werden nun korrekt angezeigt.
    • Nicht mehr aktive Benutzer, die noch als Administratoren für eine Ressource eingetragen sind, erhalten keine E-Mails mehr.
  • Finance

    • Reports are now also available again without a license.
    • In the account overview of the account statements, a hover state is now no longer displayed in the upper summary.
    • When saving postings with taxes, the cost center is now also taken over for the tax posting.
    • The suggestions for postings in the bank statement import are now adjusted when donors are deleted.

    • The GET /groups/hierarchies endpoint no longer complains about uninitialized fields when the calling user may not be allowed to see all groups in the hierarchy.
    • The calculation of the last day of the week of a month has been corrected so that months are no longer skipped if the start date is very late in the first month.
    • Der Kollisionsberechnung für einen Kalendertermin mit mindestens zwei Buchungen verursacht keinen Typfehler mehr.
    • Wenn über den Endpunkt POST /calendars/<calendarId>/appointments/<appointmentId> eine Terminserie aufgeteilt wird, so werden evtl. damit verbundene Events nicht mehr versehentlich verschoben.
    • Der Endpunkt GET /startpage berücksichtigt für die Dienste-Widgets, ob die angezeigten Dienste getauscht werden dürfen.

Löschungen #

  • System-Einstellungen
    • Die Option zur Einstellung einer Standard-Sprache wurde entfernt.

ChurchTools 3.102.0 #

Improvements #

  • General

    • Push notifications are now sent in the recipient’s language, not the creator’s language.
    • System events are written to the log with their own domain.
  • Persons & Groups

    • The new group actions ‘Adjust day of the week of groups’ and ‘Adjust start time of groups’ are now available.
    • In the person view, the list of persons related to the respective person is now sorted by relationship type (1. spouse, 2. children, 3. parents), and within descending by age. This brings order, similar persons are next to each other.
  • Groups

    • Scrolling within tables has been improved.
    • When editing automatic emails, closing the modal via the background is no longer possible.
    • Map elements now have a better hover & click status.
  • Calendar

    • In the calendar, birthdays of people who are in your groups are no longer shown twice. There is now a choice to see all birthdays or just the group birthdays.
  • Events

    • The events and dates can now be repeated up to 5 years into the future when creating them. Previously, the “Repeat” option only went 3 years ahead. The appointments now appear in the calendar for the same length of time.
  • Resources

    • Resources are now reloaded when a day change is detected.
  • Wiki

    • The page title (HTML title) shows the name of the category and the wiki page.

    • The REST endpoint /startpage takes into account the selection of calendars in the app.

Fixed Bugs #

  • General

    • The global search now works again even if the person profile is opened.
  • Persons & Groups

    • One can now edit privacy and category data such as status or signature date of the privacy policy only if one has the 'write access' right on people.
    • The First Contact Date is set again automatically when creating new persons. This also makes the weekly report correct and conclusive again.
    • Fixed an error when registering children.
    • Automatic emails can now be deleted again.
    • The status filter under Groups > Other Filters is now only visible with the appropriate rights.
  • Groups

    • In special cases the table of group members could not be scrolled. This has been fixed.
    • Editing of group info of the number type has been corrected.
    • Images are now not displayed in the table.
    • The context menu in the group cards could flicker under certain circumstances. This has been fixed.
    • Superior or sub groups can now be removed correctly again.
    • In the preview cards, texts that are too long are now handled correctly.
    • Renaming and duplicating groups now uses the correct name field.
    • In the member table, selection options such as gender are now optionally translated.
    • Selection of campus in the menu bar is now taken into account in the new groups module.
    • On labels, married couples are correctly referred to again.
    • Automatic update of persons now also loads the correct group memberships again.
    • When adding a new member, HTML characters are no longer displayed in the heading.
    • Deactivated leader roles can now be activated correctly again.
    • Deactivated roles no longer appear in the left menu bar.
    • Quick search now also leads to the right place within groups.
    • On the overview page, click + CTRL now also works correctly.
    • The group member dialog now shows the correct status of the check-in code.
    • The subtitle is now also displayed in the group member info.
    • Yes-No fields are now correctly displayed with “No” if they are not yet filled in.
    • Sometimes no groups were displayed because the selected page was not reset to 1.
    • In the administration of group types, there could be an incorrect display if there were too many roles.
  • Calendar

    • With the global right Create and edit appointment it is now no longer possible to delete calendars and edit their settings.
    • The selection of groups when creating a calendar is now sorted alphabetically.
    • The email subject of a meeting request now contains the correct data again.
    • Updating calendars now only happens for the selected ones.
    • Applying the same appointment template multiple times no longer leads to more and more resource bookings.
  • Events

    • Fixed the Hide on global view property for service groups so that it is the default setting for initial use. Filtering a specific service group now shows the services, regardless of the global setting.
    • The initial data of the export mode is now displayed correctly again.
    • Services can now always be edited in the master data regardless of the currently selected location.
  • Ressources

    • The log entry for resource bookings now contains the correct time for start and end.
  • Check-in

    • Printing the group list works again.
  • *Finance

    • The field List profit-loss surplus in this class in account classes can now be edited.
    • Fixed an error when creating new donors.
    • When importing an mt940 file, a validation error could occur that caused incorrect analysis of a date.
  • Public Relations

    • The text [Admin] can invite more users in the website admin sectionat “Your website” has been removed because it is no longer applicable.

    • Additional dates that fall on the date of a switch from winter to summer time (or vice versa) are no longer displayed with the wrong time.

ChurchTools 3.102.0 (09.10.2023) #

Improvements #

  • General

    • Push notifications are now sent in the recipient’s language, not the creator’s language.
    • System events are written to the log with their own domain.
  • Persons & Groups

    • The new group actions ‘Adjust day of the week of groups’ and ‘Adjust start time of groups’ are now available.
    • In the person view, the list of persons related to the respective person is now sorted by relationship type (1. spouse, 2. children, 3. parents), and within descending by age. This brings order, similar persons are next to each other.
  • Groups

    • Scrolling within tables has been improved.
    • When editing automatic emails, closing the modal via the background is no longer possible.
    • Map elements now have a better hover & click status.
  • Calendar

    • In the calendar, birthdays of people who are in your groups are no longer shown twice. There is now a choice to see all birthdays or just the group birthdays.
  • Events

    • The events and dates can now be repeated up to 5 years into the future when creating them. Previously, the “Repeat” option only went 3 years ahead. The appointments now appear in the calendar for the same length of time.
  • Resources

    • Resources are now reloaded when a day change is detected.
  • Wiki

    • The page title (HTML title) shows the name of the category and the wiki page.

    • The REST endpoint /startpage takes into account the selection of calendars in the app.

Fixed Bugs #

  • General

    • The global search now works again even if the person profile is opened.
  • Persons & Groups

    • One can now edit privacy and category data such as status or signature date of the privacy policy only if one has the 'write access' right on people.
    • The First Contact Date is set again automatically when creating new persons. This also makes the weekly report correct and conclusive again.
    • Fixed an error when registering children.
    • Automatic emails can now be deleted again.
    • The status filter under Groups > Other Filters is now only visible with the appropriate rights.
  • Groups

    • In special cases the table of group members could not be scrolled. This has been fixed.
    • Editing of group info of the number type has been corrected.
    • Images are now not displayed in the table.
    • The context menu in the group cards could flicker under certain circumstances. This has been fixed.
    • Superior or sub groups can now be removed correctly again.
    • In the preview cards, texts that are too long are now handled correctly.
    • Renaming and duplicating groups now uses the correct name field.
    • In the member table, selection options such as gender are now optionally translated.
    • Selection of campus in the menu bar is now taken into account in the new groups module.
    • On labels, married couples are correctly referred to again.
    • Automatic update of persons now also loads the correct group memberships again.
    • When adding a new member, HTML characters are no longer displayed in the heading.
    • Deactivated leader roles can now be activated correctly again.
    • Deactivated roles no longer appear in the left menu bar.
    • Quick search now also leads to the right place within groups.
    • On the overview page, click + CTRL now also works correctly.
    • The group member dialog now shows the correct status of the check-in code.
    • The subtitle is now also displayed in the group member info.
    • Yes-No fields are now correctly displayed with “No” if they are not yet filled in.
    • Sometimes no groups were displayed because the selected page was not reset to 1.
    • In the administration of group types, there could be an incorrect display if there were too many roles.
  • Calendar

    • With the global right Create and edit appointment it is now no longer possible to delete calendars and edit their settings.
    • The selection of groups when creating a calendar is now sorted alphabetically.
    • The email subject of a meeting request now contains the correct data again.
    • Updating calendars now only happens for the selected ones.
    • Applying the same appointment template multiple times no longer leads to more and more resource bookings.
  • Events

    • Fixed the Hide on global view property for service groups so that it is the default setting for initial use. Filtering a specific service group now shows the services, regardless of the global setting.
    • The initial data of the export mode is now displayed correctly again.
    • Services can now always be edited in the master data regardless of the currently selected location.
  • Ressources

    • The log entry for resource bookings now contains the correct time for start and end.
  • Check-in

    • Printing the group list works again.
  • *Finance

    • The field List profit-loss surplus in this class in account classes can now be edited.
    • Fixed an error when creating new donors.
    • When importing an mt940 file, a validation error could occur that caused incorrect analysis of a date.
  • Public Relations

    • The text [Admin] can invite more users in the website admin sectionat “Your website” has been removed because it is no longer applicable.

    • Additional dates that fall on the date of a switch from winter to summer time (or vice versa) are no longer displayed with the wrong time.

ChurchTools 3.100.0 (10.07.2023) #

Improvements #

  • General

    • The display of the authorization filter in the permissions management has been revised and standardized.
    • The new Writing Assistant makes it possible to automatically generate and refine descriptive texts for groups and appointments.
  • Persons & Groups

    • In the ” More actions” for multiple selection fields, in addition to overwriting or adding, the selection can now also be removed. For example, individual age groups can be removed from many groups at the same time.
      • The ‘Add groups to a superior group’ action has been revised.
    • Terminated public groups are now better displayed on the group home page.
    • People search now searches the entire email address, not just from the beginning.
    • Links in subtitles for group registration fields are now automatically recognized as such.
  • Calendar

    • The form for editing appointments is now better accessible with the tab key.
  • Resources

    • Bookings are now loaded in the resource module up to 5 years into the future.

    • The API /events/{eventId}/services/{serviceId}/possiblepersons now also takes into account the tags entered in the service.
      • New CRUD APIs for group meeting templates /api/group/meetingtemplates.
    • New Rest API to get the superordinates and subordinates of a group: /groups/{groupId}/children.

Fixed Bugs #

  • General

    • Some dialogs in ChurchTools could not be displayed in iframes until now. These have been replaced.
    • Fixes a few bugs in the member list on the home page.
  • Persons & Groups

    • The Add Tag action in the Person view saves tags correctly. The permissions in the Add Permission action are now displayed correctly.
    • In the search preview, people with umlauts are now displayed correctly.
    • The leaving date of members of a group is now correctly displayed in the history.
    • Group member fields are correctly displayed in the bulk operation -Adapt group member fields-.
  • Check-in

    • The selection field for the calendar selection is now fully displayed again.

    • Sorting in the Group API now works correctly, even across multiple pages.
    • The options in the API /fields are now sorted by SortKey.
    • When requesting a service, an error occurred in some cases.
  • System-Settings

    • In the Right to Information, a data sheet can now also be created for archived users.
  • Finance

    • When importing account statements, the system now checks for the transaction date and not the opening balance date.
    • The confirmation dialog for deleting transactions is now displayed again.
  • Resources

    • The lead and lag time of resources is calculated and displayed correctly.

ChurchTools 3.99.0 (12.06.2023) #

Improvements #

  • Persons & Groups

    • The Further actions for Groups have been revised, especially the permissions. They are also now more consistent with the Further actions for persons.
    • Translated roles are now displayed in the group chat dialog.
    • For each role in a group, you can now configure whether it counts towards the maximum number of participants.
  • Resources

    • In the print view, the titles of the bookings are now written out in full.

    • The api PUT /api/persons/{personId}/servicerequests/{eventServiceId} can now be used to request people for services.
    • New REST api: GET /api/calendars/{calendarId}/appointments/{appointmentId}
  • System-Settings

    • In the settings for the birthday list, the entries are now also potentially translated.
  • Finance

    • Validation when importing accounts via CSV is now more stable by removing spaces during validation.

Fixed Bugs #

  • General

    • When trying to call the permissions management from a group, an error could occur. This has been fixed.
    • In the older print views the icon of the printer has been removed because it caused problems. The print function of the browser still works as before.
    • In the facts of the last days, the sum is now also translated.
    • In the translation table it could happen that the pagination did not work. This has been fixed.
  • Persons & Groups

    • The waitinglistMaxPersons field can now be successfully saved using the api PATCH /groups/{groupId}.
      • The dialog for printing address labels now works as usual again.
      • In the duplicate view, an error could occur if you could not see a person. This has been fixed.
  • Calendar

    • “Calendar selection” is now also translated.
    • On the Infoscreen the logo of the church was cut incorrectly . This has been corrected.
    • When checking the rights for a calendar, the more general rights such as “Manage group calendars” were previously ignored. This has been corrected.
  • Events

    • When creating a song, you will only be offered categories for which you are authorized.
  • System-Settings

    • In the license under invoice recipient the HTML is now displayed correctly again.

ChurchTools 3.98.0 (16.05.2023) #

Improvements #

  • Persons & Groups

    • Bulk operations on persons are now carried out more efficiently and consistently. The display of the operations has also been revised. The operation Change group role has been adapted and is now called Change group role and group status. In addition, the new bulk operations Change family status, 'Change nationality and Change gender have been added.
  • System-Settings

    • When using the ChurchTools e-mail server, only the sender address is now possible. This improves the reliability of e-mail delivery.
  • General

    • The Limesurvey integration can now also be used if you use an API URL that consists of query parameters. In this case, the entire admin URL must be entered in the integration.

Fixed Bugs #

  • General

    • Special characters are now correctly escaped in the global search.
    • Mails containing a login string were invalidated by some e-mail programs. This should no longer happen.
    • The privacy policy will be displayed correctly again.
    • Uploading images now works more reliably again.
  • Personen & Gruppen

    • The department master data no longer displays an unnecessary department column.
    • In the group export, the contact details of the leaders are displayed again.
  • Calendar

    • When splitting an appointment series (“Edit this and the following”), all affected registration groups are now assigned to the new partial series.
    • When a calendar is deleted or an external iCal link is added subsequently, all linked resource bookings are now also deleted.
    • Information about recent changes has been added to the iCal data of exported calendars, so updating from external calendar providers should work better.
    • The creation of registration groups now works more reliably.
  • Reports

    • Fixed a bug where the fact report was re-adding the facts for each calendar.
  • Sync

    • Property values that no longer exist in the assignments are now handled correctly again and displayed as no longer existing.
  • Wiki

    • In the Markdown editor, the “Insert Blank Line” button works as expected again.

ChurchTools 3.97.0 (19.04.2023) #

Improvements #

  • Persons & Groups

    • Significant acceleration of APIs that return person data, taking into account security levels.
  • General

    • In the question mark menu the link to the feedback form has been added.
  • Events

    • The song usage export (CCLI Report view) additionally contains the author of the song.

    • New CRUD APIs: Facts (Master Data)
    • New CRUD APIs: EventFacts

Fixed Bugs #

  • General

    • iCals from Outlook can now also be used.
    • Fixes the database errors from the change from 3.95.2 to 3.96.0.
    • Improved the detection of links in the invitation mail.
  • Persons & Groups

    • The “”Persons & Groups”” module is available for use again, even if you can’t see any groups.
    • Person fields with comment field type can be searched again.
    • In the group settings it could happen that the option to create new persons was not saved, this has been fixed.
    • The error message for date fields has been corrected.
    • Some errors in the sticky header & footer of the table regarding z-index have been fixed.
    • When deleting a group meeting point, it is now queried again by name beforehand.
    • Show age groups in group export and not only their IDs.
    • Group-internal permissions for editing persons were not considered if the person concerned could not see the group.
  • Calendar

    • Fixes a bug where appointments in an appointment series with manual recurrence could not be edited individually if they were already detached from the appointment series.
    • Birthdays under one year are now displayed with 0 years instead of 0 seconds.
  • Events

    • The menu item Absences is now also visible again if you only have the group-internal right to view absences.
  • Wiki

    • Wiki pages with multiple slashes in the title are now also displayed correctly.
      • Files that are not images are now linked correctly again.
  • Finance

    • All donation receipts can now be deleted even if not all donation receipts have been created yet.
    • Individual donation receipts can now also be created from the second and further pages of the donor list.
    • When importing bank statements, the automatically determined donor was incorrectly passed on, even if the entry was not posted as a donation. This has been corrected.
    • When deleting master data, incorrect error messages occurred, this has been fixed.
  • Sync

    • If several groups are synced, the display is now correct again on complete assignment of the values.
  • Reports

    • AdHoc reports with filters now work even if a field is not set at all (e.g. the report ‘Group development per month’ with the filter ‚campus’ if only one location is available and the groups are therefore not assigned to a specific location at all)

Further changes #

  • In the Manage menu, the “Admin Settings” menu item has been renamed to “System Settings”

ChurchTools 3.96.0 (20.03.2023) #

Improvements #

  • Persons & Groups

    • The group member fields are now made visible via a separate “view group member fields” permission.
    • Applying bulk operations to groups, i.e. an operation like adding a tag to all selected groups has been improved. The existing bulk operations have been revised and new ones have been added. The operations are also more performant, so any number of groups can be adjusted at the same time.
    • Comment fields in group member data can now be up to 512 characters in length and are displayed in full in the group member table.
  • Calendar

    • A few detail improvements in searching for people in meeting requests.
    • The search field can be set for list views of embedded calendars directly in the preview.

    • New REST-Apis to create and delete group hierarchies.
    • New CRUD-Api for group types.
    • New CRUD-Api for groups Meeting points.
    • New CRUD-Api for age groups.
    • New CRUD-Api for group status.
    • New CRUD-Api for target groups.

Fixed Bugs #

  • General

    • On the start page, the individual dates of a series of dates are now displayed under next dates. Even if dates of the series are already in the past.
  • Calendar

    • When editing a single appointment of an appointment series or a subset of the appointments of an appointment series, the status of the meeting requests is preserved. However, if the start time changes, the meeting requests are also reset. In addition, participants who have already confirmed, canceled, or indicated ‘maybe’ will be notified of the changes via email.
    • Automatically created registration groups receive the start date of the appointment as the creation date.
  • Persons & Groups

    • When changing the status from requested to active for group members, the person is now taken directly into the chat, if so configured. Previously, this happened only with the next cron job.
    • The group export works again.
    • Archived persons can be exported again.
  • Sync

    • Im Job werden nun die Eigenschaften zum Vereinheitlichen wieder korrekt gespeichert.
  • Public Relations

    • Die präsentierten Personen lassen sich wieder sortieren.
  • Wiki

    • Nach der Navigation innerhalb des Wikis werden Links zu fehlenden Seiten wieder als solche markiert
  • Reports

    • Behebt einen Fehler durch den Abfragen nur noch auf alte Gruppenmitgliedsdaten zugegriffen haben.
  • Finance

    • Das Löschen von Konten funktioniert wieder auch wenn man schon Kontoauszüge für dieses Konto importiert hat.
  • Events

    • Die CCLI-Integration funktioniert jetzt auch nach längerer Zeit der Inaktivität. Bei Fehlern mit der Verbindung zu CCLI werden jetzt sprechendere Fehlermeldungen angezeigt.

ChurchTools 3.95.1 (01.03.2023) #

Fixed Bugs #

  • Persons & Groups

    • The group internal right ‘Remove group members’ is evaluated correctly again.
    • Only active groups are shown to every logged in person if they have the visibility ‘Public’ or ‘Internal’.
    • The permission ‘Make all persons of the respective department visible (view alldata)’ is no longer sufficient for public and internal groups to also see group members.
    • In the group list, archived ones are hidden by default via the group status filter
    • Editing the role after login works now.
    • The group internal permission +remove from group works again.
    • Bug fixes when merging duplicates.
  • Events

    • Events that have no songs in the agenda are now only checked once during CCLI reporting. This results in fewer log entries.

ChurchTools 3.95.0 (22.02.2023) #

Improvements #

  • Persons & Groups

    • Kosovo was added as a nationality
    • In the master data, the editing of the group type role has been adapted so that invalid conditions can no longer arise.
    • When creating groups, you can now join them directly. People with group-internal permissions can thus also see their group immediately
    • When a new group type is created, its participants and a leader role are also created
    • Die Gruppenmitgliedsrolle wurde in Rolle und Status aufgeteilt.
    • There is a new visibility level ‘internal’ for groups
    • There are now 4 group statuses: Active, Draft, Terminated and Archived. In Review has been renamed to Draft, Inactive has been renamed to Archived and Terminated is new
    • There are now 4 group-internal permissions for editing group fields
      • Edit group properties
      • Edit basic settings of the group
      • Manage follow-up
      • Manage meetings
  • Calendar

    • In the calendar module you can now see your open and self-created meeting requests and edit them directly
    • People can now be searched for meeting requests
  • Finance

    • The budget view now uses the entire screen width
    • In the account statement, the footer of the table is only displayed on the last page to avoid confusion.
  • Admin-Settings

    • The authorisation display for the group-internal rights is now better sorted
  • Events

    • It is now easier to see when you have faded out a programme item in the agenda

Fixed Bugs #

  • Calendar
    • Fixes a problem where an appointment could appear twice in iCal

ChurchTools 3.94.1 (28.01.2023) #

Fixed Bugs #

  • Events

    • CCLI Accordsheets are now generated in a single column again.
  • Finance

    • When creating a new accounting year, entries that contain a tax are no longer mistakenly copied.
  • Persons & Groups

    • The list of persons is displayed correctly again.
    • Fixed a bug where group internal permissions were not applied to subgroups if you cannot see yourself.
    • In rare cases, group fields were no longer displayed correctly.
  • Calendar

    • The “Location for iCal” field for resources is now displayed again as a location in the iCal feeds of calendars and resources.

    • The privacy settings can be saved for individuals again.

ChurchTools 3.94.0 (24.01.2023) #

Improvements #

  • General

    • Polish can now also be selected as a language.
  • Persons & Groups

    • Geocoding has been improved when there is only one ZIP code.
    • In “My Tasks” now only active groups are considered.
    • Duplicates can now be handled in ChurchTools. Similar entries are found and assisted in merging them.
    • Sorting of address labels can now be selected between address, name or birthday
  • Events

    • In the Absences tab, new absences are now displayed directly without reloading.
    • A few translations of master data were corrected in the agenda.
    • The events print view now shows all future events
  • Finance

    • There is a new report for monthly and quarterly revenues.
    • The transaction form has been improved so that it is easier to understand.
    • In the bank statement rules, the validation of the fields has been improved.
    • Purposes and transaction texts that are too long are now wrapped.
    • Bank statement import now works with upper and lower case file extension.
    • Transactions can now be cancelled easily. A cancellation transaction will be created automatically and the cancelled transaction will be marked accordingly.
    • When creating and editing accounts and account groups, it is now more clearly displayed to which account classes and account types the account groups are assigned.
    • Transactions are now highlighted by color according to expense and revenue.
    • The handling of already created bulk receipts has been improved.
  • Sync

    • The executions are now sorted chronologically. (Newest execution first)

    • New api to get people who might be relevant to a service, with weighing.
    • Boolean arguments now also work in the API browser.
  • Public Relations

    • Social media links could have a very narrow dropdown in some languages. This has been fixed.
    • Those authorized for the ChurchTools website can now be configured through Public Relations.
  • Admin-Settings

    • The “ALPHA Bookstore” integration can now be configured in the admin settings. On 30.01. the bookstore will then go live in the app.

Fixed Bugs #

  • General

    • Incorrect salutation in e-mails regarding a changed appointment has been fixed. If the title of an event has been changed, it will be informed about it in the e-mail as well.
    • Module names are now also translated in the “More” menu.
  • Persons & Groups

    • Persons & Groups now shows the group even if only the +see group permission is given
    • When exporting people, now the title of the second person is also exported when relationships are merged.
    • When importing CSV files, leading and trailing spaces of the data fields are removed.
    • Only relevant and authorized group types are now displayed for selection in the person table header.
    • In the search it was possible by combinatorics to get more information than permitted to see.
    • In the old group homepage the registration now works correctly again.
    • If the group type has ID 0, then its groups were not displayed in the people functions.
  • Calendar

    • In calendars exported as iCal, the location of the appointment is now also displayed.
    • In the Resources tab, the conflicts for a booking were not updated if it was deleted or rejected.
    • The plus icon to create new appointments was previously incorrectly displayed for the public user as well. This has been corrected.
    • To prevent XSS attacks we had to restrict the CSS feature in the admin settings. Please check if your CSS code still works.
  • Events

    • Agendas with quotes in the event name can now be exported correctly.
    • When editing recurring appointments with linked events, old event chats that have already been terminated are no longer automatically reactivated.
    • A completed agenda can now no longer be edited, even if you still have it open as another user or in another tab.
    • When creating events, the rights are now also checked with respect to facts.
    • The right to edit absences is now checked earlier and not only when saving.
    • In some cases, the proposed persons for the service were not displayed correctly.
    • A note about hidden group assignments is displayed in the service master data when the location filter is active.
  • Wiki

    • When directly calling an older page version, it is now also displayed as such.
    • Allow style attribute for HTML tags div, p, span in Markdown
    • Fixed a few display errors in the wiki that came in with the last version.
  • Check-in

    • When changing the group while adding a person, an error occurred. This has been fixed.
  • Sync

    • The hints for incomplete property assignments are now displayed correctly again.

    • In the Events API, the value enterSelfIfFree (which indicates whether you can enter yourself into a free service) is now calculated correctly again if you get this right via the group-internal permission ‘churchservice +entry free’.
  • Admin-Settings

    • In the permission management, the campus is now displayed for resources and songs.
  • Finance

    • In expired accounting years, individually created donation receipts no longer come with a draft watermark.
    • When filtering by cost centers, additional filters are now also included in the totals row.

Guest contributors #

Thanks to Bernhard Weichel for the concept and backend of the duplicate feature.

ChurchTools 3.93.1 #

Fixed Bugs #

  • Events

    • Agendas can now be opened again after editing the event info.
    • A performance problem has been fixed so that the event master data loads fast again.
    • It was possible that the edit dialog for services could no longer be opened.
    • CCLI auto-reporting now also works automatically in the cron job.
  • Persons & Groups

    • Performance issues when editing groups and permissions have been fixed.
  • General

    • Display errors occurred when displaying Markdown content.

    • In the Events API, the enterSelfIfFree value (which indicates whether you can enter yourself into a free service) is now calculated correctly again if you get this right via the group-internal right ‘churchservice +entry free’.

ChurchTools 3.93.0 #

Improvements #

  • General

    • In sent messages, emails now take up the entire available space.
    • Module names can now also be translated if a translation key is entered in the admin settings.
    • In the permissions management, the nickname is now also displayed for persons.
    • Translatable master data has been improved in some system e-mails.
  • Persons & Groups

    • For mails to the group, the role with the “to delete” flag is now not taken into account.
    • Places were corrected where the sortkey for the department was not yet taken into account.
    • In groups with no active roles, people can now no longer be added.
    • The modal for automatic e-mails no longer closes so easily.
      • In the batch action “add to group”, errors are only displayed in a bundle at the end of the action.
    • Group visibility settings have been simplified.
  • Calendar

    • There is now a plus icon for adding new appointments.
    • When subscribing to a calendar, it is now possible to select that appointments with meeting requests are only in the subscription if one is affected.
    • When printing the calendar, the date and time at the time of retrieval is now printed.
    • In birthday tooltips, the regular date of birth is now also displayed, as well as the age.
  • Events

    • When assigning services, only groups that match the selected campus are now displayed.
    • In an integrated agenda, persons responsible twice are now only displayed once.
    • When printing the agenda, the date and time at the time of the call is now printed.
  • Check-in

    • If you are not authorized for any groups, there is now also no possibility to create persons.
  • Finance

    • When uploading a bank statement, there are now error messages if the format is not correct.
  • Admin-Settings

    • ChurchTools website can now be booked through the license tab.

Fixed Bugs #

  • General

    • A few master data translations have been added in various places.
  • Persons & Groups

    • The links for the Herma labels work again.
    • The extended filter now works with tags again.
    • There could be a display error in the group info if you had created your own group select fields.
    • In the address labels, bulk letters and donation receipts, the country can now also be output.
  • Calendar

    • It could happen that the end date was displayed incorrectly for multi-day appointments. This has been fixed.
    • Long titles and subtitles are now correctly wrapped and abbreviated in the tooltip.
    • The permissions dialog now works again as it should.
    • ChurchTools now creates iCal that no longer contains the property parameter TZID=UTC to comply with the iCal specification.
  • Events

    • If none is selected in the calendars, now really no events are displayed.
    • In the agenda, notes from service groups are now really canceled when the button is clicked.
    • When accepting or suggesting people it is now only possible to accept once.
    • In the absences, the service groups are now sorted by sortkey.
    • In the print view a few missing colors have been fixed.
  • Wiki

    • The main page was sorted incorrectly in the sitemap, this has been fixed.
  • Finance

    • In the editing modal of individual items of a bank statement, errors related to the donor and spouse have been fixed.
    • Donors in transactions are no longer visible by a matching purpose. The visibility of donors is controlled by authorizations.
    • Fixed an error that caused a different gross amount to be displayed when posting transactions with taxes due to rounding after saving the entry.
  • Sync

    • If an already mapped value in an instance is deleted, the sync can now handle it.
    • Fixed a few minor bugs in the display of property mappings.
  • Admin-Settings

    • Under church info, the denomination and association are now displayed correctly even after reloading the page.
    • The authorized persons can now be more than 10 persons.
  • Public Relations

    • Permissions for public relations are now more detailed.

ChurchTools 3.92.1 #

Fixed Bugs #

  • Persons & Groups
    • When editing the group participant fields, the comment field is now saved again.
    • Filtering by the age of people now also works with only one digit, e.g. from 6 to 9 years.
    • The advanced filter now works with tags again.
  • Calendar

    • It could happen that the end date was displayed incorrectly for appointments lasting several days. This has been fixed.
    • Improper time formatting could occur in the printed calendar. This has been fixed.
  • Events

    • The connection to CCLI can now be re-established even for a self-hosted instance.
    • In the CCLI auto-reporting overview, the date of the reported event is now also displayed correctly for a series event.
  • Finance

    • In the editing modal of individual items of a bank statement, errors related to the donor and spouse have been fixed.

Data security #

  • Two security issues have been fixed. Self-hosters are recommended to update to the new version as soon as possible.

3.92.0 #

Improvements #

  • General

    • Via the admin settings, the widget “Public church profile” can be deactivated for the installation.
  • Persons & Groups

    • The radius search can now also be used for postcodes that are not yet associated with an address.
    • If filters are set and there are indications of group requests in the group list, these are now updated directly.
  • Events

    • It is now possible to restrict that only persons from assigned groups are assigned to a service.
    • It is now possible to automatically report performed songs to CCLI.
    • The new CCLI API has been connected. All those who use CCLI should deactivate the CCLI integration once and log in again so that they are on the new API.
  • Resources

    • When adding manual recurrences, conflicts are now checked directly.
  • Finance

    • Transaction table now contains the Ids of the donors in the tooltip
    • From the transaction table you can now open the donor in Persons & Groups
    • In the list of donors you can now search for names
  • Admin-Settings

    • In the licence, stripe.js is now only included when necessary.
  • Public Relations

    • The UI in public relations has been improved

Fixed Bugs #

  • General

    • Automatically filled passwords from Firefox are now also recognised correctly.
  • Persons & Groups

    • The filter for subgroups now remains more constant after you have edited groups.
    • When resetting a group meeting, all data is now really reset.
    • If there are no growth paths, the select for them is now correctly displayed empty.
  • Calendar

    • After directly creating an appointment with resources, it could happen that the wrong status was displayed for the resources. This has been fixed.
    • When copying an appointment, it is now possible to edit “on behalf of”.
    • If the calendar is changed when copying an appointment, the meeting requests are reset.
    • It could happen in the embedded state that the view changed after closing the popup. This has been fixed.
    • Templates from existing appointments now also correctly take over the location and the picture.
  • Ressources

    • The “Today” button now not only has an effect on the small calendar, but also on the display of resources.
  • Sync

    • The wrong sync type was displayed in the job actions under certain circumstances. This has been corrected.

    • The API PATCH “/api/files/{file-id}” for renaming files now works again.

Data security #

  • Two security issues have been fixed. Self-hosters are recommended to update to the new version as soon as possible.

3.91.0 #

Improvements #

  • General

    • The app info page now always displays the QR code and login link.
    • The widget for the beginner Q&A session is displayed for all German-speaking users.
    • Restriction of the simulation
      • In a simulation you can no longer get the login token of the simulated user
      • You can no longer get into the chat of a simulated user via the simulation
      • You can no longer change the password of the simulated user in a simulation
    • The login token can now only be fetched for the logged in user
  • Calendar

    • Pictures can now be added to appointments.
    • A location can now be added to appointments.
    • In copied appointments, the delete buttons are now hidden intially.
  • Reports

    • In the master data, the Preselection and Chart Type fields are now selection boxes with the values that can be used.
  • Finance

    • Entries can be exported in Datev format.

    • There are now APIs to find and request exchange partners for services.

Fixed Bugs #

  • Persons & Groups

    • Only active roles are now displayed in the dialog for editing chat participations.
  • Calendar

    • The dropdown for calendars in embedded mode now adapts better to different widths.
    • The print view of the calendar can now be called up again at past times.
    • The print view works again in the list view
  • Resources

    • The tooltip of series resource bookings now displays the correct start and end date.
  • Reports

    • If there is no suitable translation for the AdHoc reports, English will be used and the reports will not break.

3.90.1 #

Fixed Bugs #

  • Calendar
    • The print view of the calendar can now be called up again at previous dates.
    • Fixes a problem with subscribing to iCal calendars.
  • Events
    • Events can now no longer be created without a start or end date.

3.90.0 #

Improvements #

  • General
    • All appointments on the start page are now linked to the respective calendar appointment.
    • Quick Search now includes actions for faster navigation in ChurchTools.
    • The standard text editor now displays a notice when inserting images.
    • ChurchTools now also runs with PHP 8.1
    • A few visual improvements have been made in “My Profile”.
  • Persons & Groups
    • In the group member export, the optin for newsletters is now also included in the output
    • Placeholders in emails can now also be customized by styling.
    • In the mobile view of the group homepage, the filters are now hidden behind an icon to save space.
  • Resources

    • If you confirm a resource via the checkmarks in the tooltip, a dialog is now displayed if there are conflicts.
  • Finance

    • Transactions can now be exported in DATEV format.
    • Donation receipts are now sorted by zip code, street
    • Placeholder for donor ID {{recipientId}} in donation receipts.
    • There is an additional column for the sequence number. The template for donation receipt attachments is now versioned with set templatestyle = 2; with it, old custom templates still work.
      • Donation receipts and attachments can now be printed in one file, optionally optimized for two-sided printing
      • Donation receipts of an accounting year can now be deleted, so that they can be created again.
    • Now, draft donation receipts can be created before the end of the accounting year. They contain a “Draft” watermark
    • The transaction table now also shows the cost centers
  • Check-in

    • When adding people, they are now checked in directly.
  • Kalender

    • “Today” is now better highlighted in the calendar.
    • When you reload the calendar or switch back to the calendar, you now always start at “Today”.
    • In the appointment editing dialog, the addition of services in the title is now presented in a more understandable way.
  • Wiki

    • If there are changes to a page, a query is now performed at ESC.

    • Events can now also be retrieved paginated.

Fixed bugs #

  • General

    • Intra-group permissions of inactive groups now have no more effect.
  • Persons & Groups

    • When clicking on e-mail icons, the user settings are now also taken into account.
    • When importing people, there is now no problem if a column is completely empty.
    • When copying a group, the cropping and the focus point of the image are now also copied.
    • In the advanced filter, it could happen that after a tab change, the filter still worked, but was no longer displayed. This has been fixed.
    • The display of the group meetings now behaves correctly again even if the administration takes place in the app.
    • The logout button works again for self-hosters who have installed ChurchTools in a subdirectory.
  • Kalender

    • In the embedded calendar, the calendar dropdown is now wider again.
  • Finance

    • Transactions for revenues with sales tax now generate correct accounting records.
  • Sync

    • The sync now also handles archived groups.
    • There are now fewer problems with the URL in a sync connection.

ChurchTools 3.93.0 (12.12.2022) #

Improvements #

  • General

    • In sent messages, emails now take up the entire available space.
    • Module names can now also be translated if a translation key is entered in the admin settings.
    • In the permissions management, the nickname is now also displayed for persons.
    • Translatable master data has been improved in some system e-mails.
  • Persons & Groups

    • For mails to the group, the role with the “to delete” flag is now not taken into account.
    • Places were corrected where the sortkey for the department was not yet taken into account.
    • In groups with no active roles, people can now no longer be added.
    • The modal for automatic e-mails no longer closes so easily.
      • In the batch action “add to group”, errors are only displayed in a bundle at the end of the action.
    • Group visibility settings have been simplified.
  • Calendar

    • There is now a plus icon for adding new appointments.
    • When subscribing to a calendar, it is now possible to select that appointments with meeting requests are only in the subscription if one is affected.
    • When printing the calendar, the date and time at the time of retrieval is now printed.
    • In birthday tooltips, the regular date of birth is now also displayed, as well as the age.
  • Events

    • When assigning services, only groups that match the selected campus are now displayed.
    • In an integrated agenda, persons responsible twice are now only displayed once.
    • When printing the agenda, the date and time at the time of the call is now printed.
  • Check-in

    • If you are not authorized for any groups, there is now also no possibility to create persons.
  • Finance

    • When uploading a bank statement, there are now error messages if the format is not correct.
  • Admin-Settings

    • ChurchTools website can now be booked through the license tab.

Fixed Bugs #

  • General

    • A few master data translations have been added in various places.
  • Persons & Groups

    • The links for the Herma labels work again.
    • The extended filter now works with tags again.
    • There could be a display error in the group info if you had created your own group select fields.
    • In the address labels, bulk letters and donation receipts, the country can now also be output.
  • Calendar

    • It could happen that the end date was displayed incorrectly for multi-day appointments. This has been fixed.
    • Long titles and subtitles are now correctly wrapped and abbreviated in the tooltip.
    • The permissions dialog now works again as it should.
    • ChurchTools now creates iCal that no longer contains the property parameter TZID=UTC to comply with the iCal specification.
  • Events

    • If none is selected in the calendars, now really no events are displayed.
    • In the agenda, notes from service groups are now really canceled when the button is clicked.
    • When accepting or suggesting people it is now only possible to accept once.
    • In the absences, the service groups are now sorted by sortkey.
    • In the print view a few missing colors have been fixed.
  • Wiki

    • The main page was sorted incorrectly in the sitemap, this has been fixed.
  • Finance

    • In the editing modal of individual items of a bank statement, errors related to the donor and spouse have been fixed.
    • Donors in transactions are no longer visible by a matching purpose. The visibility of donors is controlled by authorizations.
    • Fixed an error that caused a different gross amount to be displayed when posting transactions with taxes due to rounding after saving the entry.
  • Sync

    • If an already mapped value in an instance is deleted, the sync can now handle it.
    • Fixed a few minor bugs in the display of property mappings.
  • Admin-Settings

    • Under church info, the denomination and association are now displayed correctly even after reloading the page.
    • The authorized persons can now be more than 10 persons.
  • Public Relations

    • Permissions for public relations are now more detailed.

ChurchTools 3.92.1 (24.11.2022) #

Fixed Bugs #

  • Persons & Groups
    • When editing the group participant fields, the comment field is now saved again.
    • Filtering by the age of people now also works with only one digit, e.g. from 6 to 9 years.
    • The advanced filter now works with tags again.
  • Calendar

    • It could happen that the end date was displayed incorrectly for appointments lasting several days. This has been fixed.
    • Improper time formatting could occur in the printed calendar. This has been fixed.
  • Events

    • The connection to CCLI can now be re-established even for a self-hosted instance.
    • In the CCLI auto-reporting overview, the date of the reported event is now also displayed correctly for a series event.
  • Finance

    • In the editing modal of individual items of a bank statement, errors related to the donor and spouse have been fixed.

Data security #

  • Two security issues have been fixed. Self-hosters are recommended to update to the new version as soon as possible.

ChurchTools 3.92.0 (21.11.2022) #

Improvements #

  • General

    • Via the admin settings, the widget “Public church profile” can be deactivated for the installation.
  • Persons & Groups

    • The radius search can now also be used for postcodes that are not yet associated with an address.
    • If filters are set and there are indications of group requests in the group list, these are now updated directly.
  • Events

    • It is now possible to restrict that only persons from assigned groups are assigned to a service.
    • It is now possible to automatically report performed songs to CCLI.
    • The new CCLI API has been connected. All those who use CCLI should deactivate the CCLI integration once and log in again so that they are on the new API.
  • Resources

    • When adding manual recurrences, conflicts are now checked directly.
  • Finance

    • Transaction table now contains the Ids of the donors in the tooltip
    • From the transaction table you can now open the donor in Persons & Groups
    • In the list of donors you can now search for names
  • Admin-Settings

    • In the licence, stripe.js is now only included when necessary.
  • Public Relations

    • The UI in public relations has been improved

Fixed Bugs #

  • General

    • Automatically filled passwords from Firefox are now also recognised correctly.
  • Persons & Groups

    • The filter for subgroups now remains more constant after you have edited groups.
    • When resetting a group meeting, all data is now really reset.
    • If there are no growth paths, the select for them is now correctly displayed empty.
  • Calendar

    • After directly creating an appointment with resources, it could happen that the wrong status was displayed for the resources. This has been fixed.
    • When copying an appointment, it is now possible to edit “on behalf of”.
    • If the calendar is changed when copying an appointment, the meeting requests are reset.
    • It could happen in the embedded state that the view changed after closing the popup. This has been fixed.
    • Templates from existing appointments now also correctly take over the location and the picture.
  • Ressources

    • The “Today” button now not only has an effect on the small calendar, but also on the display of resources.
  • Sync

    • The wrong sync type was displayed in the job actions under certain circumstances. This has been corrected.

    • The API PATCH “/api/files/{file-id}” for renaming files now works again.

Data security #

  • Two security issues have been fixed. Self-hosters are recommended to update to the new version as soon as possible.

ChurchTools 3.91.0 (18.10.2022) #

Improvements #

  • General

    • The app info page now always displays the QR code and login link.
    • The widget for the beginner Q&A session is displayed for all German-speaking users.
    • Restriction of the simulation
      • In a simulation you can no longer get the login token of the simulated user
      • You can no longer get into the chat of a simulated user via the simulation
      • You can no longer change the password of the simulated user in a simulation
    • The login token can now only be fetched for the logged in user
  • Calendar

    • Pictures can now be added to appointments.
    • A location can now be added to appointments.
    • In copied appointments, the delete buttons are now hidden intially.
  • Reports

    • In the master data, the Preselection and Chart Type fields are now selection boxes with the values that can be used.
  • Finance

    • Entries can be exported in Datev format.

    • There are now APIs to find and request exchange partners for services.

Fixed Bugs #

  • Persons & Groups

    • Only active roles are now displayed in the dialog for editing chat participations.
  • Calendar

    • The dropdown for calendars in embedded mode now adapts better to different widths.
    • The print view of the calendar can now be called up again at past times.
    • The print view works again in the list view
  • Resources

    • The tooltip of series resource bookings now displays the correct start and end date.
  • Reports

    • If there is no suitable translation for the AdHoc reports, English will be used and the reports will not break.

3.90.1 #

Fixed Bugs #

  • Calendar
    • The print view of the calendar can now be called up again at previous dates.
    • Fixes a problem with subscribing to iCal calendars.
  • Events
    • Events can now no longer be created without a start or end date.

ChurchTools 3.90.0 (26.09.2022) #

Improvements #

  • General
    • All appointments on the start page are now linked to the respective calendar appointment.
    • Quick Search now includes actions for faster navigation in ChurchTools.
    • The standard text editor now displays a notice when inserting images.
    • ChurchTools now also runs with PHP 8.1
    • A few visual improvements have been made in “My Profile”.
  • Persons & Groups
    • In the group member export, the optin for newsletters is now also included in the output
    • Placeholders in emails can now also be customized by styling.
    • In the mobile view of the group homepage, the filters are now hidden behind an icon to save space.
  • Resources

    • If you confirm a resource via the checkmarks in the tooltip, a dialog is now displayed if there are conflicts.
  • Finance

    • Transactions can now be exported in DATEV format.
    • Donation receipts are now sorted by zip code, street
    • Placeholder for donor ID {{recipientId}} in donation receipts.
    • There is an additional column for the sequence number. The template for donation receipt attachments is now versioned with set templatestyle = 2; with it, old custom templates still work.
      • Donation receipts and attachments can now be printed in one file, optionally optimized for two-sided printing
      • Donation receipts of an accounting year can now be deleted, so that they can be created again.
    • Now, draft donation receipts can be created before the end of the accounting year. They contain a “Draft” watermark
    • The transaction table now also shows the cost centers
  • Check-in

    • When adding people, they are now checked in directly.
  • Kalender

    • “Today” is now better highlighted in the calendar.
    • When you reload the calendar or switch back to the calendar, you now always start at “Today”.
    • In the appointment editing dialog, the addition of services in the title is now presented in a more understandable way.
  • Wiki

    • If there are changes to a page, a query is now performed at ESC.

    • Events can now also be retrieved paginated.

Fixed bugs #

  • General

    • Intra-group permissions of inactive groups now have no more effect.
  • Persons & Groups

    • When clicking on e-mail icons, the user settings are now also taken into account.
    • When importing people, there is now no problem if a column is completely empty.
    • When copying a group, the cropping and the focus point of the image are now also copied.
    • In the advanced filter, it could happen that after a tab change, the filter still worked, but was no longer displayed. This has been fixed.
    • The display of the group meetings now behaves correctly again even if the administration takes place in the app.
    • The logout button works again for self-hosters who have installed ChurchTools in a subdirectory.
  • Kalender

    • In the embedded calendar, the calendar dropdown is now wider again.
  • Finance

    • Transactions for revenues with sales tax now generate correct accounting records.
  • Sync

    • The sync now also handles archived groups.
    • There are now fewer problems with the URL in a sync connection.

ChurchTools 3.88.1 (04.08.2022) #

Fixed Bugs #

  • Calendar
    • Open meeting requests are displayed on the home page again.

ChurchTools 3.88.0 (02.08.2022) #

Improvements #

  • Finance

    • There is now a smart import for MT940 format balance sheets. With it, balance sheets can be easily imported into ChurchTools Finance.
      * Custom rules can be defined, which will be applied automatically.
      * The system uses older imports to make the correct suggestions for the transaction for new imports

  • Persons & Groups

    • Searching in people and groups has been sped up. Search results are displayed faster.
  • Admin-Settings

    • Under Integrations you can now also find the ChurchTools API, with the appropriate links to the help page.

Fixed Bugs #

  • General

    • The language selection has been moved to the help menu so that it can be accessed even when logged out.
    • With very long ChurchTools names it could happen that the other menus were no longer accessible. This has been fixed.
    • If there is only one campus, this is now also displayed correctly in the PR widget.
  • Persons & Groups

    • The boxes for open group meetings now have the correct color again.
    • When editing relationships, only those that are allowed to be used are displayed.
    • In the group info, custom group DB fields are now displayed with the correct name.

    • An error could occur in the meeting points of a group if you had not enough permissions. This has been fixed.

    • When registering for groups, the required fields are validated correctly again.

  • Wiki

    • Links under a wiki page can now also be renamed correctly.
  • Finance

    • It is now possible to see all accounting years in the module Finance with the permission “Edit master data”.
    • Validation of account number is now on string, not on number. This makes it consistent with cost center numbers.
  • Sync

    • When changing the name of a sync job, the type is now saved correctly.
    • In Finance Sync, the “Ready to Sync” status was sometimes not calculated correctly. This has been improved.

    • Inconsistencies between API documentation (openapi.json) and implementation have been corrected.
    • Exceptions and additional dates in appointment series are now handled correctly for resource bookings.
  • Public Relations

    • The PR widget now also displays the campus name.

ChurchTools 3.87.1 #

Fixed Bugs #

  • General

    • The mobile menu is working properly again.
  • Calendar

    • Fixes a bug in the new calendar api for appointments that run monthly by weekday.
  • Events

    • The Live View information is now readable again.

ChurchTools 3.87.0 #

Improvements #

  • General
    • Log messages for data changes improved and standardized; changes to resource bookings are now also logged.
  • Persons & Groups
    • Also the group functions for groups are now much better located in the menu (left sidebar)
  • Events
    • The permission “edit agenda templates” for individual calendars is now sufficient to edit templates.
  • Admin-Settings
    • Security levels (authorization stages) can now be edited flexibly, so that you can also insert stages in between.

Fixed Bugs #

  • General
    • Passwords with special characters can now also be used when resetting passwords.
  • Persons & Groups
    • When searching for a person or group ID (starting with “#”), the search is now no longer performed within the person or group data.
  • Calendar
    • The already set check mark for meeting requests now remains, even if you switch through the registers
  • Public Relations
    • You can now change the church profile URL without the profile being published.

Externe Contributors #

ChurchTools 3.86.0 (07.06.2022) #

Improvements #

  • General

    • The beginner question session widget is now displayed to all users, not just admins. (For installations younger than 90 days)
  • Persons & Groups

    • Numerical values in the group person list are now treated as text when there is a leading 0.
    • For date fields, the date is now directly validated and converted when entered manually and Enter.
    • People without an e-mail address can now no longer be invited and are therefore no longer incorrectly marked as already invited.
  • Reports

    • The generation of daily/monthly statistics has been accelerated
  • Finance

    • When making a transaction, the tax can now be automatically booked as well.
    • In the module Finance, the colors have been adapted to the new design.
    • On donation receipts, the cent fraction (11/100), in the spelled out number, is now only shown if the cent amount is not zero.
    • The limit for pagination is now saved
  • Sync

    • In the sync job, more fields in the conditions can now be used for syncing. There are also more relational operators.
  • Events

    • The facts are now correctly rounded to two decimal places and totaled.
      • The fact totals now update directly.

    • Api to answer meeting requests: * Api to get details about a calendar entry (resources, meeting requests, event, signup group). PUT /calendars/{calendarId}/appointments/{appointmentId}/meetingRequests/{meetingRequestId}
    • Api um Details zu einem Kalendereintrag zu bekommen (Ressourcen, Besprechungsanfragen, Event, Anmeldegruppe): GET /calendars/{calendarId}/appointments/{appointmentId}/{startDate}
  • Admin-Settings

    • The last campus can now no longer be deleted.
  • In the admin settings, it was possible under certain circumstances to enter authorizing persons without an e-mail address, this is now prevented.

Fixed Bugs #

  • Persons & Groups
    • Departments are now only hidden if there is only one department in the master data and not if the person can only see one department.
  • Inherited group-internal permissions from active groups now also affect inactive groups.
    • Deleting the “Mobile” field is now prevented, as it could cause errors in the application.
  • In case that there are no roles for a group type yet, you can now open the group settings again.
    • Only active roles are now displayed in the dialog for automatic e-mails.
    • For group registrations, the form fields now show how many characters can be used.
  • Calendar
  • If the creator of an appointment no longer has an e-mail address, an error message due to a missing e-mail address is now no longer displayed when the appointment is changed.

    • When calling the print view from the list view, the set start date is now taken into account.
    • The view is now correctly adopted for printing.
    • In the print preview, the time is now displayed correctly.
  • Events

    • When navigating through the agenda using the arrows in the dialog, the duration of the individual positions is now loaded and no longer deleted when saving.
    • When canceling services for other people, the checkbox “Should a cancellation be sent by e-mail?” is correctly taken into account.
  • Wiki

    • Files are now downloaded correctly titled in Safari.
    • E-mail links are now correctly clickable again.
    • When dragging and dropping PNGs, the PNG is now preserved.
  • Public Relations

    • In public relations, it could happen that the wrong tags were displayed for several sites when you switched. This has been fixed.


  • The api for group members now also provides people if you have the permissions “administer groups” and “view alldata”. Details see:

ChurchTools 3.85.0 (09.05.2022) #

Improvements #

  • General

    • In the quick search, cryptic titles are no longer displayed when hovering.
  • Persons & Groups

    • In the dialog “Create meeting place” the person icon was replaced by a search icon, because the address could only be searched via the person, but the meeting place is not associated with the person.
      • The diplay of the blank map has now a better initial state.

    • “group/{id}/places” provides the group meeting points.
  • Admin-Settings

    • In public relations, the processing of the address with the map has been improved.
  • Wiki

    • Relative links can now also be used within the wiki pages.

Fixed Bugs #

  • General

    • The login page will again display the admin and welcome message.
    • The location drop-down menu in the menu bar is now scrollable in itself in case of many elements. On small mobile devices the menu could be too large in some circumstances, this has been fixed.
    • The content of e-mails marked with a lock in Sent Messages is now no longer visible.
    • In the Person module, square brackets caused an error when saving a filter. These are now automatically replaced by round brackets.
  • Persons & Groups

    • When trying to create two group meeting points one right after the other, the first one was apparently overwritten in the user interface. This has been fixed.
    • Invitations to chat now no longer attempt to send e-mails to people without e-mail addresses.
    • Campusses can now also be deleted if services have been created in public relations or people or groups have been linked.
    • For group registration, the e-mail address for children and other registered persons is now a required field.
    • The permissions “administer groups” or “edit groups” are now no longer sufficient to see a group participation in the person detail view.
    • When adding and removing new children or more people in the group registration form, an error could occur that made it impossible to register. This problem has been fixed.
    • Archived and inactive spouses and children are now no longer eligible for group registration.
  • Check-in

    • Filtering by a higher-level group now works again.
    • New group meetings can now be created again in the check-in.
  • Sync

    • Die Liste der externen Systeme kann nun mehr als 25 Einträge anzeigen.
    • If you can’t run sync jobs due to license restrictions, a more understandable error message now appears.
  • Admin-Settings

    • When connecting CleverReach to ChurchTools, you will be successfully redirected back to the CleverReach page in the admin settings afterwards.
  • Public Relations

    • Profiles could not be saved when a linked group is associated with a campus.
  • Events

    • When editing a single event in a series, the warning dialog now only shows the note about changes in that single event.
    • The calendar of individual events in a series can now be changed.
    • When editing a single event in a series, you will now be listed in the calendar as the last person to change only that single event.
    • When editing a single event in a series, the notification e-mail now correctly addresses the original person.

ChurchTools 3.84.0 (12.04.2022) #

Improvements #

  • General

    • The church short name is now used in the navigation and subject of e-mails.
  • *Persons & Groups

    • Person and group table now has sticky header and footer
  • Calendar

    • After creating an appointment, the calendar also jumps to the corresponding date
    • The meeting request now displays the people by request status and then alphabetically
  • Finance

    • Cost centers can be exported as CSV file or Excel in the master data.
    • Cost centers can be imported with a CSV file.

    • GET /api/calendars returns all calendars that can be seen
    • GET /api/calendars/appointments returns calendar entries
    • GET /api/resource/masterdata returns the resource master data
    • GET /api/bookings returns the bookings from the Resources module
    • GET /api/events und GET /api/events/:id now also contain the attachments of the event.
    • GET /api/finance/costcenters/export – Export cost centers as CSV or Excel file
    • New Endpoint: POST /api/finance/costcenters/bulkcreate – Import cost centers
  • Admin-Settings

    • In public relations, error messages were improved.

Fixed Bugs #

  • Persons & Groups

    • In rare cases uploaded images could not be displayed because the focus point was stored incorrectly in the database.
    • The person functions now also work again on a smartphone
    • In the registration confirmation email, the link to log out of the group was “Log out”. This has been corrected to ” Unsubscribe”.

    • It is no longer possible to set a status that has a higher security level than you are allowed to edit.
  • Admin-Settings

    • In public relations, the focused button is now more clearly highlighted in the “save” dialog.
    • In public relations, it could happen that undoing a profile was not saved correctly. This is fixed.
    • In public relations, for the weekday selection, there is now Thursday and not just Tuesday twice.
    • In Public Relations, worship service data to be edited is now correctly displayed in the form.
  • Check-in

    • Group participants with a status that means “to be deleted” are now no longer offered for check-in.
  • Finance

    • In certain cases it was possible that the master data could not be copied to the new accounting year.
  • Sync

    • The type of a sync job can now no longer be edited afterwards.

ChurchTools 3.83.2-RC1 (22.03.2022) #

Fixed Bugs #

  • General
    • The start page API now also works for birthdays without specifying the year.

ChurchTools 3.83.1 (17.03.2022) #

Fixed Bugs #

  • General

    • The sort order of the group homepages in the Public Relations module is now applied.
    • If only images or the order of images were changed in the churches or campuses profile and no other changes were made, the change was not applied directly to the Finder. This error has been fixed.
  • Calendar

    • In the embedded list view of the calendar, the header bar is now hidden again.
  • Admin-Settings

    • In Public Relations, the OSM map is now displayed, even if it is generally disabled for the installation, so that the geolocation of the address can be transmitted.

ChurchTools 3.83.0 (14.03.2022) #

Improvements #

  • Public Relations

    • There is now a separate area for public relations. In this, the churches and campuses information can be maintained. These will then soon be displayed in the ChurchTools Finder.
  • General

    • The menu has been revised and in the course of this the footer has been removed. Version number, privacy policy, connect with admin, simulate and set language have all moved to the different menus. These have also been logically re-sorted and reorganized.
    • The “Check-in” module is now displayed in the new notation.
    • The translation of self-created master data has been improved, so that e.g. calendar name or resource names can now be translated.
    • The date picker now closes automatically when it is no longer active and when clicked outside.
  • Persons & Groups

    • The search for people has become a little faster.
  • Calendar

    • Now shows the campus in the calendar only if there are multiple campuses.
    • The list view of the calendar can now also be printed.
  • Wiki

    • When attaching a link, the validation has been improved.
    • Links are now better formatted when they go over multiple lines.
    • In Markdown, italics and bold can now be combined.
    • The wiki now handles e-mail addresses with characters before or after the e-mail address much better
    • In the balance sheet, the space is better used and the entry text is displayed in full, even if it is very long.
      and automatically creates a mailto link.
  • Finance
    • In the balance sheet, the space is better used and the entry text is displayed in full, even if it is very long.
    • In the master data for the transaction year, it is now possible to delete the entire transactions of a year.
    • The budget progress bar is now also displayed for total negative values.
    • The transaction ID is now displayed in the upper right corner of the transaction screen.
  • Sync
    • In Sync you will now also be logged out if the session has expired in the background or you have logged out in another tab.

Fixed Bugs #

  • General

    • In permissions management, it could happen that the role name was displayed in the table without global permissions being set. If there is no summary of global permissions, the name is no longer displayed.
    • When deleting the church logo, it will not be displayed as missing in the menu bar.
    • When voting the NPS, an error message may have appeared stating that the NpsValue could not be saved.
    • For sent messages, the current selection of which messages are displayed is now retained
    • When starting and ending the simulation, you are now also correctly redirected in the new modules.
    • In the table views, the “Open All” button now also works on pages larger than 1.
    • On the info page for the app there could be a permanent loading state, this error has been fixed.
  • Persons & Groups

    • In the last group meeting feedbacks in the group detail view, the comment is now displayed again if one was entered when closing the group meeting.
    • Fixed an error in the selection of roles for Automatic e-mails.
    • The campus filter on a group home page was empty. Now the campuses are displayed again.
    • The warning that all people are contacted unfiltered is now no longer displayed when individual people are selected.
    • When unsubscribing from a public group using the unsubscribe link, the button now has the correct label depending on whether it is unsubscribing or withdrawing the request.
    • In the e-mailer, the person input no longer disappears when all persons are deleted.
    • Group type roles can now also be deleted if there used to be an automatic e-mail for this role.
    • The “Table column” field when creating new DB fields now no longer allows entries consisting of digits only.
    • The modal for setting the map marker now works properly again for people.
    • On oversized screens, the group home page detail image is displayed across the full width again.
    • Functions applied to selected people are now performed only for those in the archive or not in the archive, depending on which tab you are in.
    • The group roles of archived persons can now be changed.
    • In group registration, validation of fields now remains visible even if entered multiple times.
    • Persons with archived spouses are now no longer found outside the archive via the “Spouse” relationship filter.
    • If only your own registration is allowed for a group registration and you are already in the group, a corresponding message is now displayed.
    • Children who have their 16th birthday in the next 3 days could already no longer be registered via the group homepage. This error has been fixed so that children now have to register themselves only after their 16th birthday.
    • In special cases the avatar image was uploaded twice, which could lead to problems e.g. with LDAP login. Now such duplicates are regularly searched for and automatically deleted.
    • Copying of groups is now logged.
    • The group home page now also shows the other people you have registered.
    • Sign up notification can now be sent in copied groups if they have already been sent in the original group.
    • People could be created only with a group under some circumstances, this has been fixed.
    • An error could occur when using the advanced filter under Groups and then trying to use a filter in Persons again. This error has been fixed.
    • In some cases it could occur that the last person in the table could not be opened. This has been fixed.
    • When adding a new person to a group, the person fields are now reloaded directly.
    • The signature is now automatically updated in the e-mail after a change.
    • The submenu no longer disappears when editing the permissions of a group.
    • For automatically generated registration groups, the completion date of the template is now no longer copied as well.
    • The ” Further filter ” now also takes into account subsequently set default values in own group fields.
  • Calendar

    • When creating a calendar entry, the registration group can now only be configured if one has the global permission ‘administer groups’.
    • Fixes a problem with registration groups in the calendar when the created group is inactive. The group was then created again and again.
    • The event template hint when entering an event in the calendar is now hidden again if another calendar without event template is selected.
    • In the list view, when an explicit date was selected, the calendar only displayed the next day’s appointments. This has been fixed.
    • In the calendar tooltip the status of the resources is displayed correctly again.
    • When calendars are modified in parallel by other users, false error messages no longer occur.
    • When selecting and modifying an event template, the event tab is now also initialized correctly.
  • Events

    • The list of events master data can now be searched.
    • Links can now be attached to multiple events.
    • In the templates for events, the values for facts are now already checked so that no errors can occur there.
  • Wiki

    • Images are now treated the same whether the file extension is lowercase or uppercase.
    • Pages can now have any special character in the title.
    • In the mobile view of a category page it is now also possible to get to the sitemap.
    • When creating redirects, the format HTML or Markdown is now passed along.
  • Finance

    • In the reports, the time filter was corrected, here the time period did not work correctly in some cases.
    • Transactions can now be locked individually again.
  • Sync

    • The warning “Release for API required” is now only displayed if a) consent fields are actually mandatory fields and b) the checkmark for “when creating people via the API, consent fields are not mandatory fields” is not set.
    • When selecting member fields, the respective designation from the system is now displayed.
  • Resources

    • Under certain circumstances, when confirming resources, an error message appeared stating that the “edit category” permission was required for the calendar. This error has been fixed.
  • Admin-Settings

    • The campus settings are now also displayed correctly on mobile devices.

Deletions #

  • Persons & Groups
    • If one has only the group-internal right “Edit group participant status”, but not “Remove persons from the group”, a button appeared in the person detail view to mark the person in the group as “to be deleted”. This button was removed because it caused confusion and it was assumed that people can be deleted from the group here.

ChurchTools 3.82.1 (2022-02-23) #

Fixed Bugs #

  • Persons & Groups

    • The campus filter on a group homepage was empty. Now the campuses are displayed again.
    • The warning that unfiltered all persons are contacted is now no longer displayed when individual persons are selected.
  • Calendar

    • When creating a calendar entry, the registration group can now only be configured if one has the global permission ‘administer groups’.
    • Fixes a problem with registration groups in the calendar when the created group is inactive. The group was then created again and again.
  • Wiki

    • Pages can now have any special characters in the title.
  • Finance

    • When creating batch receipts of donations, it could happen that transactions were missing in the PDF. This has been fixed.

    • When editing personal data, the security level for editing is now checked.

      ChurchTools 3.82.0 (14.02.2022) #

      Improvements #

  • General

    • When logging in, the password can now be made visible.
    • The admin can now no longer read mails created via ChurchTools in which he is not involved.
  • Persons & Groups

    • In the statistics, persons from the archive can now be taken into account by selection.
    • The batch function for people is now much better located in the menu. Also, the conduct of the export and contacting is consistent.
  • Calendar

    • The calendar now reloads itself when calendar entries are changed by other people
    • Meeting requests can now also be confirmed and canceled and the confirmation can be withdrawn in the calendar
    • Calendar entries can be linked to groups so that groups for registrations are automatically created and maintained
  • Reports

    • There is a new fact to display the number of people in a group
  • Finance

    • For donation receipts there is a new placeholder ‘{issuerEmail}’.
    • An e-mail can be specified for a client, which can be used for donation receipts.

Fixed Bugs #

  • General

    • If the 2FA code is pasted via copy&paste, the first number is now also visible correctly and the focus switches
  • Persons & Groups

    • Checking whether it is possible to register to an open group is now also performed when a leader has been removed from the group.
    • If the deletion of persons from the archive via the batch function (“Marked persons…”) was not successful, an error message is now issued.
    • You no longer receive a push notification about your own birthday.
  • Events

    • Fixed a bug that caused event chats to restart immediately after auto-termination.
    • When editing a heading in the agenda and moving to the previous or next element, the buttons for navigation and saving are now preserved.
    • When reactivating a canceled event in a series of appointments, the appointments in the series that precede the event no longer disappear.
    • Fixed a bug where copying calendar appointments with linked events did not work.
    • In the agenda you can no longer manipulate the event start by using the back and forward buttons
    • Filtering by a direct song now works again as usual
    • In the mobile view, a context menu is now no longer displayed for the event start.
  • Wiki

    • The upload to the wiki is working again.
    • Pages in category 0 can be deleted again.
  • Reports

    • On newer installations, the AdHoc report ‘Fact evaluation’ generated an error message. This has been fixed so that the report works correctly again.
      • An unused totals column is now also correctly hidden in standard reports.
  • Finance

    • Transactions can also be deleted again in the editing modal.
    • On generated donation receipts the text DRAFT is readable again.
    • If the contra account is not a donation account, no donor will be set in the transaction anymore.
  • Admin-Settings

    • In the permissions, the selection boxes for locations and group types are now sorted correctly

      ChurchTools 3.81.0 #

      Improvements #

  • General
    • The login link for the App will now be regenerated after click in case of an error.
  • Persons & Groups
    • Automatic emails can now have the ChurchTools installation as sender. This means that mails are now always sent when they are active, as there is no longer an empty option.
    • When registering via the group homepage, spaces and upper and lower case are now ignored when comparing personal data, and leading and ending spaces are removed when saving to avoid creating duplicates.
    • If the person function “Remove department” is used to delete the last department (which is not possible), a better error message is displayed.
  • Wiki
    • In the wiki, the versions of a page were loaded initially. This could lead to long loading times if the history was large, which is why they are now only loaded when needed.
    • PDF generation of wiki pages now also works in Safari on iOS.
  • Finance
    • When importing transactions, the system now also checks that the length of the transaction text does not exceed 255 characters.
    • Account import now also checks for account number 9999, which must not be used.
    • If it is not possible to create a new donor because the person already exists but the person is not visible, a better error message is now displayed.
    • The cost centers are sorted by number in the API.

      Fixed Bugs #

  • Persons & Groups
    • When deleting a person from a group, this person is also removed as a sender of automatic e-mails.
    • If a group with automatic emails but without participants is duplicated, the senders in the automatic emails are removed.
    • Newly created people in a group registration now also get the default contact label for emails and not the one with the lowest sorting number.
    • In the event filter, clicking into a date field now also works as usual.
    • The corresponding settings in the group properties can now be set with the rights “Set up automatic e-mails” and “Administer group chat”, without the additional right „Administer groups”.
    • When logging in to a public group, logging out and logging in again, you received the automatic mail twice. This is fixed now.
    • When adding more people to a group, it is now no longer possible to overwrite the email address.
    • The selected values for multiple selection fields in group logins are now saved again.
  • Calendar
    • There is now a descriptive error message if you want to delete a calendar with linked events but the Events module is disabled.
  • Events
    • The facts export contains all facts again.
    • The right ‘Edit master data’ can now also be used to edit services.
  • Wiki
    • When creating new pages, only categories are displayed for which you also have write permissions. The API has already checked the rights correctly.
    • When editing wiki pages, the message that there is an unsaved version of the page no longer appears incorrectly.
  • Finance

    • In the transaction mask, the calendar now opens on today’s day or on the last one of the transaction year.
    • New donors can be created again via the transaction mask, even if only one department is defined in ChurchTools.

    • It is now logged that a new client has been created.

    • Check-in

    • New persons in check-in can now be created with an assigned tag again.

      ChurchTools 3.80.0 (29.11.2021) #

      Improvements #

  • General
    • Headings 1-4 are properly included in group meeting templates.
  • Persons & Groups
    • Group participant fields can now be given a subtitle, which is displayed in the registration form as well.
    • It is now possible to set per role whether a QR code should be created for the role or not.
    • Invitation status display is now treated the same for global and internal group right “invite persons”.
    • Tags with spaces are now also searchable.
    • Tags can now no longer be created and assigned multiple times.
    • In preparation for the new group module, an abbreviation for group types has been introduced.
  • Events
    • The CCLI number of a song is now a direct link to SongSelect.
    • Uploading links to an event is now treated the same as uploading a file in terms of permissions.
    • The tag search has been aligned with the search in Persons & Groups.
    • New REST-API: /groups/$groupId/tags
    • CRUD Apis for Automatic emails.

      Fixed Bugs #

  • General
    • If a confidentiality agreement must be given, it can no longer be bypassed for the wiki or sync.
  • Persons & Groups
    • A group can no longer be subordinated to itself.
    • If you expand a second group in the group list below a first expanded group, the group info now loads correctly again.
    • Emails are sent again to all people that are shown to me in the emailer.
    • If the cron job was running while writing an email in which attachments were uploaded, it could happen that the attachments were not sent in the email. This problem has been fixed.
  • Calendar
    • In the embedded list view, the date picker now works again.
  • Events
    • Tags are displayed again in the song table.
  • Resources
    • When a single booking is deleted from a series resource booking, an email is now no longer sent that the booking has been confirmed.
  • Wiki
    • When switching directly between different sitemaps, the pages were not loaded correctly, this has been corrected.
  • Check-In
    • If you can’t see any superior groups, you can now still call the check-in.
  • Finance

    • The totals and balances list loads directly again when you access the menu item under Reports.
    • If another payroll month is selected for the totals and balances list, the correct PDF is now also loaded.

      ChurchTools 3.79.2 (11.11.2021) #

      Fixed Bugs #

  • Persons & Groups

    • Fixed a bug where the group login stopped working if you have an account in ChurchTools but you have not accepted the privacy consent, and at the time of login you are not logged in and you only login yourself.

ChurchTools 3.79.1 (05.11.2021) #

Fixed Bugs #

  • Persons & Groups
    • Group registration did not work if you registered only yourself, but spouse, children or people with the same email address are created in ChurchTools, who have not yet accepted the privacy consent. This bug has been fixed.
    • The birthday api now filters the correct people when a time interval is specified that goes beyond one year.

      ChurchTools 3.79.0 (03.11.2021) #

Improvements #

  • General
    • A few small improvements have been made to the printing of PDFs.
  • Calendar
    • The modification mail for appointments now also lists a change to the link.
  • Wiki
    • The order of search results are now better sorted by relevance.
    • The converter to Markdown now also accepts iframes.
  • Persons & Groups
    • During the group registration it is now possible to select which person you are, if it was not clear via the e-mail address.

Deletions #

  • Persons & Groups
    • The “Total export” menu in the master data of the Persons & Groups module has been removed. The Persons menu can still be used to export all persons in the installation by removing all filters and clicking on “Export persons”.

Fixed Bugs #

  • General
    • When simulating in new modules, such as the new wiki, you are now properly redirected.
    • The mobile menu has been optimized again for very small screens.
    • In certain cases, the internal PDF function could no longer create a PDF (e.g. wiki or calendar). This has been fixed.
    • If a confidentiality agreement must be given, it can no longer be bypassed for the wiki or sync.
  • Persons & Groups
    • Fixes an error where two emails with the same subject were sent after a group registration of a new person.
    • Log entries for serial letter errors now have the correct log level.
    • The Statistics view reloads the data of the archived persons to display complete statistics.
    • When exporting persons, it is again logged who made the export, which fields were exported and which persons (IDs) were affected.
    • When creating a group meeting point, the save button was sometimes not activated. This has been corrected.
    • The person filter now filters yes-no fields correctly again.
    • The automatic email with the unsubscribe link when you are on the waiting list has now been worded so that you don’t misunderstand that you are already registered.
    • A group can no longer be subordinated to itself.
    • The calculation of the maximum email size has been corrected.
    • The automatic logout confirmation email with the logout link as well as the wait list function now also work when a person cancels and then registers again.
    • The follow-up is now also started when you register via the group homepage.
  • Calendar
    • iCal subscriptions can now be used even if you do not give the public user permission to see the calendar.
    • In the list view, the selection via the mini-calendar now works again as usual.
  • Events

    • On mobile devices, the table for possible swap partners can be scrolled horizontally again.
    • To view or delete event attachments, you no longer need permissions for the calendar module. The rights “view events” and “edit events” of the event module are sufficient now.
  • Wiki

    • When deleting a wiki page, the title is now displayed correctly.
    • Redirects can now also contain ? and other special characters.
    • Numbers greater than 9 are now no longer truncated.
    • In some cases it could happen that there was a second scrollbar. This has been corrected.
    • When activating a wiki page for the start page, the success messages have been corrected.
    • Wiki pages are now updated in the background.
    • The page is refreshed when you are logged out in the background.
  • Check-in

      • If a person is already checked in, there is now a better error message.
  • Reports
    • When columns are changed in standard reports, the whole evaluation is recalculated to make the table correct.
  • Finance
    • An error had crept in during validation with simple transactions with purposes. This has been fixed.
    • The totals and balances list loads directly again when you access the menu item under Reports.
  • Sync
    • The sorting from the installation is now taken into account when assigning values.
    • The right sidebar now also works in the system details on small screen.
    • In the /groups API, the correct ID for the growPathId is returned for roles.
  • Admin-Settings
    • Fixed a bug that caused an error when booking a license for the first time.

      ChurchTools 3.78.0 (04.10.2021) #

      Improvements #

  • Sync
    • There is a new Sync module.
    • Currently personal data can be synchronized.
    • The sync works with Optigem, ChurchTools and Davip.
    • ChurchTools can also be synchronized with ChurchTools.
    • The Sync is designed to allow other systems and data types to follow in the future.
  • Persons & Groups
    • Under More Filters => Person Filter you can now search for any person’s fields.
    • There is now a new selection option in “Consent by whom”: “Person who performed group registration”
    • The default master data in “Consent by whom” can no longer be renamed.
    • If the declaration of consent according to the GDPR is not yet submitted for a child, spouse or other person during group registration, or if a new person is to be created in the group registration, you will now be asked whether you have obtained the declaration of consent from this or these person(s).
    • One person can now use the same email address with different labels.
  • Wiki
    • The order of search results are now better sorted by relevance.
    • New Endpoint: GET /groups/:groupId/statistics
    • Growth paths are now included in the Master Data Endpoint.
    • In the /fields API, the name is also returned additionally translated.
    • The ‘Role’ and ‘GroupType’ entities have been extended with the ‘translatedName’ field.
    • FollowUps and FollowUp intervals are provided in the endpoint /persons/masterdata.

Fixed Bugs #

  • Persons & Groups
    • If you do not see all the people in a group, but the group itself, then the correct participant statistics are now displayed anyway.
    • The creation of bulk letters has been made more stable, so that it runs through faster.
    • Problems with copying groups with activated chat have been fixed.
    • Fixed an issue where groups from subgroups could not be displayed on the group home page.
    • The time is displayed correctly again in the person history.
    • In the person export, ‘Age’, ‘Day of birth’, ‘Month of birth’ and ‘Year of birth’ are also output for the Birthday field.
    • Moving up waiting group participants now works correctly again.
    • The person history now shows all entries and not only the last 100 entries.
    • The e-mail notification that the default e-mail address has changed is now only sent to active users.
    • In the person export, the fields Age, Mr./Mrs., ID and Department are usable again.
    • For the display of persons on the OSM maps, the authorization for the address is now checked even more precisely.
  • Calendar
    • Fixed an error that caused the wrong salutation and possibly language to be used in the email notifications for changing a calendar entry.
  • Wiki
    • Fixed a bug that could cause incorrect index indentation in the table of contents.
  • Check-In
    • Groups visible only to the user are now displayed in the superior groups.
    • In the Person MasterData API the field ‘isHidden’ was missing for roles.
    • In the Person MasterData API the values are now sorted by the SortKey.
    • In the /fields API, the ‘hideInFrontend’ field is returned as a Boolean.
    • In the /fields API the field ‘sortKey’ is returned as an integer.
    • In the group endpoint, the ‘followUp.sendReminderMails’ field is now returned as a Boolean.
    • In the group API, the group type ID is now always visible, regardless of the security level.
    • OpenApi documentation has been adjusted so that ‘/groups’ is documented correctly.
    • If you are not allowed to see wiki categories, the search will not crash anymore.

ChurchTools 3.77.0 (06.09.2021) #


  • General
    • The widget “Who is Online” on the start page has been removed.
    • During the test phase, non-system e-mails can now no longer be sent.
  • Persons & Groups
    • When the default email is changed, ChurchTools sends a security notice to the old and new email adress.
    • CSV export for persons, bookings and accounts now use semicolon as column separator.
    • When attaching arrangements in the API, the date of change and the person ID who last changed an item are now also included.
    • The Song API can now also be searched by song title.
    • The Song API now returns the songs in alphabetical order.

Fixed Bugs

  • Persons & Groups
    • Groups with tags can now be deleted again.
    • Groups without an assigned campus can be created again.
  • Calendar
    • Information mails about a new appointment are sent again to the person who is stored in the field “on behalf of”.
    • No incomprehensible mail goes out when a resource is subsequently added to a calendar entry by an admin.
  • Check-in
    • In the checkin, when creating new persons, it is now displayed if the licence has been exceeded.

ChurchTools 3.76.0 (09.08.2021) #


  • Wiki
    • The wiki has been completely rebuilt visually.
    • The mobile view works very well now.
    • Wiki pages can now be written in Markdown.
    • HTML Wiki pages can be converted to Markdown and then back again.
    • Images can be copied and pasted into the new Markdown editor.
    • There is now also a cross-category search.
    • For each category there is now a listing of all pages.
    • There are no more master data in the wiki, the wiki categories have migrated directly to the sidebar.
  • Persons & Groups
    • The registration to the group has been improved when the person is only allowed to register him/herself.
    • Group homepage filters can now be preset by query parameters in the group homepage URL.
    • If an end date is set when a person participates in a group, this is now also displayed in the person list and in the group detail view.
    • An absolute limit can now be set for the number of people on the waiting list. Once this limit is reached, no more people can register for the group.
    • The “Contact leader” buttons as well as the “Log in to ChurchTools” button on the public group page can now be hidden via the group settings.
  • Finance
    • The Finance template now handles leading and closing spaces better when comparing account group names.
    • DELETE /api/groups/:id – New endpoint to delete a group.
    • The endpoint GET /groups and GET /groups/:id now also return the group DB fields that the church itself has defined.
    • New endpoint to create groups: POST /api/groups

Fixed Bugs

  • General
    • With large installations, there is no longer a display problem of the pictures on the member list.
    • 2-factor authentication now also works when ChurchTools is used in a subfolder.
  • Persons & Groups

    • Fixed a bug where it could happen that when opening a group, the group participant fields were not displayed.
    • Inheritance of the permission “May see fields of persons” in subgroups now works correctly in the api `/persons`.
    • Blocking your own access is now no longer possible.
    • Labels for e-mails can now only be deleted if they are no longer used by anyone.
    • If no to-delete group type role is set, no more logout link will be sent when registering to a public group.
    • Tags that are no longer used have been cleared up.
    • Editing an export template is possible again.
    • Export templates can now also contain quotation marks.
  • Events

    • When deleting facts, it is now taken into account whether they are still used in event templates.
    • In the api `/events/{id}` the flag `isCanceled` is now returned correctly.
  • Checkin
    • CheckIn now works even if the calendar module is disabled.

ChurchTools 3.75.0 (12.07.2021) #


  • Persons & Groups
    • Follow-up intervals can now last up to 27 years.
    • If the e-mail dispatch is deactivated, then no more invitation e-mails are sent now.
    • In the person detail view, the pin on the card can now also be set manually if no address is entered.
  • Finance
    • The Finance template now handles preceding and ending spaces better when comparing account group names.
    • The Events API can now also return canceled events via a parameter.

Fixed Bugs

  • General
    • Die Schnellsuche berücksichtigt jetzt auch, wenn Module in ChurchTools deaktiviert wurden.
  • Persons & Groups

    • The Parent and Spouse relationship types can no longer be adjusted because ChurchTools makes assumptions about them, thereby mandating them.
    • Note that a request role is missing from the group type is now only displayed if the waiting list has been activated for a group.
    • Fixed a bug that caused people with blank email addresses to be displayed together when logging in.
    • For group registrations with manual confirmation by the leader, the registered person will no longer be placed directly on the waiting list.
    • If a person is taken out of a group, the hint for automatic moving up is only displayed if moving up is really possible.
    • The correct modification date is now displayed in the e-mail for modifying a group participation.
    • Matching people works again.
    • Form field names in group registration sometimes had 3 asterisks if no translation was found for the field. The bug has now been fixed so that the asterisks are not displayed.
    • The notification popup that no registration is possible for the group because it is full is now displayed correctly again.
    • For registration groups with more requests than free places, the number of free places is no longer displayed.
  • Calendar

    • Meeting requests for past appointments will no longer be sent via email.
    • Wenn Berechtigungen fehlen, um ein Event zu löschen, das mit einem Kalender verknüpft ist wird das jetzt beim Löschen aus dem Kalender angezeigt.
    • In the embedded calendar list, links now open in the same window instead of in the iframe.
    • If an appointment is saved with “On behalf of”, then this person remains as the creator even after further editing.
    • In the information mail about an appointment the start time and end time are displayed correctly for series appointments
  • Events
    • The checkbox to upload to multiple events works correctly again.
    • The reason for cancellation in case of service cancellation will be sent by e-mail again.
    • It could happen that the Events module does not load correctly if you do not have the permission edit masterdata.
  • Finance
    • When searching for donors, the donation amount may not have been calculated correctly if the donor(s) donated as a married couple.
    • The endpoint POST /clients did not return the new client in the data object.

ChurchTools 3.74.0 (16.06.2021) #


  • Security
    • If the password is changed, then you will be logged out of all sessions (including in the app).
    • In the admin settings there is now the option to disable the security check in the app.
    • If you reset your password, then you are no longer automatically logged in, but you have to log in again
  • General
    • The data update in the background now only happens when the browser tab is active.
  • Persons & Groups
    • Individuals registered for a group may be placed on a waiting list if the group is full.
  • Events
    • Absence reasons can now be deleted except for one, if they are not yet in use.
    • When logged in, endpoints to leave a group can now be used without a group login token.

Fixed Bugs

  • General
    • When a person is logged in via SAML, 2-factor authentication is no longer considered. The login is verified by the SAML provider.
  • Persons & Groups

    • People from the archive who have the same e-mail address can now no longer be logged in via the group homepage.
    • In a group login, archived family members were still displayed for login.
  • Events

    • For new positions in the agenda, the feature was not working properly to show or hide the time.
  • Finance
    • Reports in the financial module can now be created if you have the permissions “View accounting years and clients”, “Create and edit postings for accounting year and client” or “Edit master data (edit masterdata)”.

ChurchTools 3.73.0 (17.05.2021) #


  • General
    • Quick Search: The navigation bar now opens the Quick Search, which can be used to navigate quickly in ChurchTools.
  • Persons & Groups
    • The address for people and group meeting points has been improved and can now also be set by hand.
    • The e-mailer can now no longer be closed accidentally by clicking on the black background, but only via “Cancel”.
  • Calendar
    • The date is displayed larger on the Infoscreen.
  • Events
    • Absence reasons can now be deleted except for one, if they are not yet in use.
  • Checkin
    • When adding people and a group with person fields, a hint is now given if the user does not have enough rights to see these person fields.

Fixed Bugs

  • General
    • For the audio player, mobile now relies on the native browser elements.
    • On the start page, the groups are now displayed again under “Administer my membership”, to which you can also register.
  • Persons & Groups

    • The dialog to add people to a group was sometimes not displayed if groups were not assigned to a campus.
    • For users who are not logged in, the information on the group homepage about who can log in is now also dynamically adjusted.
    • If the location name is too long that it breaks in the printed member list, there is now no more unpleasant overlapping of the text.
    • Fixed a bug where groups with spaces were no longer found in the persons list.
    • You are now prevented from deleting yourself.
    • In the further filter, “in review” groups are now no longer considered if the “Show active groups only” setting is active.
  • Events

    • Only visible events are now included in the totals rows of facts.
  • Checkin
    • People who can hold group meetings for a group are now allowed to add people to the group again in check-in and check them in.
  • Finance
    • In the lists of totals and balances, in certain cases the balance was incorrectly shown as Debit instead of Credit
    • There was a typo in the documentation /groups: the filter is called weekdays and not weekday.

ChurchTools 3.72.1 (29.04.2021) #

Fixed Bugs

  • Persons & Groups
    • The dialog to add people to a group was sometimes not displayed if groups were not assigned to a campus.
    • The e-mail addresses are all deleted again when a person is moved to the archive and that was specified in the master data.
  • Wiki
    • Uploading multiple files to the wiki is now possible again.
  • Admin-Settings
    • The last authorizing person can no longer be deleted.


  • General
    • There was a bug that did not properly check the CSRF token for certain requests.

ChurchTools 3.72.0 (19.04.2021) #


  • General
    • The search has been improved in some places so that it handles umlauts and accents better.
    • The email settings are now checked daily in the cron job to avoid misconfiguration.
  • Resources
    • If a resource booking has a linked appointment, the associated calendar is now also displayed in the edit dialog.
    • The title of a booking now allows 100 characters.
  • Checkin
    • When creating new persons in the checkin, it is now also possible to fill in all fields marked as “Appears when people are entered” in the master data.

Fixed Bugs

  • General
    • For users of an external portal, the login token is now also displayed when logging in for web chat.
  • Persons & Groups
    • Group links in the group hierarchy can now also be opened in the new tab.
    • The comment field in the group homepage now has a visible maximum length.
    • In the group description, tables are now also rendered correctly.
    • The group image can now no longer be changed if you do not have the right to edit the group.
    • When saving filter groups, double quotes are now replaced by single quotes, which prevents errors from occurring.
    • In the e-mailer it is now possible to upload the same file again after deletion.
    • A bug was fixed where group fields were not visible in subgroups even though you got the security level through inheritance.
    • In large churches with many groups, the call to add a person to a group could take a very long time.
    • The email with the unsubscribe link is now also sent if it is disabled in the group that a new person should be created, if the person does not yet exist in ChurchTools and a not yet existing person logs in.
  • Calendar

    • After copying an appointment, it is now possible to change the date directly again.
    • Fixed a bug where a resource booking disappeared when changing the associated calendar appointment from a non-all-day appointment to an all-day appointment.
    • A previously invisible calendar will now be visible after creating a new appointment in this calendar; also in the sidebar.
    • People who are only in hidden groups got an error in the calendar.
  • Finance

    • Fixed an error that caused transaction years in other time zones to display the wrong year under certain circumstances.
  • Events
    • Fixes an issue when displaying the agenda print view in Safari.
    • In the mobile view of the songs, the filter was not displayed under certain circumstances. This is now always visible.
    • Fixed a bug where you could not see the facts in the master data under some circumstances.
    • The table header is now no longer sticky in print view.
    • Deleting a service now works also if it is used in an event template.
  • Checkin
    • Revoking in completed check-ins is now no longer possible in the app.
    • It was possible to retrieve group participants via the API, even if you only have the right to see the group, but not the group participants. This bug has been fixed.
    • The Agenda API returns the correct times per position for integrated schedules.
  • Admin-Settings
    • It could happen that only the title of a person was displayed in the case of the authorizing persons. This error has been fixed.
    • The admin will now be prompted to change their password when logging into ChurchTools for the first time.
    • In the log under “Statistics” the calculation of the number of logins has been corrected.

ChurchTools 3.71.0 (22.03.2021) #


  • Chat
    • The ChurchTools chat is now also available on the web. You can find it via the person menu.
  • Persons & Groups
    • Person field data is loaded faster in the participant list.
  • Events
    • Event chats can now be started automatically X days before the event. This can be set in the admin settings.
  • Finance
    • The {{recipientAddressAddition}} field can now be used in donation receipts.

Fixed Bugs

  • General
    • Fixes an error in the log that occurred when a person who triggered a log message was deleted.
    • In “Sent messages” you can no longer see emails from people you are not entitled to see.
    • After ending a simulation, the persons with the same e-mail are visible again in the persons menu.
  • Persons & Groups
    • Fixed a bug where the last name and first name appeared twice as a field when creating a person.
    • An error had led to an attempt to renew the CleverReach token with every CronJob, even if the connection had been disconnected long ago.
    • For people who have the right to assign other persons to groups, only groups that the person is allowed to see are now available again.
    • On the old group homepage, person DB fields that are set as mandatory fields for this group were not marked as mandatory fields. Now they are marked with * accordingly.
    • Re-registering to a group after unsubscribing is now possible.
    • The Follow-Up Settings dialog displayed incorrect data after canceling and reopening.
    • People who have Follow-Up permissions in a group will now receive Follow-Up mails even if they are not the leader of the group.
    • Registration for public groups is now also possible on the closing day.
  • Calendar

    • Meeting requests did not show all people who are allowed to see the group calendar.
    • For meeting requests, only groups that are allowed to be seen are displayed.
    • When making changes to bookings that affect other modules, the confirmation dialog now no longer displays untranslated texts.
  • Finance

    • In donation receipts, the donation amount was written out in the language of the installation. This has been corrected so that the amount is written out in the language of the donation receipt template.
    • In the donor list, spouses are now also displayed together if they were entered in a different order during the transactions.
    • When exporting transactions, it could happen that more transactions were exported than the user was allowed to see in the browser.
  • Events
    • Fixed a bug that prevented newly created users from opening and editing schedule templates.
  • Resources
    • The field In order of now displays the name and no longer the ID.
    • When confirming a resource request, the creator now remains. It could happen that the person confirming the booking was entered as creator afterwards.
    • When a resource booking was deleted, an empty e-mail was sometimes sent to the resource admin. This problem has been fixed now.
    • When you receive a booking request by email, click on the link and close the dialog box, you now end up in the resource category of the requested resource.
    • When booking a resource through the calendar module, the email to the admin now also includes a listing of any conflicts. (When booking via the resource module, this listing is already included in the email).
    • If you do not have the permissions to confirm a resource booking and you open an already confirmed resource booking for editing, the “Status” field is now set to “Confirmed” until you make a change.
    • In a resource booking with recurrences, if the first appointment has already been confirmed or deleted, the start page now displays the first appointment of the recurrences that still needs to be confirmed.
  • Wiki
    • Headings copied from Microsoft Word or other programs are now correctly displayed in the wiki sidebar.
  • Checkin
    • Only active groups are now displayed in the check-in.
    • The AJAX API getBookings (for resource bookings) accepts filter parameters again

ChurchTools 3.70.0 (22.02.2021) #


  • General
    • Via churchtools.config it is now possible to specify multiple origins for CORS. The parameter is called access_control_allow_origins[]. For hosting customers, support can customize this (
    • LDAP protocol version 3 is now supported when using an external LDAP.
    • When logged in as an authorized user, support access for ChurchTools support can now be granted via the Manage menu.
    • The privacy info email to newly created people now only contains a list of fields that have been saved, not the values of the fields.
    • The Rest API is now also usable with an Authorization Header.
    • The Agenda API now outputs modified_date and modified_pid for the agenda and per item.

Fixed Bugs

  • General
    • When logging in, only one log message is written again.
    • If two-factor is forced at the first login, now you don’t have to enter the password that you don’t have at this time.
  • Persons & Groups
    • When signing up for open groups via the start page, former participants in the group who have since been archived were counted, so ChurchTools incorrectly assumed that the maximum number of participants had already been reached. This error has been corrected.
    • If more than 500 people were to be synchronized to Mailjet in one go, only the first 500 were synchronized. This error is now fixed.
    • Groups are now still displayed on the group homepage on the day of their closing date and are not inactive until the following day.
    • In the print view of the member list, contact information is now displayed one below the other, so that long phone numbers no longer overlap each other.
    • The filter My groups now takes into account for the group closing date the admin setting how many days after that the group should still be displayed.
    • Error messages in the group home page login are now more readable.
  • Calendar

    • The event template is not reset for a new appointment if the time of the appointment changes (does not apply to serial appointments)
    • In the meeting request email, the link is now displayed correctly.
    • When subscribing to a ChurchTools iCal in another ChurchTools installation, the remark is now also read out.
    • If the first appointment of a series is selected and this and subsequent appointments are to be deleted, then the entire series is now deleted.
  • Finance

    • Donation receipts on the second and subsequent pages of the donor list are now displayed correctly.
    • If accounts without transactions are hidden in the balance sheet, the account 9999 was mistakenly hidden as well.
    • Fixed an error that could cause the bulk donations receipts button to not display the correct value.
  • Events
    • SongBeamer Export: If the selected arrangement does not have a SongBeamer file, then it will additionally look for it in the default arrangement.
    • If you want to create a new agenda, the other agendas on the same day are now also loaded so that you can select them to create an integrated agenda.
    • When assigning duties, people who can only be seen via group permissions were not found by last name.
    • Fixed a bug where the year was set to 2040 after deleting an expiration template.
    • Assignments of service from one person to another, are properly identified in the news mail.
  • Ressources
    • If you want to book a resource and switch to another resource in the dialog, the status for the booking is now correctly determined. It could happen that requests are unintentionally set to “Confirmed”.
  • Wiki
    • Long sidebars are now scrollable.
  • Checkin
    • Checking in with superior groups works again as usual.
    • Selecting a superior group scrolls the list to the top again.
    • It was possible to create a new person without a department. This resulted in the person not appearing in the list of persons.

ChurchTools 3.69.1 (27.01.2021) #

Fixed Bugs

  • Wiki
    • Wiki links are now displayed correctly again.
  • Resources
    • Full day resource bookings can be created again.

ChurchTools 3.69.0 (25.01.2020) #


  • Persons & Groups
    • In the statistics for the last group meetings, cancelled meetings are now displayed correctly.
    • HTML template can now be deleted.
    • People who are already in the group are now no longer found in the search for adding new people.
    • In the master data for first name and last name, a note is now displayed that the security level setting only affects editing.
    • The date fields for the date filter have been improved, so no invalid date like 31.02. is possible anymore.
    • The reminder function for FollowUps has been increased to three digits.
    • A tooltip is now no longer displayed on mobile devices.
    • It is now possible to log in to hidden groups via the group homepage, as long as you have the permission to see the group.
  • Events
    • Assigned persons who do not have a ChurchTools account will now be specially marked once again in the rota.
  • Finance
    • Improves the legal notice in the donation receipt template.
    • Three new song APIs to get song information.
    • People endpoints now also return the IDs of the departments and these can be changed for a person with PATCH .
  • Checkin
    • The mobile view of the check-in has been improved.
  • Admin-Settings
    • The CleverReach connection can be tested in the admin settings.
    • When disconnecting a newsletter tool, the data is also deleted from the database. Contacts already synchronized to the tool are not deleted from the list in the tool. Only ChurchTools is cleaned up.

Fixed Bugs

  • General
    • When uploading via the new file uploader, an error message is now displayed if the file is too large.
    • A redirect to the desired wiki page that requires a login now also works with 2-factor authentication.
    • Past exchange requests are no longer displayed on the startpage
  • Persons & Groups
    • The link on a person’s address now leads to OpenStreetMaps instead of GoogleMaps.
    • Fixes a bug that could create a group without a name.
    • Fixes an error that caused you to be redirected incorrectly after deleting a saved filter.
    • When adding people to a FollowUp group via batch, now not X dialogs are displayed.
    • In the group person list, multiple group meetings on one day are now also displayed with red and green.
    • In the person filter, it is now possible to filter a date without a year over the year change.
    • The date filter “Last online” is now only displayed if you also have “administer persons” as a right.
    • The advanced group filter now no longer displays person fields that cannot be filtered by.
    • When adding more fields to a group, the security level is now sorted by ID instead of alphabetically.
    • In Firefox, the editor for automatic emails is now better initialized.
    • In the relationship filter, the setting to “show only active groups” is now properly respected.
    • In the settings modal, the values are now reset if not saved.
    • If an archived person should be added to a group after all, no automatic mail will be sent to the person.
    • Saved group meeting filters are now initialized correctly.
    • People who are in the archive can now no longer be logged in via the group homepage. Instead, the registration is treated as if a new person registers.
    • Fixed a bug where QR codes for group registration were sent twice.
    • If a person’s name has a higher security level than you can see, and you add a person to a group that you couldn’t see yet, the person will be visible, but the name will be displayed as ‘undefined’ as long as you haven’t reloaded the page yet. This problem has been fixed so that the name is now visible without reloading.
  • Calendar

    • When you call up a meeting request via the dashboard, all calendars are now visible again afterwards.
    • Fixes a bug where all calendars were reloaded when changing “My meeting requests only”.
    • When an appointment with meeting requests changes, it is now correctly displayed that all meeting requests are open again. This was previously only visible after a reload.
    • If you do not have the right to create appointments, the dialog for creating appointments does not open now.
    • If a calendar category is empty and you do not have the right to create calendars either, the heading will be hidden.
    • When using appointment templates that contain bookings of resources with automatic confirmation, conflicts were not always handled correctly. This error has been fixed.
    • The popup menu when clicking on an appointment series now closes again when clicking anywhere outside the popup menu.
  • Finance

    • Fixed an error that caused special characters in the header of financial reports to be displayed incorrectly.
    • Downloads in the reports now have the correct file extension.
  • Events
    • The export modal for presentation software can now be closed again via the Cancel button.
    • In Events under Agenda, the selected campus is now taken into account when selecting the agenda.
    • The service history is now correct again when you accept or cancel via the app.
  • Resources
    • When a resource booking was changed, an email was sometimes sent to the creator stating that the booking was accepted, even though the booking was already accepted. This error has been fixed and the email now contains the note that the booking has been changed.
    • Text in tooltips is now selectable.
    • Fixed a bug where resource bookings for all-day appointments were still displayed the following day.
  • Wiki
    • Links from the wiki to a group work again without error message.
  • Checkin
    • If only subordinate groups are displayed in the check-in, all levels are now considered.
    • Fixes an error that another appointment is selected after the first check-in.
  • Admin-Settings
    • In the rights management, the sortkey is now taken into account for the status.
    • The admin setting “showRememberMe” is now respected again when logging in.

ChurchTools 3.68.1 (18.12.2020) #

Fixed Bugs

  • General
    • A redirect to the desired wiki page that requires a login now also works with 2-factor authentication.
  • Calendar
    • Deleting calendars that contain very old linked events is now possible.
  • Finance
    • Improves the legal notice in the donation receipt template.
    • Fixes an error where accounting via group internal permissions was not possible.
    • The name of the treasurer now appears correctly on the donation receipt.
    • In the module finance, people who have group internal permissions now see only the purposes they are allowed to see.
  • Checkin
    • Fixes an error that another appointment is selected after the first check-in.
  • Persons & Groups
    • When registering additional people via the group homepage, it is now no longer possible to overwrite the email address of existing people.
    • It is again possible to customize the length of the email field.

ChurchTools 3.68.0 (14.12.2020) #


  • Persons & Groups
    • A new filter has been added in ” More Filters”, with which you can filter out persons assigned to the service. For example, you can find out who is in charge and then add them to a service group.
    • New REST-APIS for the absences were added.

Fixed Bugs

  • Persons & Groups

    • Group meetings can now also be created when using ChurchTools in English.
    • The filter “Show only active group” is now also considered in the batch functions.
    • The filter “My groups” now takes into account whether you want to see inactive groups.
    • Necessary contact data fields in Mailjet were not available if Mailjet is used in a language other than German. This meant that no contacts could be synchronized. Now these fields are checked in advance and created if necessary.
    • After moving a person to the Archive, they are no longer selected when sending an email to a group.
    • If “Null values are allowed” is selected for DB fields of type number, they can now also be left empty in the profile.
    • The security levels of group fields are now handled correctly when editing the group setting.
    • The search for tags, countries and groups now works again.
    • The emails of a person are now displayed sorted by the SortKey of the label.
    • The group filter now correctly considers the default values for own group member fields again.
    • An automatic e-mail was sent although the mail was disabled when changing the role of a group member.
  • General

    • Copying and pasting global permissions to group or group type protocols could result in numerous incorrect log entries. This problem is now fixed.
  • Events
    • Persons without permissions for the Events module can now accept or reject swap requests via the start page.
    • If a service was accepted or cancelled via the app, the history for this service was created incorrectly.
  • Resources
    • When sending an update e-mail for a resource booking, the person who made the change is now used as contact.

ChurchTools 3.67.0 (23.11.2020) #


  • General
    • On the start page, the registration form for groups has been replaced with the form for the new public groups.
    • On tablets, “ChurchTools App” now displays both the link to log in directly and the QR code.
    • Multiple e-mail addresses per person are now possible. For this purpose contact names can be created in the master data of “Persons&Groups”.
  • Persons & Groups
    • When uploading pictures of people, the format is now validated.
    • If the adress changes, the coordinates and the inaccurate coordinates (blue perimeter) are both recalculated.
    • The overview table now also displays the abbreviation for the default role of a group.
    • Campus, Status and Department can now no longer be selected for “Appears when people are entered”, as these are already standard fields.
    • Only the groups of the selected campus will appear in the search suggestions for groups among “Persons”.
    • If you have set the “My groups” filter, you can add people to the group. Now only the activated roles will be considered.
    • Fixed a bug that allowed editing the field “Confidentiality agreement accepted on” if you have the right to edit master data in persons & groups. Like all other DB fields of the category “Data Security and Privacy”, this field should only be editable if you are superadmin.
    • In case of a group registration, the person can use one of their stored e-mail addresses. The mail with the registration link as well as the first automatic e-mail will be sent to the address used.
    • The group filter now also displays the times of group meetings.
  • Checkin
    • The search for people is now stronger and can handle more cases and different sequences.
  • Finance
    • The sender is now visible above the address on donation receipts for envelopes with window.
    • Persons with group-internal rights for finances now see all entries of the cost center, but donations that would become visible are censored.
    • New API endpoint for check-ins with ticket validation

Fixed Bugs

  • Persons & Groups

    • The e-mail address is now validated for persons.
    • Automatic e-mails sent in your own name are now listed under ‘Sent messages’.
    • Entries in a custom table, which is listed in the master data, can be deleted.
    • If you have deactivated the display of the OpenStreetMap in the admin settings, it is no longer shown on the group homepage.
    • If more than one person with the same name exists when importing personal data, an additional e-mail address comparison is now performed to update the personal data.
    • Security levels are no longer sorted alphabetically in the rights management, but by ID.
    • The member list will no longer break when the Fax field is deleted from the DB fields.
  • General

    • The actions of a table column are now hidden in the print view.
  • Calendar
    • The selects for selecting the repetitions are now more accessible.
    • When creating a group calendar, the name is now preset with the group name.
    • In the Minical, appointments with the same name on the same day are now correctly sorted by time.
    • The link in the tooltip to the resources works again and links to the right place.
    • If you select a day in the future in the list view using the mini calendar, all events are now displayed again.
    • Resource conflicts are displayed in the calendar, even if you cannot see the Resources module.
  • Events
    • Fixed a bug where the context menu covered other elements for new items.
    • Fixed a bug that caused schedule template entries to be deleted when deleting events.
  • Resources
    • It is now also possible to use exceptions and additional dates only with the right “create bookings” when creating a booking.
  • Wiki
    • The backslash character can now be used again in the Wiki.
  • Finance
    • Financial reports are now correctly translated into the language of the user.
    • The account sheet is now working again.
  • Checkin
    • Hidden groups no longer appear in the Checkin, unless you are allowed to see the group.
    • If you are not allowed to see a group and there are no public groups, groups were still returned in the API. This was fixed.

ChurchTools 3.66.0 (02.11.2020) #


  • General
    • The header ‘Accept-Language’, which some browsers send along to indicate which language is preferred, is respected by ChurchTools.
  • Persons & Groups
    • The PDF files of a bulk letter contains the last name of the person instead of the ID. This way the letters can be printed sorted.
    • Bulk letters can now be created per person or per household.
    • If the email person field has been added to a group, it is no longer displayed additionally on the group homepage, since it is already queried during the registration process anyway,
    • In the extended group filter it is now also possible to select group meetings as an additional sub filter if the group has group meetings.
    • The permission for subordinate groups “Receive emails on changes” has been deleted for all groups and group types. This corresponds to the behavior as it was before. So not more people get the mail about changes than before.
  • Finance
    • When creating a new accounting year, it is possible to transfer the master data (including the chart of accounts) to the new year.
    • When creating a new accounting year, OB values can be transferred.

Fixed Bugs

  • Persons & Groups

    • The e-mail address is now validated for persons.
    • Automatic e-mails sent in your own name are now listed under ‘Sent messages’.
    • Entries in a user-defined table, which is listed in the master data, can be deleted.
    • If you have deactivated the display of the OpenStreetMap in the admin settings, it is no longer shown on the group homepage.
    • If more than one person with the same name exists when importing personal data, an additional e-mail address matching is now done to update the personal data.
  • General

    • Database schema updates are not categorized as ERROR in the log, but as INFO.
    • If no confidentiality agreement has to be accepted, you will be redirected to the profile and password setup dialog.
  • Events
    • Marked events are now still shown as marked, even if you change the rota, e.g. by adding more services.
    • If the phone DB field is cleared, there will no longer be an error message in the rota when you select a person.
    • Agenda templates: There is no longer an error message when you click on the time at a position.
  • Resources
    • In info mails about resource bookings translations were missing.

ChurchTools 3.65.0 (12.10.2020) #


  • General
    • In the login statistics in the log the simulated accesses are now filtered out.
    • Always shows the name of the person in the log, even if you cannot actually see him/her.
  • Persons & Groups
    • Improves the automatic assignment of CSV columns in person import. Also columns with spaces and special characters are now automatically assigned.
    • In the group information and on the group homepage overlapping age groups are now correctly summarised.
    • Tags are now displayed sorted in the search for persons & groups.
  • Events
    • The data in the Events module now loads faster.
  • Calendar
    • In group calendars there is now also the option to mark appointments for internal use only.
  • Checkin
    • Initially only the first 50 people are rendered. Further ones are loaded by scrolling. However, the results should be limited by the search first.
  • Finance
    • The chart of accounts can now be exported as CSV.
    • In the existing reports it is now possible to hide accounts without transactions.
    • There are two new reports: Totals & Balances and Account Sheets.
    • The reports can now be called up via the preview function.
    • When importing transactions, the spouse can now also be specified as a donor.
    • If no donation account is selected after “Book and New”, “Donation” is deleted from the booking text.
    • In the booking filter you can now also directly search for accounts, cost centres … Until now, you always had to select the category account to search for accounts.
    • /api/groups/hierarchies now returns all group hierarchies.
    • The api /groups has got some new filter possibilities. For details see /api
    • In the response for /permissions/internal/persons/{personId} +do followup has been included.
    • The group member api /groups/$GROUP_ID/members can now be filtered by role.
    • PUT /groups/:id/members/:personId allows other roles (e.g. leader) to be added to the group, even if the group is full.

Fixed Bugs

  • General
    • Updates from v3.55 to v3.56 could cause problems with the Collation database for self-hosting. This has been adjusted. (If you already use v3.56 or higher successfully, this bug did not affect you)
    • Multiselect fields are now displayed in the profile.
    • Open services on the start page are now correctly sorted by date.
    • When calling a group participation via the dashboard, the description is now correctly rendered as a markdown.
    • The CSV export now handles special characters better.
  • Persons & Groups
    • In the extended filter, relationships and groups are now AND-linked.
    • In the extended filter “2FA” is AND-linked with the remaining filters.
    • The extended group filter can now also handle default values from group fields.
    • In the group home page preview with the “list view” setting, images are now displayed correctly when switching to the cell phone preview.
    • Copying a group no longer fails if the old group picture is not found.
    • The cursors in the Markdown Editor now work as expected.
    • In the group information, the target group is only translated if there is a translation string.
    • In the master data in the DB fields for groups the “Create in new” is now deactivated, because this function does not exist at all.
    • The notification mail to group leaders no longer mentions ‘anonymous’ as the trigger for changes.
    • An error has been fixed which caused that the departments of the selected people were set incorrectly while using the “Marked persons… Remove a department” function.
    • Archived spouses or children are now no longer suggested for group registration via the group homepage.
    • If you have the right to edit relationships, you will no longer get an error message when adding relationships to people you cannot see.
    • The list of persons no longer shows persons in the search from the archive, even if you had opened the archive before.
    • When adding a group in the person details, an error occurred if there was no group of the type yet.
    • If you want to delete a person who is still registered as a donor in the finance module, an understandable error message will now appear.
    • The search for tags in people has been improved.
    • E-mails with umlauts can now also be saved.
    • When sending mail via an external program, special characters are now converted correctly.
    • Fixed a bug that prevented a person from being synchronised with a newsletter list if that email address was already synchronised to any other list. Now checks are only done within the respective group and list.
    • When spouses are combined in label printing, the title of the relationship type is now used.
    • All Mailjet lists are now loaded.
    • Rights are now again correctly inherited to hierarchically lower groups (more than one level).
    • Group types can now no longer be deleted if an assigned group type role still exists.
    • The old API to store personal comments has been extended by missing authorization checks.
    • The export is now also possible with a semicolon in the text.
    • The group search has been improved.
    • If you want to delete a group that is still assigned to a cost centre in the Finance module, an intelligible error message is now displayed.
    • Registration via the group homepage now only allows children to register before their 16th birthday, no longer if they are already 16 years old.
    • The extended filter now correctly combines postcode and proximity search.
    • On the start page for registering to open groups, group participant fields were displayed that were not intended for registering at all, these are no longer visible.
    • Automatic group mails are no longer sent for inactive groups.
    • Group change mails are now also sent to people who have the right for subgroups
    • The cron job to remove people with end date of participation from groups now also works if the cron job was triggered by a user with restricted rights.
  • Events
    • The Live Agenda now also shows the correct total duration when you have songs with seconds duration in the sequence.
    • You can now enter two or more question marks one after the other in the agenda
    • The rocket to apply event templates to a service group now also works if you want to apply a template with a smaller crew.
    • Remarks in the agenda can now be deleted again.
    • The group-internal permission ‘See absence’ is now also considered in the Events module, so the Absence tab is also available here.
    • Songs that have a slash (/) in their name can now also be found in CCLI-Songselect.
    • No more automatic emails (Open Rota) are sent to leaders without email addresses.
    • When a service is vacant (i.e. not assigned to a service group), the absences of the selected person are now also displayed.
  • Calendar
    • In the modal of an appointment, links without http are now also forwarded correctly.
    • The links for the Embed Calendar and Set Infoscreen are hidden for users who are not logged in.
    • The invitation mail to a meeting was sometimes sent in different languages. Now the language of the recipient is always used.
    • The Infoscreen only displays all-day appointments from today or in the future.
    • All-day appointments that go beyond a time change are now exported correctly in iCal.
  • Resources
    • In some resource e-mails translation strings were output directly (e.g. “email.bookingRequest.part1” instead of the corresponding text). This error has been fixed.
    • Room bookings that were created with a serial appointment can be edited in the Resources module again.
    • The booked resources are displayed in the calendar if the resource can be seen according to the right. However, you do not need to be able to see the Resources module as such.
  • Checkin
    • In the person search field the option “Create person” is now hidden if you do not have the necessary rights.
    • Fixes some errors in connection with auto-selection.
    • Pre-selected values are now not reset when creating persons.
    • Fixed a bug where label printing would not work if the last name of the person checked in starts with an umlaut.
  • Wiki
    • If you cannot see a wiki page and are not logged in, you will be redirected to login and then back to the wiki.
  • Finance
    • The order of the account classes has been adjusted so that the profit and loss statement shows income before expenditure.
    • Devices can now be updated even if they were created by another user.
    • A filter set to zero (e.g. /api/groups?campus_ids[]=null) sometimes returned entries with 0. This error has been fixed, so that it is now possible to filter correctly for entries where this value is not set.
    • PUT /groups/:id/members/:personId returns 403 Forbidden when the group is full.

Security improvements

  • Persons & Groups
    • Some old Api were supplemented by missing authorization checks.

Removal of old Apis

  • Removes the old api function: f_image, as it is no longer needed in the front-end. The same can be achieved with the new File Upload Api.
  • Removes the old api function: send_email.
  • Removes the old api function:: addNewTag.

ChurchTools 3.64.2 (18.09.2020) #


  • Persons & Groups
    • Improves the presentation of public groups in social media and news services (OpenGraph)

Fixed Bugs

  • Newsletter-Sync
    • Fixed a bug that prevented a person from being synchronized with a newsletter list if that email address was already synchronized to any other list. Now the check is only performed within the respective group and list.
    • All Mailjet lists are now loaded and displayed.
  • Finance
    • The balance of the account and the offsetting account is displayed again when making transactions.

ChurchTools 3.64.1 (14.09.2020) #


  • Checkin
    • Performance has been improved for check-in groups with many participants.

Fixed Bugs

  • Persons & Groups
    • Fixed a bug that caused the “Marked Persons” function to fail when using the “Marked Persons… Remove a department” the department of the selected persons were set incorrectly.
    • Archived spouses or children are now no longer suggested for group registration via the group homepage.
    • People who have been synchronized to CleverReach are correctly marked as synchronized in ChurchTools.
  • Events
    • You can now enter two or more question marks one after the other in the agenda.
  • Resources
    • If you can create resource bookings with the “create bookings” permission, you can now also delete your own bookings.
    • In some resource emails translation strings were displayed directly (e.g. “email.bookingRequest.part1” instead of the corresponding text). This bug has been fixed.
  • Checkin
    • Fixes a problem where the wrong date was selected in the checkin.

ChurchTools 3.64.0 (07.09.2020) #


  • Persons & Groups
    • The indication whether a person is a member or not has been removed, as this is covered by the security level of the status.
    • Public groups that are shared via social media are now displayed with a picture and description. (OpenGraph)
    • Besides Mailchimp, there are now also integrations with the newsletter tools Mailjet and CleverReach.
    • Participants in a group and groups in the person-detail card can now also be opened in the new tab.
  • Events
    • The tables for the events and the schedule now have a sticky header by default.
  • Wiki
    • Wiki pages that are set up as redirects are now ignored by the search.
    • Wiki search has been improved to find search results more reliably.
  • Checkin
    • Performance at check-in has been improved.
  • Finance
    • Budgets are now visualized in the budget tab and on the start page.
    • In the expert booking mask a missing donor can now be created directly with the appropriate rights.
    • The possible values for the area, status and campus are now returned via the person master data API.

Fixed Bugs

  • Persons & Groups
    • The member list was not displayed if you did not maintain any spouse relationships, but married couples should still be grouped in the list.
    • Hidden roles are no longer displayed in the ” Administrate Chat” mode.
    • If you log in to an open group via the start page, person fields are now transferred.
    • Names for relationship types can now be 100 characters long instead of 20 characters.
    • If the text for automatic e-mails for group members was very long or was copied from Microsoft Word into the input field, it may not be possible to edit the text afterwards. This problem has now been fixed.
    • The “Make change without notification” option when adding people to groups has been changed to “Notify group leaders of the change” to make the behavior more explicit.
    • Group names are no longer limited to 35 characters.
    • E-mails can now be sent to people whose e-mail addresses you are not allowed to see.
  • Calendar
    • If all church calendars are deleted, new calendars can be created again.
  • Resources
    • An error was fixed by which very often the server was contacted in short time to ask for changed data (“pollForNews call”).
    • Fixed a bug where when confirming a single appointment in a resource serial booking, an e-mail was incorrectly sent about a rejected booking.
  • Wiki
    • Restoring drafts is now only displayed on the respective edited page and no longer globally for each wiki page.
  • Checkin
    • After a person has been checked in, the search is not reset, but is maintained.
    • In the frontend, printers and Add Person are now hidden if you do not have enough rights.
    • When creating a new person, the tags for printing the labels are now displayed again.
  • Finance
    • The simple booking mask now only shows purposes that can be booked.
    • The Events API now also returns events for which no role has been defined.

ChurchTools 3.63.1 (01.09.2020)

Fixed Bugs

  • General
    • PHP upgrade notices is not shown anymore for hosting customers.

ChurchTools 3.63.0 (17.08.2020) #


  • Chat
  • Checkin
    • The check-in has been completely revised visually. A few new features have been added as well.
      • The last checkin can be undone.
      • The checkin now uses the full height of the browser window.
      • Several roles can be selected when filtering people.
      • Once check-in has been completed, no more persons can be checked in.
  • General
    • In the long permission tables for (internal) group rights, the table header is now sticky.
  • Persons & Groups
    • The group description is now customizable as markdown with editor and will be displayed in the app and the group homepage.
    • The heading for the registration into public groups can now be customized in the group settings.
    • Follow-Up reminder emails now only contain follow ups that are already overdue or are due in the next 7 days. The list is now sorted by overdue date
    • Persons and groups can now be opened in a new tab by clicking on the name on the right and opening the link in the new tab.
    • The user will be warned if he tries to contact all people in the list without filter (only if there are more than 100 people in ChurchTools, and if the user can see more than 50% of all people).
  • Events
    • ProPresenter 7 can now be selected when exporting agendas.
    • The attachment of files and links to events has been visually revised and the workflow split into uploading and mailing.
    • New REST-APIS for the Wiki have been added. With these, all reading operations for the Wiki can now be performed. They are located at /api/wiki/.... Details can be found in the Api-Docs at /api.
    • The api /api/persons/ now returns the persons sorted by last name and first name.
    • The api /api/groups/{groupId}/members can now also be filtered via the group participant fields.Using the /publicgroups API, it is now also possible to log in to non-public open groups, provided you are logged in and have the right to view the group.
  • Admin-Settings
    • The Event Admin settings have been revised: some settings are now optional and you can now set whether affected people should be invited to ChurchTools.

Fixed Bugs

  • General
    • The absences on the start page are now sorted correctly.
    • On the start page, under “Your next appointments”, appointments that are already past on the same day are now also hidden.
    • In “Sent messages” the filter now remains set when loading more.
    • If you have selected a campus and are deprived of the right to view this campus, the selected campus was then displayed incorrectly and people, groups and events were sometimes not visible. This problem has now been fixed so that the first visible campus is automatically selected when you select a campus that is no longer visible.
    • In two e-mails the surname was used in the salutation. It has now been adapted to the nickname or first name, as is the case in other mails.
  • Persons & Groups
    • Permission check improved when changing the departments of a person
    • Permission check improved when creating a new group
    • The group homepage now also shows the remaining seats if there are no participants yet.
    • On the start page, “Pending membership” by archived persons is now hidden.
    • If I have permission to at least one data protection person field, the data protection block is now displayed in the person details.
    • Fixes a problem synchronizing with LimeSurvey.
    • Meeting points are now displayed in the group details view with correct location names again.
    • Group images of copied groups can now again be deleted.
  • Events
    • Agendas with more than 67 positions can now be saved and edited again.
  • Resources
    • A bug was fixed that prevented Firefox from accepting bookings via the start page.
    • Via the start page, several booking requests can now be opened simultaneously in new tabs and confirmed one after the other.
    • When processing resource bookings, an error message may have occurred due to a missing email template and no notification mail about the change has been sent. This problem is fixed now.
  • Finance

    • CSV files without BOM headers are now also imported without errors.

    • In the donor table the sorting works again.

    • The account import now gives an error message for duplicate account names instead of not being executed completely.
    • The previous year is now always hidden in the totals row if there are no values for it.
    • If a donor has donated in the previous year but not in the current accounting year, filtering for this donor now correctly displays the donation total of the previous year in the totals row.
    • The toggle “Spouse donates” is now also displayed correctly in the booking mask when editing a transaction.

ChurchTools 3.62.0 (27.07.2020) #


  • General
    • The emailer now gives a warning when URL-shorteners are in use.
  • Persons & Groups
    • The info field for FollowUp type intervals has been extended to 2048 characters.
    • Groups on the group homepage can now be sorted by predefined fields.
    • The settings for the group chat and permissions have been revised and are now directly adjustable and much clearer in the respective group.
    • Children and spouses can now also be registered via the group homepage if the own date of birth is not set.
  • Events
    • Deleting event chats can now be disabled.
  • Wiki
    • The wiki search now also finds words in the title of the wiki page.
    • The security level for open groups is now at least 1 for all people logged in via the api /api/groups and /api/groups/$groupId
    • For public groups, the IDs of the subgroups are now returned.
  • Chat (Beta)
    • People who are included in group or event chats can now be automatically invited to ChurchTools.

Behobene Fehler

  • General
    • Plain text mails are now sent better formatted and links are visible.
    • If a self-hosting system used a subdirectory, the Forgot Password link did not work. This has been fixed.
    • There was an error on the start page, so you could only login to one open group, the second login caused an error.
    • A bug has been fixed that made it impossible to withdraw consent to the privacy declaration for own children.
  • Persons & Groups
    • Fixed a bug that caused the display of the security level for person and group fields in the rights management to be incorrect if it was taken from the group type.
    • Deleting groups failed if the group image was already deleted. This error has been fixed so that there is no longer an error message when deleting groups.
    • The group internal permission ‘+see tags’ is now correctly evaluated in the person tag Api /api/persons/$personId/tags
    • Export templates can now be created even if you do not have global rights to see security levels.
    • The field Meeting day can now be saved again in the master data.
    • The search result in the group list is sorted alphabetically.
    • When a group is deleted, the growth paths of the participants are recalculated.
    • OpenStreet maps can be shifted again.
  • Calendar
    • For appointment changes, the current user who last edited the appointment is now entered in the DB.
    • In iCal, the Last Modified date is set to the most recent date, which either comes from the appointment or if events are linked, then it is also considered when the services were changed.
    • The name of the iCal for the entire calendar is now the same as the name of the church.
  • Resources
    • The history entries for a booking are now completely translated.
    • If an event was split in the Events module (serial event), the resource bookings were lost.
    • If the user has no rights to see the calendar, the resource bookings are made anonymous.
    • Bookings marked as deleted are completely hidden for persons without corresponding rights. Before this, the marker for the calendar was still visible.
    • The calculation of resource bookings for all-day dates with “book in advance” or “book afterwards” time was corrected.
  • Checkin
    • German placeholders for Checkin Labels are now filled correctly if the user has selected a different language when checking in.
    • The api /api/groups?without_my_groups=true now takes into account open groups in which the person is but cannot see them.
  • Admin-Settings
    • The number of persons was calculated incorrectly for the license.

ChurchTools 3.61.0 (06.07.2020) #


  • Allgemein
    • Die Einladungsmail für den Chat wurde verbessert.
    • An den meisten Stellen wird das Datum nun der Sprache entsprechend angezeigt.
    • Das Parsen eines Datums wurde verbessert. Es sind jetzt in den meisten Fällen auch Eingaben möglich wie: 13/06/2020, 13062020, 2020-06-13
  • Personen & Gruppen
    • Die Gruppenhomepage zeigt nun den Füllgrad von Gruppen mit begrenzter Teilnehmeranzahl an.
    • /api/persons/:personId/invite : Neuer Endpunkt, um Personen einzuladen.

Behobene Fehler

  • Allgemein
    • Wenn alle Vorlagen für Gruppen-interne Rechte gelöscht wurden, konnte man keine neue Vorlage mehr erstellen.
    • Beim Speichern und Einfügen der globalen Berechtigungen wird nun eine Information über den erfolgreichen Vorgang angezeigt.
    • Bugs im Session-Handling behoben und Redis-basierte Sessions korrekt implementiert.
    • Die Seite “ChurchTools App” zeigt nun auch Informationen im ausgeloggten Zustand an.
    • Deeplinks, z.B. ins Wiki, funktionieren jetzt auch, wenn der Benutzer sich erst einloggen muss
    • Auf dem Dashboard werden jetzt nur noch Abwesenheiten von heute und in der Zukunft angezeigt.
  • Personen & Gruppen
    • Ungültige Datumswerte werden beim Personen-Import ignoriert.
    • Die Anmeldung für Gruppen auf der Startseite berücksichtigt jetzt die ausgewählte Station.
    • Wenn man das Recht “Weitere Filter” nicht besitzt, ist es nicht mehr möglich, diese aufzurufen mittels “Gruppe in der Personenliste filtern”
    • Der Filter “Meine Gruppen” berücksichtigt nun, ob man die Teilnehmer der Gruppe überhaupt sehen darf.
    • Es gab einen Fehler beim Überprüfen der Rechte, um archivierte Personen anzuzeigen.
    • In den Karten-Elementen der Gruppenhomepage wird für die kurze Beschreibung der Gruppe alles HTML entfernt. In der Detailansicht der Gruppe ist weiterhin HTML möglich.
    • In den Statistiken wird nun bei den Jahrestabellen die richtige Jahreszahl beachtet, falls es nur das Jahr im Datum gibt.
    • Wenn man nur eine einzige Station sehen kann, wird diese beim Anlegen von neuen Personen automatisch ausgewählt.
    • Das Verlassen von öffentlichen Gruppen über die ChurchTools-Startseite funktioniert jetzt wieder.
    • Das Speichern von den Admin-Settings zu Personen & Gruppen funktioniert wieder.
    • Automatische Gruppen-E-Mails haben jetzt wieder eine korrekte Absender-Adresse, so dass sie nicht als Spam klassifiziert werden.
  • Kalender
    • Es werden keine Kalenderbenachrichtigungen mehr an Personen geschickt, die gesperrt sind.
    • Beim Erstellen eines Termins durch das Erstellen eines Events wird nun nicht mehr automatisch ein Kommentar in die weiteren Infos geschrieben.
    • Eine Termin-Serie lässt sich nun wieder über das Mülleimer-Icon im Tooltip und “Diesen und Folgende” löschen.
    • Im Modal für Auswirkungen nach dem Verschieben eines Termins werden nun die richtigen Vor- und Nachlaufzeiten für Ressourcen angezeigt.
    • Es werden jetzt bei den Terminen nur noch Ressourcen angezeigt, welche durch Berechtigungen sichtbar sind.
    • Wenn man beim Anlegen eines Termines einen Zeitraum eingibt und dann “ganztägig” anklickt, bleibt der Zeitraum nun bestehen.
    • E-Mail über Informationen über einen Termin enthalten auch das Wort “Termin” statt “Event”.
  • Events
    • Täglich wiederholende Events können wieder über 3 Monate hinweg erstellt werden.
    • Im Freitextfeld bei der Diensteinteilung kam eine Fehlermeldung, wenn man kein Recht für “Personen & Gruppen” hatte.
    • Ein Fehler wurde behoben, durch den der Versand von E-Mails an Eventmitarbeiter u.U. fehl schlug.
    • In den Songs wird nun ein leichteres HTML-Escaping für die Bemerkung verwendet.
  • Finanzen
    • Falls das gespeicherte präferierte Template für die Spendenbescheinigungen nicht mehr existiert, wird nun der Standard ausgewählt.
  • Ressourcen
    • Falls in der URL eine ID steht, wird diese nun bei Auswahl einer Station über die Hauptnavigation entfernt, um nicht direkt wieder in einem Editiermodus zu landen.
    • Die rückwärtige Wochennavigation funktioniert nun auch über Monatsgrenzen hinaus richtig.
    • Wenn die automatische Bestätigung von Ressourcen aktiv ist, konnte bisher über den Kalender eine Ressource trotz Terminkonflikt gebucht werden. Dieses Problem wurde behoben.
  • Wiki
    • Ein Fehler wurde behoben, durch den Links zu Seiten mit Anführungszeichen im Titel in den Suchergebnissen nicht funktionierten.
  • Admin-Einstellungen
    • Der Link zum RSS-Feed wird wieder gespeichert.
    • In den Login-Statistiken wird nur noch ein valides Datum ausgegeben.
    • In den Logs funktionieren jetzt auch Sucheingaben in Kombination mit der Paginierung.
    • Im Lizenztab wurden ein paar Layout-Bugs behoben.

ChurchTools 3.60.1 (17.06.2020) #

Fixed Bugs

  • Events
    • Fixed a bug where editing events was not possible even though you have the global permission “edit events”.
  • General
    • Scrolling in the preview for calendar embedding, group homepage and donation receipt works again.
    • Deep links, e.g. to the Wiki, now work even if the user has to log in first.

ChurchTools 3.60.0 (15.06.2020) #


  • General
    • The log view was extended by a date filter.
  • Persons & Groups
    • For groups there is now also a map view.
    • The map view for people has been adjusted so that the section is now automatically selected based on the selected people. The admin settings for the center of the map are no longer required.
  • Checkin
    • Participant roles are now displayed and you can filter by roles.
  • Finance
    • The finance module can now issue donation collection receipts.

Fixed Bugs

  • General
    • If an external LDAP service was used for authentication, the password could not be changed. But the normal ChurchTools login is not deactivated and therefore the password change must work. This has been fixed.
  • Persons & Groups
    • The setting of hiding people with a certain status by “edit current view” is now visible to everyone.
    • If a yes-no field is set as mandatory field on the group homepage, this field must now always be checked.
    • The person list no longer moves up when a person is added to a group.
    • In the modal “Edit group membership” now also links in checkbox labels work.
    • The filter “My groups” now takes into account whether you are allowed to see the participants of the group at all.
  • Events
    • If the setting: Show with first and last name instead of user name is disabled and a scheduled person has no user name, the full name of the person is now displayed again.
    • A registered Event admin can again create, edit and delete the agenda and also edit the event information.
  • Finance
    • The last accounting year can now no longer be deleted.
  • Wiki
    • The links in the sidebar work correctly again.
    • Boolean query parameters now also work with (string) 1 or (string) 0

ChurchTools 3.59.0 (26.05.2020) #


  • Persons & Groups
    • Sharing a public group is now also possible with the new preview.

Fixed bugs

  • General
    • Checkbox descriptions in older forms are now as wide as the input fields.
    • Download of exports and files has been improved.
  • Persons & Groups
    • Registrations in a group together with family members are no longer possible if the total number of registrants would exceed the maximum number of participants allowed in the group.
    • The calculation whether the maximum number of participants of a group is reached now excludes already archived participants.
    • In the group list umlauts are now also sorted correctly.
    • In “Configure roles” the sortkey of the group roles is now respected.
    • In the group participant table, unfilled yes-no fields are now better displayed.
    • After a filter has been activated in the person list, the list now jumps to page 1.
    • In old group forms, selection fields are displayed again.
    • In the tooltip for the group meetings, certain HTML characters are no longer escaped.
    • When creating a new person, the sort keys for the group types to be displayed are now respected.
    • In old group registration forms, limited HTML is now possible again.
  • Calendar
    • If the settings for calendars to be displayed are empty, all are displayed. These settings were reset once for all users.
  • Events
    • The calculation of the automatic rostering has been accelerated.
    • The select field under Facts now has the same sort order as it did when you created it in the master data.
  • Resources
    • The pagination has been improved so that you are always on the first page after a category change.
  • Wiki
    • The cell spaces set via table settings are now taken into account.
    • The dashboard for a selected campus now again displays important wiki pages that are not assigned to any campus.
    • Scrolling in the edit mode is now better again and the toolbar stays in place.
  • Finance
    • The import of transactions now works again.
  • Admin-Settings
    • The correct module names are now used in the permissions check for the chat sync user.

ChurchTools 3.57.1 (03.04.2020) #


  • General
    • Sending e-mails in the background has been made more stable.

ChurchTools 3.57.0 (30.03.2020) #


  • General
    • For database problems, a generic, readable error message is displayed, not a cryptic error message. The error message is still in the log.
    • If the PHP extension imagick is installed, ChurchTools uses it instead of GD.
  • Person & Groups
    • A new filter for the Campus was added to the group homepage.
    • The possible length of the description text for groups on the group homepage has been increased.
    • In a public group, a dialog now shows why a login to this group is not possible.
  • Finance
    • When editing a cost center in the master data, a link for adjusting the authorizations of a linked group is now displayed.
    • The transactions in the Finance module can now be exported as CSV files. The filters in the transaction journal are taken into account.
    • Transactions can now be frozen. Once transactions are frozen, they can no longer be changed.
    • Donations can now also be assigned to a couple.
  • Calendar
    • The dialog for subscribing to the calendar via iCal is now clearer and easier to understand.
    • The iCal subscription for my services is now also accessible via the calendar.
    • The sidebar of the calendar and the associated dialogs have received a new design. Colors can be set individually for calendars.

Fixed Bugs

  • General
    • Logo is no longer cut off in the header and login.
    • The link when clicking on the empty logo in the navigation bar works again.
  • Person & Groups
    • Reminder emails for open follow ups may have been sent one day late. This has now been corrected so that the mails are sent after 24 hours as expected.
    • When adding new person fields to a group, clicking ENTER no longer takes you to the start page.
    • When a person is deleted, group leaders are now notified that the person has been removed from the group.
    • In order to be able to register via the group homepage, a standard role and request role had to be defined in the master data until now. This has been corrected so that only the relevant role has to be defined (depending on whether the registration has to be confirmed or not).
    • Fixes a bug that prevented registration via the group homepage if you renamed the group status “active”.
    • Archived leaders are no longer displayed on the group home page.
    • Fixed a bug that caused the filters of a group home page to be set up only after editing the group home page once.
    • The confirmation mail to new people is now sent in the language of the group homepage.
    • A date can now be entered correctly again in the profile.
    • Sunday can now also be saved as a group weekday.
    • In the filtered group view, the statistics for participants are now displayed correctly. Previously hidden group members were counted.
    • The date of birth of children entered via the blue consent banner is now stored for the children, even if you are not allowed to consent for the child yourself.
    • Non-visible groups are no longer displayed in the column in the list of persons.
  • Calendar
    • In the print preview, the titles of the appointments are no longer cut off, but wrapped.
    • For private calendars you can no longer select event templates in the settings.
    • In the embedded calendar, the selected calendars are now also included in the print preview.
  • Events
    • Fixes a bug that caused service reminders to be sent only after you have opened the settings page once.
  • Resources
    • Fixes an error that automatically confirmed a resource booking despite conflict.
  • Finance
    • No more groups appear in the search for the donor.
    • Archived persons are no longer output via the relationship API.

ChurchTools 3.56.1 (03.03.2020) #

Fixed Bugs

  • Person & Groups
    • The fields f_grouptype_id_x were incorrectly added in the CSV export.
    • The sorting of the filters is now respected on the group homepage.
  • Events
    • The group selection in the Schedule Wizard (Magic Wand) works again.
  • General
    • If a database prefix was used, the update to version 3.56.0 failed. This has been fixed.

ChurchTools 3.56.0 (02.03.2020) #


  • Group homepage

    • The group homepage was completely renewed.
    • The registration workflow now also works for spouses and children.
    • The registration workflow now also works for people with the same e-mail address.
    • The old group homepage is still running a few versions and will then be shut down. The old group homepages will then be redirected to the new one.
  • Events

    • ChurchTools now converts Songbeamer files to UTF-8 so that the files can be viewed in the browser with correct umlauts.
    • The agenda view can now be viewed by anyone with the appropriate rights, so that a SongBeamer export is also possible, for example.
    • It is now possible to add several songs to the agenda at the same time.
  • General
    • There are now more help pages linked in ChurchTools.
  • Person & Groups
    • The group status has been removed from the master data for safety reasons. It was previously not possible to make any meaningful changes there.
    • The validation when modifying DB fields has been improved.
  • Calendar
    • The iCal export of a calendar used to include the URL of the ChurchTools installation for each appointment, if no URL was explicitly set for the appointment. This behaviour has now been changed so that no URL for appointments is exported if no URL is set in the appointment.
    • The iCal feed delivers three years of dates into the future instead of just one.
  • Admin-Settings
    • The button for the DB dump works again and is only visible for selfhosters.

Fixed Bugs

  • General
    • If “Users can declare their own consent to the storage of their data in accordance with Art. 7 EU-GDPR” is deactivated in the admin settings, controls for declaring consent were previously still displayed on the profile page of users. These are now correctly hidden.
    • The master data can only be adjusted in the dialogs and no longer in the overview to prevent accidentally changed settings.
    • The back button when entering the 2FA code works again.
    • If you are assigned to a campus and can only see this campus, it is now displayed again in the menu bar.
    • The drop-down for campus is now also visible again in simulation mode.
    • On the start page, the widgets ‘Important entries from Wiki’, ‘News from Wiki’ and ‘Facts of the last days’ now take the selected campus into account.
  • Person & Groups
    • In the popup of the group homepage map the target group is now translated.
    • The additional line is now hidden for labels if it is empty.
    • The tag list is no longer overlaid by the map.
    • When exporting, all columns of the template are now always exported, even if no data is available.
    • Now shows groups in the hierarchy, independent of the group status filter.
    • The info box for higher-level groups when a higher-level group is selected is displayed again.
    • The setting “Hide export function” no longer prevents the use of the e-mailer.
    • Removing an end date for group members works again.
    • If a DB prefix is used, you can now remove group members from a group again.
    • Own DB fields in the DB field category “Category” are saved correctly again.
    • When editing automatic mails, the dialog now remains open.
    • The reloading of geodata for persons now works again.
  • Calendar
    • Log messages for a new or changed appointment now look clearer in the log.
    • On mobile devices, the title of an appointment is visible again in a popup.
    • When changing a single appointment from a series, the series is now always updated correctly.
    • In the mobile view, no more errors are displayed when opening appointment details and they can be closed again.
    • Line breaks are now handled correctly in iCal.
    • When copying a calendar entry, the creator is now set to the person who copied it.
  • Events
    • Hidden persons are no longer displayed in the selection for services.
    • If you remove a date from a series in Events, the date is now correctly applied.
    • When creating events, there is no longer an error message, even if you do not have the right to see facts.
    • The scheduled services are now also displayed correctly sorted when filtering by service group.
    • The scheduled services are now also displayed correctly sorted in the export.
    • If you have filtered by a service group, the options for editing are now also displayed next to the scheduled services.
    • Prevents the double creation of agendas when quickly double-clicking.
    • The text “Assign a song” was not translated in the agenda.
  • Resources
    • No more emails are sent to archived admins.
    • Existing resource bookings are not changed by opening them, neither in case of conflicts.
    • The resource admin is now also informed about changes to the booking that are triggered via the calendar module.
  • Wiki
    • After saving a wiki page for the first time, the author is now displayed correctly.
  • Checkin
    • Hidden persons are no longer shown in the check-in.

ChurchTools 3.55.1 (30.01.2019) #

Fixed Bugs

  • Finance
    • The reading in the totals line has been corrected. If you filtered for a P&L account, the display was reversed between DEBIT and CREDIT.

ChurchTools 3.55.0 (27.01.2019) #


  • Finance
    • Anyone can book from anywhere in accounting – A new module in ChurchTools.
  • General
    • Improvements for click & focus layout in the main menu.
    • If you sort according to the field ‘Sort Order’ and two entries have the same number, the second sort key is now the name. This is visible in the event templates, for example.

Fixed Bugs

  • Person & Groups
  • Calendar
    • Fixed a bug where appointments were no longer visible after opening the link in the notification e-mail and editing the appointment.
    • If you have the permission “create bookings” in the module Resources, you can now create bookings for appointments in the module Calendar, even if you cannot see the module Resources
    • The setting “Only my booking requests” was interpreted incorrectly if it has never been changed. Now it is being handled correctly.
  • Events
    • The contact details in the service requests are clickable again.
  • Resources
    • In the master data of the module resources , you can no longer change the list of available status values. This avoids errors during the automatic confirmation of resources.
    • Fixed a bug where resource bookings could be created with an invalid start date and then no bookings could be made at all.
    • Conflicts during recurring resource bookings are now detected more reliably.
  • Admin-Settings
    • When setting the start page, the current module names are now used.


  • Endpoint /masterdata/person was renamed to /person/masterdata

ChurchTools 3.54.2 (10.01.2020) #


  • Wiki
    • Fixes a security problem in the Wiki.
  • Person & Groups
    • A bug was fixed, which made the own group participations visible although the group participants should not be visible.

ChurchTools 3.54.1 (20.12.2019) #

Fixed Bugs

  • Person & Groups
    • When creating persons it sometimes happened that an error message appears: ‘At least one person with the name already exists!’. This could happen even if there was no person with that name yet. This error is now fixed.
    • Fixes a bug where persons in hidden groups were no longer visible.
  • Calendar
    • Fixes a bug where appointments were no longer visible after opening the link in the notification e-mail and editing the appointment.

ChurchTools 3.54.0 (19.12.2019) #


  • General
    • Tooltips can now be better used by a short delay while closing.
    • If no e-mail is sent when a new password is requested, the log now shows the reason.
    • Menu levels 1-3 have been revised and optimized for keyboard navigation.
  • Events
    • Song lyrics and song beamer files can now be edited directly in ChurchTools.
  • Wiki
    • Links can now be opened in a new tab or window.

Fixed Bugs

  • General
    • The banner for the declaration of consent is now only displayed after the ” Confidentiality and non-disclosure obligation ” has been confirmed. Until now, the banner was shown, but it could not be used.
    • Logos in e-mails are now small in Outlook.
    • After a dialog box was closed, ChurchTools occasionally stopped scrolling. This problem should now be resolved.
  • Person & Groups
    • Participants in a group are no longer visible if ” Allowed to set person fields” is not set, even if I can see the person in the group list.
    • The e-mail settings can now be called up again with less permissions.
    • New tags assigned to people are now immediately available in the search. Previously, the page had to be reloaded.
    • Location information on the map in Person and Groups is now found more accurately.
    • In the e-mail editor, the buttons for inserting first names, surnames and nicknames are now correctly displayed for languages other than German.
    • A bug was fixed that prevented the leader from being contacted on the group homepage if you defined a DB field “e-mail” for the group.
    • The first contact date is no longer automatically set while updating personal data if it was not previously set.
  • Calendar
    • The icons for copy and delete are back in the tooltip.
    • The settings for the different views are now also available for mobile use.
    • Links in an event are now treated as absolute urls.
  • Events
    • The use of special characters (example: &) now also works in the Propresenter export.
    • Changes to the admin settings of an event are now displayed immediately, not only after reloading the events page.
    • The Today button now also visually selects the current date.
    • On the start page, the sum of the facts is displayed again.
    • The group-internal right ” view agenda ” has been eliminated. As before, the agenda for an event can always be viewed automatically as soon as you are assigned or requested to an associated service.
  • Resources
    • The button for deleting booking requests is no longer displayed if you do not have the right to manage booking requests (“administer bookings”). Previously the deletion was not possible, but the button was still visible.
  • Wiki
    • Youtube links are now resolved correctly again.
    • Vimeo links are now resolved correctly again.
    • If the same service request is accepted several times, the entry no longer appears twice in the event view. This also fixes the bug that the entry was duplicated in the app when adding a comment to a service confirmation.

ChurchTools 3.53.0 (02.12.2019) #

Fixed Bugs

  • Person & Groups
    • The security levels of the group-internal authorizations are now at least displayed at the level of the corresponding authorization of the group type.
    • The translation for the field “Zero value allowed” is displayed correctly again in the master data.
    • Placeholders for First Name, Last Name, or Nickname now result in sending multiple personalized emails to recipients with the same email address, regardless of whether the placeholders were inserted using the appropriate buttons or typed in manually.
    • It is now possible in the profile to set the zip code not only to numeric.
    • When filtering by subgroups, the Group Participation and Group Homepage section no longer appears unless you have permission to organize group meetings.
    • When writing comments in groups, the security level can now be set again.
    • The functions for adding or removing selected persons to departments now leave existing assignments untouched if they are not part of the change.
  • Events
    • The history of service requests is now completely displayed, even if the group internal right ‘View history of service’ is not set, but the global right ‘View history of service requests’ is set.
  • Resources
    • Resource bookings on the home page are now only displayed for the selected campus, even if you can see several campuses. Bookings from all campuses can still be displayed if you select “All campuses”.
    • When resources are booked in the calendar, only those resources are offered that are not assigned to a campus or the currently selected one. All resources can still be displayed if you choose “All campuses”.
  • Checkin
    • The links at ” Open Checkins ” on the start page now lead to the Persons & Groups module if the right for Check In is not granted. Before there was an error message.
    • Service requests in which you yourself were requested are now always returned in the API /persons/{personId}/events. Even if you do not have explicit permission for it.
  • Admin-Settings
    • The log entries again display the name of the person and not only the ID.

ChurchTools 3.52.0 (11.11.2019) #

Optimization /Improvements

  • Person & Groups
    • Improved map display in person details. The map now finds the geocoordinates of the person’s address more often.
  • Resources
    • The permanent deletion of a resource booking is now logged.

Fixed Bugs

  • Person & Groups
    • The person field First contact is no longer updated if the login was incorrect.
    • When maintaining group meetings, too large content can now be scrolled again.
    • Permissions for groups can now be copied again.
    • The menu item “Set current view” is now also visible when OpenStreetMap is deactivated.
    • Special characters are now displayed correctly again in the group filter.
    • After editing a person who did not set an image, the person with the filter “No image available” was no longer found. This has been fixed.
    • Forcing two-factor authentication can now be disabled again for a person via the Permissions menu.
    • The filter selection field ‘DB field category’ in the master data is now sorted alphabetically.
    • You can now create your own selection fields in groups again.
  • Events
    • In the history of service requests, the original time of the request is retained even after confirmation.
    • The open services in the reminder mail for the leader are sorted chronologically again.
    • Fixes the problem that exporting an agenda for presentation software no longer worked.
    • The facts on the start page are displayed again.
  • Resources
    • The system now checks correctly whether the status of a booking is permitted to be changed and only then it may be saved.
    • Fixes a problem where you got less people back in the Api /groups/{groupId}/members than you are allowed to see.
    • In the Api GET /persons you can now get back people who are in a group for which you have the permission “View single groups including the contained people (also applies to hidden groups) (view group)”. In addition, you now always get yourself back.

ChurchTools 3.51.1 (18.10.2019) #

Fixed Bugs


  • Fixes the problem that exporting the agenda for presentation software no longer worked


  • Fixes problems with selection fields.

Person & Groups

  • Improves working with the e-mailer if you write to many people.

ChurchTools 3.51.0 (14.10.2019) #

Optimization /Improvements

  • General
    • Changes to translations are now logged.
    • Font-Awesome icons updated to version 5.
    • The log view has been completely reviewed and redesigned.
    • The previous newer selects have been replaced with their own select component.
  • Person & Groups
    • Names with more than 20 characters can now be entered as campus names.
  • Events
    • The facts have been expanded. It is now possible to select facts in a selection field whose options can be defined in the master data.
    • New Endpoint GET /masterdata/person für master data.
    • New Endpoint GET /translations
    • New Images Endpoint to trim images automatically.
    • The group participants in the Api are now sorted by Sortkey, Last Name, First Name.
  • Admin-Settings
    • The consent text for the declaration of consent can now be translated using the translation key.

Fixed Bugs

  • General
    • When opening multiselect boxes on mobile devices, the keyboard no longer opens automatically.
    • In TinyMCE only the correct buttons are now displayed during image processing.
  • Person & Groups
    • The French Double Opt-In Mail now shows the installation name again instead of PHP code
    • Displays the option to delete the profile picture only if a profile picture actually exists.
    • The group registration also opens again for already logged in users if no additional group registration fields have been defined.
    • You can again delete the start and end dates for groups.
    • If the e-mail address cannot be updated, the Personal Data is not displayed updated, but remains as it was.
    • The blocking of persons is possible again.
    • In the group filter (additional filters), multiple selection fields are filtered correctly again.
  • Calendar
    • The meeting request dialog is now loaded even if you are not allowed to see all the people in the group.
  • Events

    • The setting ‘Inform leader’ is now considered again if it is set to ‘No’.
  • Ressourcen

    • If resource admin IDs were separated with spaces and commas, the requesting resource admin also got a mail. Now we check this correctly and the requesting resource admin doesn’t get a change mail anymore.
  • Admin-Settings
    • More than 1024 characters can now be entered as CSS for embedding the calendar.

ChurchTools 3.50.1 (22.08.2019) #

Optimization /Improvements


    • New endpoint GET /masterdata/person for master data

    • For public group forms, the phone number is no longer a default field. It can be added again as a person field.

Fixed Bugs

  • Resources
    • Newly created resources are directly visible again.
  • Wiki
    • Newly created categories are directly visible again.
  • Person &Groups
    • Modal dialogs are visible again on embedded group homepages on iOS even if you have scrolled down.

ChurchTools 3.50.0 (19.08.2019) #

Optimization /Improvements

  • General
    • The runtime of the cronjob was significantly reduced.
  • Person &Groups
    • It is now possible to send emails to people via ChurchTools if you have permission to do so, even if you cannot see their email address.
    • The display in person & groups is now much clearer when a campus is selected: Persons from other campusses are sorted to the end of the list.
    • In the group meeting maintenance there is now a “Close group meeting” button. If persons have not yet been edited, you can now specify for all open persons how they are to be maintained.
  • Events
    • The sending of the agenda has been improved:
      • Now you can see to whom the e-mail is sent.
      • Apart from the persons assigned, additional e-mail recipients can also be selected.
      • Design improvements.
    • The new display for the use of songs (CCLI Report View) now also offers an export function in CSV format.
    • The functionality of the campusses is now also available for song categories. So you can now better manage songs especially for one location/campus.
  • Calendar
    • When you create an appointment, loading meeting requests no longer takes that long.
    • For the REST endpoint GET /persons/{id}the GUID of a person can now be used instead of the ID.

Fixed Bugs

  • General
    • Overflowing text is now displayed more legibly in the permission tables.
    • The maximum size for files set in the admin settings is taken into account again.
  • Person &Groups
    • Only groups that belong to the selected campus or are not assigned to a campus are displayed in the group list.
    • If a tag contains a comma, it can be used again when filtering by person.
    • Fixes a bug in the security level you are allowed to edit for a person.
    • The individually called dialogs for bulk letters and e-mail settings are displayed correctly again.
  • Events
    • The CCLI integration now also works on the smartphone.
    • In the modal dialogue Role ()to be assigned …. add another person, scrolling is now possible again without problems.
    • Songs in the agenda link again to the song view.
  • Calendar
    • Calendars are displayed again directly after they have been created.
  • Report
    • The standard reports are now editable again, even if there are several columns.
    • Fixes a problem in the report when check-in facts were used.
  • Admin-Settings
    • The first day of the week can be changed again for the calendar.
  • Finances
    • The individual display of bookings is now also correct for reverse entries. The prefix was wrong before.

ChurchTools 3.49.0 (29.07.2019) #

Optimization /Improvements

  • General
    • Some improvements for the second menu level.
    • The links in the invitation email and the password reset email now lead directly to the input of the new password.
  • Person &Groups
    • The group form will be emptied after the successful registration, so that immediately afterwards another user can be registered.
    • The communication dialog was adapted to the new design.
    • When maintaining group meetings, you can now export the list again.
  • Events
    • When switching between the song list and CCLI report, the selected filters now remain.
    • A filter for the keys of songs has been added.
  • Calendar
    • Appointments from group calendars can now be hidden if the meeting request does not affect the person.
  • Wiki
    • For wiki pages, you can now set up a redirection to another wiki page.
  • API
    • NEW GET /masterdata/person/roles: All group types roles
    • NEW GET /masterdata/person/roles/{roleId}: One group type role
    • GET /groups and GET /groups/{id} have also listed the roles information now

Fixed Bugs

  • Person &Groups
    • When reloading the group list, sometimes not all groups that a user is allowed to see were displayed. The problem has been fixed.
    • If you delete a group, any filter still set to the group will be deleted automatically.
    • When exporting group participant lists, longer texts are now also exported completely.
  • Generell
    • The link to the admin settings in the 2nd menu level only appears if you have the right to see it.
    • Rights attached to a data model (resource, calendar, department, etc.) are now also deleted when this data model is deleted.
    • The church logo is now displayed again correctly in the e-mail on iPhones.
  • Events
    • After deleting a song that had a tag, the number of tags on the left side of the menu was no longer correct. The problem has been fixed.
    • If no group is assigned to any service, it was not possible to assign people to services. The problem has been fixed.
    • The saved sorting of agenda items is now correct again when editing the title of an agenda item.
  • Calendar
    • Embedded calendars and other iFrames no longer have a white border at the top.
    • When absences are displayed, the end date is no longer falsified.


  • MySQL as session handler is deprecated. It will be removed in Version 3.50. Please update your setup if to use File-based or Redis Session Handling.

ChurchTools 3.48.2 (11.07.2019) #

Fixed Bugs

  • General
    • Fixes a problem when confirming the declaration of consent.
  • Events
    • The CCLI report will now continue to be displayed even if you have edited a song. In addition, the filter now also shows the campus for events, if one is set.

ChurchTools 3.48.1 (08.07.2019) #

Fixed bugs

  • Events
    • The duration of a position can be edited again in the agenda.

ChurchTools 3.48.0 (08.07.2019) #

Optimization /Improvements

  • General
    • The second menu level has now been revised as previously planned. This makes ChurchTools much easier to use.
    • The right administer personswas divided into three rights:administer persons, invite persons and simulate persons.If you previously had the right administer persons, you also have the other two rights after the update.
  • Person &Groups
    • Filtering by group status is now also taken into account in the group hierarchy (in the group details).
    • To prevent abuse, people’s email addresses can no longer be updated if the other person has more global rights than oneself.
    • If an archived person logs on using the external group form, a new data record is created.
    • Group registration
      • The information window for the confirmation of a group registration is no longer closed automatically, so that you can read the reference to the e-mail validation in peace.
      • The e-mail validation for group registrations has been improved again.
      • The link to confirm the group registration is now valid for 3 days.
  • Events
    • Songs now offers more filter options for using songs in the agendas.
    • Songs now has another view that specifically supports the CCLI report request.
    • By automatically assigning persons to services (magic wand), persons can now be confirmed directly.
  • Resources
    • The e-mail that a resource admin receives when changes are made to a booking now contains information that is easier to understand.
  • Calendar
    • The e-mail to the creator of an appointment series about the removal of individual appointments now only contains relevant data.
  • API
    • The API for relationships now sorts by sortkey, surname and first name.

Fixed Bugs

  • General
    • Persons in the archive no longer receive system notifications.
  • Person &Groups
    • The Mailchimp syncronisation works correctly again.
    • When updating the departments of a person, it could happen that a department for the person was not removed.
  • Calendar
    • The status of a resource is calculated correctly again when a calendar entry template is loaded.
  • Admin-Settings
    • The option “Anonymize bookings for public user” in the settings for the Resources module is saved correctly again.
  • Events
    • Persons with the global right “view history” can see the history of the event occupation again.
    • Past events are now displayed depending on the settings in the admin settings, (option: for how many days back data should be loaded into events)
  • Resources
    • When confirming a resource booking via the green tick in the tooltip, the “Repeats” date is no longer set incorrectly.
  • Reports
    • The missing translations for the ad hoc reports have been added.
  • Checkin
    • Added missing popup for date selection when adding events.

ChurchTools 3.47.1 (24.06.2019) #

Fixed Bugs

  • Person &Groups
    • The security level for roles in the group internal permissions are respected again.
  • Events
    • Use the song title in the SongBeamer export.
  • Resources
    • The resource requester gets the confirmation mail again.

ChurchTools 3.47.0 (17.06.2019) #

Optimization /Improvements

  • General
    • The first menu level was adapted to the new design. This means that the logo is now displayed even better and there is more space for the really important content.
    • The login has been adapted to the new ChurchTools style.
  • Person & Groups
    • A person’s requests through the API are now logged for history.
    • Missing geolocation of group meeting points are automatically reloaded if address data were entered for the meeting point.
  • API
    • New Endpoints
      • GET /groups/{id}/members Endpoints for group members
      • GET /events/{eventId}/agenda Endpoint for agendas
    • The autorization check for PATCH /persons/{id} has been improved.
    • The search endpoint now also allows searching by username and email address.
  • Calendar
    • The dropdown is no longer trimmed in the sidebar.
    • You can now specify a time period in the Infoscreen settings. Appointments within the period are then displayed on the Infoscreen.
  • Events
    • The agenda now has a non-erasable heading that marks the start of the event. This can be moved in the schedule. As a result, the setting whether a position is before the event is no longer necessary, it is much easier to use.
  • Checkin
    • The date of birth in the check-in when creating new persons is now better validated and generates an error message.
  • Resources
    • When booking resources for an appointment, the status of the resource is set to ” waiting for approval” if there is a booking conflict.
  • Admin-Settings
    • Changing your own data is now much better adjustable: There are now two new permissions to set people to see and edit their own data. The setting in the admin setting is therefore no longer necessary. The previous setting will be taken into account during the update.
      • security level view own data
      • security level edit own data
  • Data Security
    • In the profile, the data protection declaration can be withdrawn for oneself and now also for one’s own children, if one is allowed to give consent oneself.
    • The admin will now be informed by e-mail if a person withdraws his/her consent to the privacy policy.

Fixed Bugs

  • Calendar
    • The calendar “My rota assignments” shows again all confirmed services for the logged in user.
    • Title additions that come through services from the Events module are now based on the sorting of the service group and the roles.
  • General
    • In the permissions, the last old module names and keys were replaced by the names set in the admin settings.
    • If LDAP is enabled, users can now also open their profile. This was not possible before.
  • Person & Groups
    • Address labels are created correctly again.
    • The number of labels to be printed is now correctly displayed again in the label dialog.
    • The modal dialog “Edit group meeting” is scrollable again.
  • Checkin
    • In Checkin, events that are more than one month in the past are no longer displayed.
  • Resources
    • The email that a resource admin receives when a booking is changed is now much easier to read.

ChurchTools 3.46.3 (04.06.2019) #

  • Person & Groups
    • Security vulnerability in external group registration form closed.

ChurchTools 3.46.2 (27.05.2019) #

  • General
    • A broken DB update has been fixed for self-hosters that use a DB prefix.
  • Calendar
    • The event templates are displayed again in the settings for a calendar.

ChurchTools 3.46.1 (21.05.2019) #

  • General
    • Fixed a bug that prevented an update to v3.46.0 when using a database prefix.
  • Person & Groups
    • Multiple selection fields for group members can be saved again.

ChurchTools 3.46.0 (20.05.2019) #

Optimization /Improvements

  • Person & Groups

    • Persons with the right “administer persons” can now filter which persons have activated two-factor authentication and which have not.
    • You can now force two-factor authentication for a role within a group by configuring the group roles.
    • The new profile now also supports selection fields, Yes-No fields and radio buttons.
    • The confirmation mail for registration via group registration form has been improved.
    • In the side menu under Persons & Groups, “Edit current view” is only displayed if OpenStreetMaps is activated.
    • The notification to the leaders of a group now indicates that the group is full when the last participant is added.
    • There is the possibility to hide full groups on the group homepage.

    • The placeholder/serial field [E-mail] can now be used in the E-mailer.

    • Only the creator of a serial letter can see his serial letter. Serial letters that were created before the update can be seen by everyone who has the right to create serial letters.

  • Events

    • The translation of the labels for the service groups has been adapted in the settings.

    • When editing the agendas, the positions are saved as soon as the input field loses its focus..

    • The old German translations “Service” have been replaced by “Dienst”.

  • C**alendar**
    • When creating a group calendar, the campus of a group is displayed in the selectbox for the groups.
    • Resources and event templates are now also saved in the appointment templates.
  • Wiki

    • The table is available again in the toolbar of the editor.
  • General

    • New Endpoints
      • GET /logs
      • GET /logs/{id}
      • GET /persons/{id}/tags
      • GET /persons/{id}/relationships
    • Details about the APIs can be found in your own installation on http://$

Fixed Bugs

  • Person & Groups
    • When removing a person field from a group, the correct notification is now displayed.
    • Self-defined multiple selection fields can be saved again.
    • Self-made either-or fields (radio buttons) can be saved again.
    • Only those persons can export the group participant list who also have the group-internal right to do so.
    • When linking a group with a mailchimp list, it can be set again that the DoubleOptIn procedure is mandatory.
    • Prevents an OpenStreetMap error if not a single group location has geocoordinates.
    • In the search field of the e-mailer only those persons are shown who are allowed to be seen.
  • Events

    • In the modal for requests at events, e-mail, mobile phone and telephone are now correctly translated.
    • In the mobile view of the agenda, the tool icon no longer hides the text.
    • The errors with the Song Beamer Export which occurred when deleting songs and arrangements have been fixed.
  • C**alendar**

    • Edit appointment: The text field is now only vertically scalable.
    • Saving an appointment template no longer produces an error message if you are on the Resources or Events tab.
    • Checkboxes for meeting requests now run synchronously again for the same persons.
  • Permissions
    • Copying and pasting permissions is working correctly again.
  • Admin-Settings
    • Translation string in admin settings -> license has been adjusted.

ChurchTools 3.45.0 #

Optimization /Improvements

  • Person & Groups

    • If the export of persons is limited to 1 person, you can now open the e-mailer again.
  • General

    • In your own profile, you can now view and adjust your own data. The permissions are of course taken into account. Also the own picture can now be changed there.
    • Maps from OpenStreetMaps are now displayed instead of Google Maps. All map views run on our servers, so these maps are safe from a data protection point of view.
  • Admin-Settings

    • Moving scattered integrations and APIs to the “Integrations” tab

      • CCLI removed from Module > Events, added to Integrations
      • Mailchimp-Api-Key and CM Telecom-Api-Key removed from Module > Persons & Groups, added to Integrations
      • Settings for presentation settings removed, since they can now be set directly during export.
  • API
    • POST /persons checks whether the field cmsUserId is unique.
    • PATCH /persons/{id} logs the changes
    • GET /persons has now a filter to filter for campusses.
    • New API-endpoints
      • GET /fields
      • POST /files/{domainType}/{domainIdentifier}
      • DELETE /files/{domainType}/{domainIdentifier}
    • Details to APIs will be found in your own installation using http://$

Fixed Bugs

  • Person & Groups
    • Selection fields were not displayed in public group registration forms for users who were not logged in.
    • The workload in the person details can only be seen by those who have the group internal right “See workload”.
    • If you have created an additional date field and you do not set it explicitly for a person, ChurchTools incorrectly displayed the value 30.11.1899 after saving.
  • Events
    • Blocked persons no longer receive service reminder emails.
  • General
    • The display of the logo works again, even if “site_url” is not set in churchtools.config. However, it is recommended that all self-hosters set this parameter.

ChurchTools 3.45.0 (23.04.2019) #

Optimization /Improvements

  • Person & Groups

    • If the export of persons is limited to 1 person, you can now open the e-mailer again.
  • General

    • In your own profile, you can now view and adjust your own data. The permissions are of course taken into account. Also the own picture can now be changed there.
    • Maps from OpenStreetMaps are now displayed instead of Google Maps. All map views run on our servers, so these maps are safe from a data protection point of view.
  • Admin-Settings

    • Moving scattered integrations and APIs to the “Integrations” tab

      • CCLI removed from Module > Events, added to Integrations
      • Mailchimp-Api-Key and CM Telecom-Api-Key removed from Module > Persons & Groups, added to Integrations
      • Settings for presentation settings removed, since they can now be set directly during export.
  • API
    • POST /persons checks whether the field cmsUserId is unique.
    • PATCH /persons/{id} logs the changes
    • GET /persons has now a filter to filter for campusses.
    • New API-endpoints
      • GET /fields
      • POST /files/{domainType}/{domainIdentifier}
      • DELETE /files/{domainType}/{domainIdentifier}
    • Details to APIs will be found in your own installation using http://$

Fixed Bugs

  • Person & Groups
    • Selection fields were not displayed in public group registration forms for users who were not logged in.
    • The workload in the person details can only be seen by those who have the group internal right “See workload”.
    • If you have created an additional date field and you do not set it explicitly for a person, ChurchTools incorrectly displayed the value 30.11.1899 after saving.
  • Events
    • Blocked persons no longer receive service reminder emails.
  • General
    • The display of the logo works again, even if “site_url” is not set in churchtools.config. However, it is recommended that all self-hosters set this parameter.

ChurchTools 3.44.1 (08.04.2019) #

Fixed Bugs

  • General
    • The cronjob didn’t run correctly if you had set an end date for group members that now expired. This is fixed.
  • Personen & Gruppen

    • Custom DB fields could prevent new people from being stored.

    • The update of already existing persons when importing CSV was broken. Now it runs again.

ChurchTools 3.44.0 (01.04.2019) #

Optimization /Improvements

  • Person & Groups

    • With the new person function “Change group member field” the values of a group member field can be changed for several persons at once.
    • The Mailchimp integration has been adjusted so that it still works after changes in Mailchimp. Without this update the Mailchimp integration will not work anymore.
    • When adding custom fields to group members, options are now required for the following field types: Check Box, Multiple Check Box, Either/Or Field.
  • Events

    • The iCal now uses globally unique UIDs for VEVENTS.
  • General
    • Old icons replaced by uniform red wastebaskets to illustrate the action.
  • API

Fixed Bugs

  • Calendar

    • In the embedded calendar the display of the appointments works again immediately after a change of the calendar selection.
    • When changing the time of a serial appointment in the calendar, the time of the connected event is also changed correctly.
    • When changing an appointment series with manual repetitions, the appointment is no longer doubled.
    • The checkbox for “Only visible for registered persons” remains checked when changing the calendar.
    • Incorrect Ical sources no longer lead to consequential errors.
  • Events

    • Subscribers of a service are now informed again when a service is accepted/declined via the app.
    • The confirmation for a service exchange is sent again to the inquiring person.
    • In the mail about service updates, both exchanged services were confirmed by one person. In ChurchTools everything was right, only the mail had wrong names.
  • Startseite
    • Changes can be saved again in the member list.
  • Person & Groups
    • The export of group participants could not be opened with old Excel versions. The problem has now been fixed.

ChurchTools 3.43.1 (15.03.2019) #

Optimization /Improvement

  • Events
    • In the agenda, the individual items are now numbered consecutively so that you can refer to an item by item number.

Fixed Bugs

  • Person & Groups

    • The filter by family status and growth path is working again.
    • The family status and growth path are displayed correctly again in the statistics.
    • It is now possible to create bulk letters again.
  • Admin-Settings

    • Changes to the checkboxes can be saved again under Privacy/Security.

ChurchTools 3.43.0 (25.02.2019) #

Optimization /Improvement

  • Events
    • When exporting the agenda for Songbeamer or ProPresenter6, the songs can now also be exported directly..
  • Data security
    • The configurable text of consent for storing one’ s own data (in the admin settings under Privacy) can now be up to 65535 characters long. The field also does not allow longer entries, this prevents the text from being cut off unintentionally.
  • API
    • When logging in via the API (e.g. in the ChurchTools App), an external LDAP server is also taken into account if one is set in the configuration (churchtools.config).

Fixed Bugs

  • Person & Groups
    • After deleting the DB fields Birth name or Place of birth, the other person filters can be used again.
    • Up to now, 1024 characters could be used for comment input when editing group members. However, only 255 characters were left after reloading the page. The limit of 255 characters is now already checked when entering comments.
    • Additional Yes/No fields in application forms that are declared as “mandatory fields” must now be checked in the application form. Otherwise a warning will appear that not all required fields have been filled in yet.
    • The profile pictures of the group leaders are no longer cut off on the group homepage.
    • When a person is archived or locked, this person is now automatically logged out everywhere.
    • If a group is full, you can no longer register via the group homepage. A message is displayed that the group is full.
    • An error message is now displayed again if one group cannot become a subgroup of another.
    • In the comments the automatic pagination is set better again.
    • The code for embedding the group homepage in the group homepage editor is correct again.
  • Events
    • The group internal permissions “Edit Event” and “Edit Eventinfo” now work correctly.
    • The radio buttons for setting the font size now also work in Safari in the dialog “Set Print Preview of Agenda”
    • The template function for existing services (rocket symbol) now also works reliably for non admins.
  • Resources
    • When booking resources with a required calendar entry, the Save button is now always available in the Create Calendar Entry dialog.
  • Calendar
    • The CSS settings of the embedded calendar are no longer lost on mobile devices.
  • Reports
    • The hashs of the passwords are no longer readable in reports.
  • Admin-Settings
    • In the license tab it is possible to book OptigemSync in package S again.

ChurchTools 3.42.0 (04.02.2019) #

Optimization /Improvement

  • General
    • It is now possible to retrigger the sending of unsent mails in the mail archive. The link on the start page now also points to the mail archive.
    • The double opt-in e-mail text has been improved.
  • Resources
    • By multiple request of our customers now resources can be adjusted in such a way that only booking requests with calendar entry may be created. If you try to create bookings, you will be redirected to the calendar module and the creation of the appointment will be automatically filled in.
  • Events
    • The printout of the schedule can now be fine-tuned via a new dialog. The font size can now also be adjusted in three steps.
    • In the calendar iFrame the CSS class .event-comment has also been added in the date detail view. So you can hide the field in the tooltip as well as in the detail view.
    • Candidates for exchange are now sorted by the date of the event.
  • Person & Groups
    • The search for persons now also finds persons with accent like “Cédric” if you search for Cedric.
    • On the group homepage the free text search now also finds groups by group category, target group and weekday.
    • The relationships can now also be exported. To do this, create an export template and select the desired relationships.
    • The Super-Admin can no longer be blocked by other admins.
    • Improved authorization check when deleting groups.
  • Wiki
    • The displayed structure now also works much more reliably, even for headings with umlauts or the same names. Furthermore, the scroll position in the text is now better targeted.

Fixed Bugs

  • Person & Groups
    • When duplicating groups, a DB field that was added with the new group filter was not recalculated. This means that the additional group fields were not displayed in the frontend.
  • Events
    • Persons in the archive are no longer informed about open services.
    • The selection of calendars is now available again in the mobile view.
  • Calendar
    • With the iCal calendar export the entered resources containing a location are now written into the field “LOCATION”.

ChurchTools 3.41.1 (16.01.2019) #

Optimization /Improvement

  • Person & Groups
    • The group filter at ” More Filters ” is now much more comfortable to use and gets some new possibilities. For example, group participants can now be filtered by all participation fields and time-related conditions.
    • There is now a batch function for groups to add and remove tags.
  • Events
    • In the settings there is now the possibility to select or deselect all service groups at once.

Fixed Bugs

  • Person & Groups
    • The search field no longer swallows letters when typing.
    • All age groups in a group can be deselected again.
  • Events
    • In the service assignment dialog, there was a case where no brackets were placed around the person, although the person had already accepted another service in the event.
    • If you were not allowed to cancel services (service setting) then this was possible to do so via the app. Now it is properly intercepted and prevented.
    • The approval of a service via app generates, as in the browser, the same history of this service.
  • Resources
    • Bookings deleted via the calendar can be opened in the Resources module again, e.g. for final deletion.
  • CheckIn
    • The revocation at check-in works again without any problems.

ChurchTools 3.40.1 (19.12.2018) #


  • Person & Groups
    • It is now possible to specify the order of the filters on the group homepage.

Fixed Bugs

  • Events

    • When loading the services the DB prefix was not set in some cases, this error was fixed.
    • Rota requests could only be accepted in the app if you had admin rights or the right to edit a service group. With the new ChurchTools versions it should now be possible for everyone to accept and decline their own services in the app.
  • Resources

    • The tooltip is displayed again for recurring appointments.

ChurchTools 3.40.0 (10.12.2018) #


  • General

    • Improved performance when switching pages in ChurchTools
  • Admin-Settings

    • The data sheet for the right of information now also contains the relationships of this person.
  • Person & Groups

    • The ID field can now also be selected for the export of person data.
    • The ID of the person is now also displayed for the export of group participants.
    • In the settings for a group, you can only select the options to create a user if the group is public and anyone can participate.
    • Improves the display of DB fields in the master data.
    • On the group homepage there is now the possibility to filter groups via a free search text field.
    • For group members you can set an end date for the group membership. On this date the person will be automatically removed from the group.
  • Calendar

    • An event template can now be selected in the calendar settings. If a template is selected, events are automatically created when a new date is created in this calendar.
    • iCAL subscriptions in Microsoft Outlook are now synchronized every 12 hours. This value is now set by ChurchTools as a default and Outlook can use it. Before that it was once a week.
    • For appointments lasting several days, the last day is only marked in the calendar if the appointment ends after 5 o’clock in the morning.
    • You can no longer define your own colors for reasons of absence. Absences are now always displayed in red. The feature had caused more confusion than to provide a better overview.

Fixed Bugs

  • Calendar
    • In the embedded calendar the calendars specified with the parameter category_select are now selected again.
    • When changing the start date of an appointment, the end date is set depending on the length of the appointment.
  • Events
    • CCLI searches on songs with a slash in the name no longer lead to an error.
    • Roles with umlauts now work in the column “Responsible” in the flowchart.
    • The workload of an employee only displays services that are related to the person. Until now, unoccupied services of events created by this person were also displayed here.
    • The deletion of service groups now works in all cases if no service is linked to the service group anymore.
  • Wiki

    • The search for umlauts now works.
  • Person & Groups

    • The groups on the group homepage are no longer opened and closed several times after the use of filters.
    • Users with the right Edit all group assignments of visible persons (edit groups) can add persons to a group again.
  • General

    • In rare cases it could happen that the menu was not displayed. This problem has been fixed.

ChurchTools 3.39.2 (22.11.2018) #

Fixed Bugs

  • Calendar
    • With the ICAL export, appointments with manual repetition and exceptions are exported correctly again.
    • In the embedded calendar, the correct calendars with appointments are displayed again.

ChurchTools 3.39.0 (19.11.2018) #


  • Person & Groups

    • When creating new master data fields (DB field, status, etc.), the default value for checkboxes is taken into account and checked if necessary.
    • Profile and family avatars are stored with a maximum width / height of 2160px.
  • General

    • Improvements in the English translation
    • Form fields in the master data are trimmed before they are sent, that is, blanks are clipped at the front and back.
    • Buttons in e-mails are also readable again at providers such as Google Mail.
    • The data protection declaration of consent can now be withdrawn in the profile.
  • Events

    • After adding the roles to the services, the browser no longer jumps to the top of the page.

Fixed Bugs

  • Calendar

    • In the calendar dropdown the entry “subscribe to news” is no longer grayed out.
    • With iCal Export, recurring events lasting several days are displayed correctly again.
    • The info screen updates again if no entries are displayed.
  • Events

    • Songbeamer files now also work with special characters after downloading from ChurchTools
    • In the “Absences” tab, no print preview and no export are displayed in the menu anymore, since there is no print preview and no export for this view. The functions can still be used via the “Rota” tab.
  • Person & Groups

    • URLs of links and images in the email editor are no longer clipped.
    • Users who are allowed to edit groups can add tags to groups again.
    • A leader of a group can only add people in groups for which he has the necessary permission.
    • There is an error message when importing CSV files if they cannot be imported.
    • The notification mail that group members have changed contains the remark that there are other group fields that can be viewed online. This hint is now correctly shown/hidden in the existing languages.
    • Archived persons are no longer displayed in the CheckIn list.
    • When a successor group is removed in the FollowUp settings of a group, the persons entries are updated so that no successor group for this person is displayed anymore.
    • It could happen that a person/group/song/etc. is always skipped in a list when scrolling from the third page onwards. The data was not deleted, only not displayed. Now everything is visible again.
  • Report

    • Only read-only database queries (select queries) can be saved in the adhoc reports.
  • Data Security

    • The fields for the data protection declaration of consent are mandatory fields again when creating new persons, if it is set accordingly in the admin-settings.


ChurchTools 3.38.0 (22.10.2018) #


  • Person & Groups
    • Better description of the total sum for the group type in the statistics.
    • Two-factor authentication can now be enforced for individual persons via the permission or via person functions.
    • If the local e-mail program is selected as an option for the mailer, the BCC field is used as default value for the e-mail addresses unless it is explicitly changed.
    • An admin cannot be archived. If a user tries to do this, an error message will be displayed.
  • Calendar
    • In the calendar view (also in iFrame) the resource in popover now has a CSS class.
  • Group homepage
    • Detail improvements to the layout of the group homepage.
    • It is no longer possible to register for non-open groups.
    • The mobile display works again after a group registration or message to a group leader.
    • The entry of the name is now a mandatory field when sending a message to the group leader
    • Only valid e-mail addresses can be entered when sending a message to the group leader.
    • Groups are only displayed on the group homepage if the group is also public. Previously, groups were also displayed that were not public, but for which “everyone was allowed to request participation”.

Fixed Bugs

  • Person & Groups
    • Group names in the list of “Superior Groups” or “Sub Groups” are now displayed correctly even when special characters are used.
    • Locked users can no longer be simulated or if accounts have the same email address you cannot switch to a locked user.
    • When exporting email addresses to the local email program, people with the same email address are grouped together. When ChurchTools sends e-mails, identical e-mail addresses are merged if no form fields are in use.
    • Long comment texts for persons are now properly wrapped in Chrome.
    • The tags for persons and groups are now displayed again in any case.
    • If a person logs in using a public group registration form and the group has set up a followup, the followup for that person will now start immediately.
    • The remark of a person within a group is displayed to the user in the list of persons, if the user is allowed to edit the group.
    • The arrows next to the group title on the group homepage did not rotate when you clicked the bar and not the group name.
  • General
    • If a user is logged out because his session expired, “Translation not initialized” was displayed in the log. The translation is now initialized earlier.
    • Popups are now closed with greater reliability.
    • If a user only had ChurchCore rights, there was an error message in the permissions management display. This is no longer the case.
  • Events
    • The exchange button on the start page for roles now also leads to the correct view.
  • Resources
    • The resource admin now gets a notification via email if there is a change in confirmed resources.
  • Calendar
    • Only active groups are listed in the dropdown for group calendars.


  • The iCal link for the subscription for the own roster is now secured, so that other people can no longer see it. The user can update the link at any time.
  • The reason for a rejection is only displayed in the API if a user is allowed to see it.

ChurchTools 3.37.0 (24.09.2018) #


  • General
    • When uploading an image, there is now visual feedback that an upload is in progress
    • Only activated languages are displayed in the language selection.
  • Persons & Groups
    • When creating new persons, the complete name is now checked; whether a person with the same name already exists.
  • Checkin
    • In the group-wide view, the check-in can no longer be concluded.

Fixed Bugs

  • General

    • It could happen that tags with the same name are created twice. Now when creating a new tag it is checked if it already exists.
    • Factors such as gender, nationality and status are correctly resolved in the data sheet and are not displayed as numbers.
    • There were problems with creating a data sheet, so only a white sheet was created. This problem has been fixed.
  • Persons & Groups

    • A click in the statistics on the number of persons of a status filters those again and displays them in the list of persons.
    • DB fields that have a digit as column name can now also be deleted.
    • Filter information is no longer lost when changing views (groups, statistics, etc.).
    • If you log in for a group in which you are already a member, the member status is not changed. You will be informed that you are already in the group.
    • The growth path is now updated correctly when a group membership is removed.
    • Umlauts and special characters are now taken into account when sorting persons.
    • Deleting DB fields associated with groups now works reliably.
  • Events
    • Fixes problems when creating CSV exports.
    • In the print view (PDF) no scrollbars are displayed any more.
  • Wiki
    • Even with long titles in the Wiki, uploading images now works.
  • Calendar
    • When changing the station of a calendar there is no error message any more
  • Security
    • Prevents brute force attacks when entering the OTP token.

ChurchTools 3.36.1 (13.09.2018) #

Fixed Bugs

  • Personen & Gruppen
    • In the statistics view, the texts for exporting and sending e-mails are displayed again.
    • Selection field for Add people to group search is no longer under the dialog.
  • Allgemein
    • With some installations there were problems with the translations when updating to version 3.36.0. These were fixed.

ChurchTools 3.36.0 (11.09.2018) #


  • Persons & Groups
    • New Feature: Print address labels. You can print address labels for a selection of persons and choose between two templates. The user needs the right “create address label” to be able to access the feature.
    • The dialog to send eMails and create bulk letters got a redesign and improved UX. You can search and add persons within the dialog.
    • We have fine-tuned the persons’ import.
    • Mails used to be saved only 1 month. Now we keep them for 6 months, except system mails, which are deleted after a month.
    • The group list has a filter to show only subgroups of a selected group. This drop-down menu lists only groups with subgroups.
    • The date field of the data security rules, when a person has accepted them, is now part of the “Data Protection” section.
    • It is possible to filter by that data security date fields, to see who has not yet accepted the data security rules.
    • The date field and filter of the data security rules is only visible if is is required to accept them.

Fixed bugs

  • Persons & Groups
    • The department’s filter is only shown if more than one department exists.
    • If you decline a service request the German log messages include the service group correctly.
    • Map location circles of loose locations change their size depending on the zoom level of the map. This makes them visible all time.
    • The list of people does not show the last person on the list as the first person on the next page again.
    • The CSV import of the persons checks if the declaration of consent fields are required
    • Within the edit dialog of follow-up emails, the fields of adding pictures now work in FireFox again.
    • Important database fields cannot be deleted anymore.
    • Archived persons do not appear on the map.
    • The group homepage fits better in an iFrame.
    • The wedding date field can be deleted without problems.
    • The import of group memberships can take place even if persons are not found.
    • It is possible to add titles to group meeting templates.
    • In the group registration dialog, which can be opened through the card, the leader can be contacted and the weekday is shown.
  • Events
    • If you upload a file to an event all selected service groups get an email like it should be.
  • Wiki
    • A readable error message is shown if you try to access a wiki page via a link with a none existing wiki category id.
  • Reports
    • New English ChurchTools installations get their Adhoc Queries in English now and not in German.
  • Check-in
    • The group spanning view does not show the complete check-in button except if you visit the page via the dashboard as a leader.
  • Admin Settings
    • The license tab keeps its focus even if you select a submenu item.
    • Persons with the right to edit the admin settings can do this again.

ChurchTools 3.35.0 (14.08.2018) #


  • General

    • Parents are no longer required to submit a declaration of consent for their children who are in the archives.

    • There is now a profile page where every user can edit data about themselves

      • in a first step, the password can be changed there and two-factor authentication can be activated.
    • Some translations have been improved.
    • ChurchTools now supports login with two-factor authentication. This can be activated in the new profile via the person menu. All common two-factor authentication apps work.
  • Persons & Groups
    • Geo Coding is now also possible if there is no street. The geographic coordinates are then calculated using the postal code and city.
    • Group registrations on public forms now also display the selected database fields of type Selection field.
  • Calendar
    • iCals that start with webcal:// or ical:// in the URL can now also be used for a calendar.

Fixed bugs

  • Persons & Groups
    • In the marker tooltip (Google Maps) the target group is displayed correctly.
    • E-mails can be written again with the iPad.
    • DB fields that have several selection options can be adjusted again after initial creation. For example, the length or name can be adjusted.
    • Fixed a problem with the deletion of groups.
  • Data security
    • An admin can no longer change the password of a super admin.
    • The correct tags are now always displayed in the data sheet for the right of information.
  • Events
    • The entry fields for the caption of an event are limited to 100 characters and for “Further information” to 4000 characters.
    • When sorting the facts, the sorting is taken into account as previously defined in the master data.
    • The correct key translation within an arrangement is now displayed.

ChurchTools 3.34.0 (23.07.2018) #


  • General
    • RSS Widget: The admin can add an RSS feed in the settings to display such a widget on the start page with the last 3 posts.
    • When inviting a person to ChurchTools, the person may be required to accept data security. Now the person will also be forwarded directly to set his or her password.
    • The display of the menu in simulation mode on cell phones has been optimized.
  • Admin-Settings
    • Design improvements in privacy settings.
  • Persons & Groups
    • When you subscribe to a group, the information on the privacy policy is stored if it had not been stored before.
    • The loading of geodata from Google has been optimized.

Fixed bugs

  • Calendar
    • Appointments of integrated resource calendars (via ICal) are now displayed with the correct time.
  • Persons & Groups
    • Fixes a problem where a group could not be opened anymore.

ChurchTools 3.33.0 (25.06.2018) #


  • Persons & Groups
    • If only an approximate position of a person is displayed on the map, the position is now marked with a blue circle.
    • The person search for importing group memberships works better now.
    • The placeholder {{personTitle}} can now be used for the title of a person in the bulk letter template.
  • Data security
    • When persons are deleted, all personal data is deleted.
    • When creating new persons via the check-in module, the data security fields are now also taken into account.
  • Resources
    • Loading resources are now much faster. Especially in churches with many resources, a significant performance improvement should be noticeable.
  • Calendar
    • With iCal synchronization, the description of a calendar entry is now also stored in ChurchTools.

Fixed Bugs

  • Reports
    • When changing the report, it could happen that a warning message was displayed that the authorization is missing. This is now fixed.
    • Report filters can be deleted again.
  • Persons & Groups

    • The & sign is now correctly displayed in group names.
    • When importing persons, the data security consent fields can be saved.
    • If a person function is executed for several persons, all checkboxes are now deactivated, if desired.
    • Fixes a translation error when merging two people.
    • DB fields can be deleted again.
    • After editing a group, the group information is now correctly arranged again.
  • General

    • Multiselect filters work again in Internet Explorer 11.
  • Wiki
    • Deleting a Wiki category now also deletes all related Wiki entries.
    • Wiki pages can be edited on Android devices again.
  • Calendar
    • Archived people no longer appear in the meeting request list.
    • When importing external iCal calendars, all-day appointments are correctly entered in the calendar again.

ChurchTools 3.32.1 (05.06.2018) #


  • Persons & Groups
    • The registration e-mail is now also available in English and Portuguese
    • Emails confirming a group registration are now sent immediately.
  • General
    • The navigation bar also works correctly again in Internet Explorer

Fixed Bugs

  • Persons & Groups
    • Groups can be deleted again
    • If group forms were included in external pages, there could be problems with the validation of the fields.
  • Reports
    • PDF Reports embed the styles correctly again.
  • General
    • Modal dialogs now also work on mobile devices in all cases.

ChurchTools 3.32.0 (29.05.2018) #


  • Data security

    • (Right of Information) In the admin settings, a super admin can create a PDF for a user. This PDF holds all data saved in ChurchTools about this person.
    • If a new user (not in ChurchTools) submits a public group registration form, a double-opt-in mail is sent to the user to confirm that he/she agrees to the privacy notice. The text is editable via the admin settings.
    • New database fields exist to save the date of consent, the reason, and by whom the consent is given.
    • A new filter exists for listing all users without date of consent.
    • The new fields for the declaration of consent are required when adding a new person to ChurchTools. This option can be deactivated in the admin settings by a super admin.
    • All setting changes regarding data security are logged.
    • The safety regulation’s page (shown on the first login) is adjusted to meet the GDPR.
    • Users can declare their consent to the storage and usage of their data and for the data of their children on their own. This option can be activated via the privacy settings.
    • New menu item “Privacy Notice” in the admin settings to activate an internal or external privacy notice.
  • Persons & Groups

    • When adding new database fields, the input is validated.
    • Deleting campus is simplified if people still had a reference to reports.
    • On the group homepage, the filters got improved with a multi-select box to filter for target group, campus, and category.
    • You can add a picture to a group. This image can be used on your group homepage.
  • Calendar

    • New calendar subscriptions (e.g. for calendar changes) start now from the time of creation.

Fixed Bugs

  • Persons & Groups
    • If you try to add a new person without a surname, the error message is displayed in your language.
  • Calendar
    • When you select a resource, the system proposes that you confirm the reservation directly to the resource appointment. This proposal is now automatically accepted when saving.
    • In the print view of the daily and weekly calendars, the start time is only displayed once instead of twice.
    • Personal calendar records don’t show up twice if a new calendar is created.
  • Wiki
    • Links pointing to a wiki page work correctly again

ChurchTools 3.31.0 (15.05.2018) #


  • Data security
    • Email tracking has been removed for data security reasons.
    • Simulating a person is now also recorded in the log.
    • New tab in the admin settings with options relevant to data security
      • These options can only be customized by the Super Admin (Admin from churchtools config).
    • Google Maps integration can now be disabled in the data security admin settings.
    • Fonts are now loaded locally and no longer via Google Servers.
    • In case of insufficient authorization for the complete address, only a rough indication is given on the map.
  • Persons & Groups
    • The filters on the group page now have multiple selections for target groups, campus, and category.
    • “Delete persons” is now a separate permission. Wherever “administer persons” or “edit master data” was previously set, “delete persons” was automatically set.
    • Group calendars can now also be selected for the info screen.
    • Long resource names are now displayed in full on the info screen.

Fixed Bugs

  • Wiki The print preview works again and has been reduced to the most important part of a better print result.
  • Persons & Groups
    • People who have received a mail merge can now be deleted again.
    • HTML templates for serial letters are no longer displayed more than once.
    • You can now store personal data, even if you don’t have the security level to store emails.
    • The group comments can again be configured with security levels.
    • “Either or fields” now work also when multiple fields are used.
    • In the EMailer, you can upload attachments up to 10 MB again.
  • Events
    • When editing an existing absence, the reason is now correctly selected in the drop-down menu.
    • The campus selection is displayed correctly again when editing service groups.
  • Calendar
    • Wrong iCal URLs no longer cause the cronjob to terminate.
    • iCals can be subscribed again with PHP version 5.6.
  • General
    • Authorization changes to the public user now take effect immediately.
    • Solves problems with the integration with LimeSurvey.

ChurchTools 3.30.0 (23.04.2018) #


  • Calendar
    • You can now create appointment templates for each calendar.
      • Requires the right “Create and edit appointment templates in individual calendars”
      • When creating appointments, the templates can be selected
    • An InfoScreen can now be displayed that displays all appointments of the current day. The view can be configured extensively and is particularly suitable for full HD monitors in the entrance area.
  • The logo of the website is now saved with 128×128 pixels. To use a logo of this size, it must be uploaded again.

Fixed Bugs

  • The field “After how many days should pending service requests emails be repeated?” can now be saved in the admin settings again.
  • Solves problems with CSV export.
  • Improves stability in the admin settings.
  • Events
    • All persons are now taken into account when sending the schedule to those assigned to roles in events/services.
    • The fact export works again.
  • Persons & Groups
    • Group fields can be used again to calculate other group fields.
    • The campus filter is now also correctly respected in the group homepage.
    • Serial letter recipients are no longer entered twice.

ChurchTools 3.29.1 #


  • It is now possible to add a query param “language” to the URL to enforce a specific language. This can be used to embed iframes in different languages. For example: <iframe width="100%" style="border-width:0px" height="600px" src=""></iframe>

Fixed Bugs

  • (Persons & Groups) Date fields could no be used in group registration forms.
  • (Resources) When editing recurring bookings the time was always set to 0:00.
  • On mobile devices, password reset was not working.
  • In iCal Exports, all-day entries did not work.

ChurchTools 3.29.0 (04.04.2018) #


  • Persons & Groups
    • Note texts in the Followup dialog have been added and successor groups without Followup can now be set again.
    • New field type “Either-or-Selection” (Radio button)available.
      • Improvements for the group registration form
      • Dropdowns which are not mandatory fields can now also contain an empty entry.
      • For multiple selection fields, which are mandatory fields, the system now also checks whether an option has been selected.
      • For multiple selection fields, the options are now displayed more clearly below each other.
      • For person or group fields that allow multiple options, the list of options is now extended to 2000 characters.
  • (Report) New field types are now available, allowing reporting on even more modules, e.g. how many staff members worked on the weekend, how many new persons were created in ChurchTools during the week, etc
  • (Resources) Resource Admins receive the status “confirmed” as preselection on new requests.
  • The deletion of master data has been improved:
    • List of data that is also deleted
    • Deletion not possible if deletion would cause critical problems

Fixed Bugs

  • Persons & Groups
    • If the simulation of persons was ended by simulating another person, one was forwarded to a page with error messages.
    • Information about additional group fields was not displayed in the email to the leader of a group.
    • When creating a follow-up, the correct group participant role was not always given for selection.
    • Additional group fields did not work with some umlauts. Example: ç á â à ã è é é ê é ê ê í ô ó õ ú
    • New group types and FollowUp types only appeared after reloading the page in the admin settings.
    • The export of group members contained unnecessary empty columns.
  • Checkin
    • On the English page the link for help led to the German help page.
    • The check-in module did not work correctly on mobile devices.
  • Events
    • By reactivating events it could happen that exceptions of a recurring event were not considered.
    • When playing a file of a song, the letter “m” could no longer be used as input for comments.
    • When creating a new event template, the roles in the default template were overwritten. The new template had no roles.
  • Calendar
    • If an iCal url containing a time zone that is not a valid time zone in PHP was entered in a calendar, the entire cronjob terminated and the calendar was not updated.
    • Editing a series via the first date of the series led to the creation of a new appointment.
    • Conflicts of resource bookings were not displayed in the calendar if the person did not have the right to view the Resources module.
    • Synchronization of appointments for changes in ChurchTools did not work when using an iCal in Google.
  • It was no longer possible to change the texts on the start page.
  • Several spelling errors fixed.
  • Several translation errors fixed.
  • The password reset link could not be opened in email programs that do not support HTML.
  • From time to time the profile picture disappeared in the menu bar and only after a new login it was visible again.


  • To reduce the attack surface for CSRF, API-Calls are only allowed with the POST method.
    • Until now all requests from ChurchTools were made with POST and also all examples used POST Requests. But it was not enforced by the api.
    • These changes apply for the current api. The new rest api will differentiate between GET/PUT/POST/DELETE and PATCH.

ChurchTools 3.28.3 (08.03.2018) #

Fixed Bugs

  • (Persons & Groups) Some pictures of people were no longer displayed.
  • It could happen that users were not logged in completely and the menu could no longer be used.

ChurchTools 3.28.2 (07.03.2018) #

Fixed Bugs

  • Old uploaded images were not displayed in the new menu
  • For persons without a first name and no picture, the avatar was displayed incorrectly in the menu.
  • In the sent messages in ChurchTools, the menu bar was displayed as well.

ChurchTools 3.28.0 (06.03.2018) #


  • (Persons & Groups) Integration LimeSurvey
    • New group fields of type Api can be created per group
    • Automatic synchronization of poll participant status
  • The design of the start page and the menu bar has been revised
    • The display adapts dynamically to the screen size
    • The avatar of the user is displayed in the menu bar

Fixed Bugs

  • (Persons & Groups) The code for embedding a public group did not work correctly
  • (Events) The export to ProPresenter 6 didn’t work anymore
    • Saved “order of service” templates could be completed, but then they could no longer be edited if they were assigned to an event and the editor only had the group internal rights to edit the order of service
    • All events were always shown in the print preview
  • (Calender) The name of the main calendar was not displayed under certain circumstances
    • When creating a new calendar, a campus was always added
    • Changes to a recurring appointment on the day of the daylight saving time change caused the wrong time to be saved
  • (Resources) The current week was always displayed in the print preview
    • For appointments with recurrences it could happen that the booked resources were postponed by one day
  • In the permission management the modules were displayed in the wrong order
  • Couples were not always displayed correctly in the member list
  • The print preview of the member list has not worked anymore

ChurchTools 3.27.8 (27.02.2018) #

Fixed Bugs

ChurchTools 3.27.7 (26.02.2018) #

Fixed Bugs

ChurchTools 3.27.6 (23.02.2018) #

  • Improves the stability of the application

ChurchTools 3.27.5 (22.02.2018) #

  • Fixes server problems for selfhoster

ChurchTools 3.27.4 (21.02.2018) #

Fixed Bugs

  • (Wiki) A point has been added to the file name during file upload.
  • For self-hosters with PHP version < 7.0 errors were displayed

ChurchTools 3.27.3 (21.02.2018) #

Fixed Bugs

  • The admin settings could not be used for self hosting anymore

ChurchTools 3.27.2 (20.02.2018) #

Fixed Bugs

  • (People & Groups) The setting “Send a data security mail with information about the stored data to each newly created person (if it has an email address)” could not be saved
  • (Checkin) The setting “Comma separated tags which will lead to another print with a special code per person.” was not available anymore


ChurchTools 3.27.0 (20.02.2018) #


  • (People and groups) It is now possible to create serial letters that can be downloaded as PDF files:
    • own HTML templates can be uploaded for this purpose
    • families and spouses are merged
  • (Reports) AdHoc reports now also work in other languages (but are not yet fully translated)
  • (Reports) A new financial report has been included in the AdHoc Reports.
  • (People and groups) When exporting persons, the last name of the spouse is now also displayed for combined spouses.
  • (People and groups) Using more filter, the campus is now shown in brackets while choosing the filter for groups
  • (People and groups) Multiple groups can now be deleted at once using a batch
  • (People and groups) Several groups can now be created in one step using a text field (e.g. Copy&Paste from Excel)
  • (Calendars) Resources can now also be booked in the calendar with 15, 18 or 21 hours booking in advance or afterwards.

Technical Improvement

Fixed Bugs

  • (Reports) The report was not always sent reliably as a PDF.
  • (Events) The group internal right “edit agenda” (“+ edit agenda”) was not sufficient to complete the agenda.
  • (People and groups) Relationships could be created in duplicate and circular.
  • (Events) In roles with several assigned groups, no email was sent to the leaders.
  • (People and groups) A person’s logs were not deleted when the person was deleted.

ChurchTools 3.26.2 (02.02.2018) #

Fixed Bugs

  • In some cases of license overuse, it was not possible to work with ChurchTools anymore

ChurchTools 3.26.1 (02.02.2018) #

Fixed Bugs

  • (CS) The group-internal right “View absences” (+view absent) had been ignored in the rota.
  • (CR) On the main page, resource bookings could not be approved.
  • In the new admin settings, the text of the invitation mail had been missing.
  • Further bugs fixed


  • (CDB) Visual improvement of the member list printout
  • (CRep) Smaller UX changes in the new reporting module
  • Visual changes in the new admin settings

ChurchTools 3.26.0 (30.01.2018) #

Fixed Bugs

  • (CDB) Problem with creating persons fixed.
  • (CDB) Copying the link for group homepage now works with all browsers.
  • (CDB) After creating a new group role, it is now immediately displayed in CDB.
  • (CDB) Removing filters led to an error message in the log.
  • (CDB) All pictures of leaders are now displayed on the group homepage.
  • (CC) It is possible to simulate the person from permission management.
  • (Cal) Appointments are now displayed correctly, even if resource bookings are not visible.
  • (CS) After deleting all song categories, it was not possible to create a new one.
  • (CS)Live agenda could not be operated by a user who only had access to the agenda by global rights.
  • (CS) The group internal right Edit event info was not enough to edit the event info.
  • (CR) Series during the night were not displayed correctly.
  • (Report) Loading report pages caused error messages in the log.
  • Under certain circumstances, a different language was used for the surface and for mails.
  • In case of accidental termination, restoring text while writing an e-mail or a text in the wiki now works reliably.
  • The Cron job now deletes old attachments properly.
  • Some translation mistakes fixed
  • Further bugs fixed


  • (Cal) iCal feeds now consider the admin setting for loading past data.
  • (CDB) Groups can now be copied. You can select whether the permissions and participants, etc. are also copied. For example, you can build a group template that can always be used for new small / connect groups.
  • (CDB) In the group homepage, the options for selection and multiple selection fields are now displayed as entered and not sorted separately.
  • (CS) The “Text” field in the agenda can now store 100 characters.
  • (CS) The length in the agenda for additional info has been increased from 200 to 4000 characters.
  • (CS) For Songbeamer files the UTF-8 BOM is written now.
  • (CS) Liveview can automatically display the current or next event
    • Automatic login to the Liveview via login token. (e. g. for independent Liveview monitor)
    • Administration of login tokens in the person settings.
  • (CC) The e-mail settings have been revised
    • Verifies that the settings are valid
    • There is the possibility to write a test e-mail
  • (CC) The admin settings have been revised
    • New Design
    • Improved structuring
    • Easier handling
  • (CC) The change of user permissions can be blocked. ChurchTools Config ->’ hideUserRights”.
  • In the member list (on the start page) it is now possible to configure whether the avatar image and the salutation of a person should be displayed. Spouses can also be grouped together in the member list.
  • From now on, non-EU customers can pay by credit card. The credit card data can be stored in the license tab in the admin settings.
  • Improved display of modal dialogs on smartphones.
  • Better handling of server error messages.
  • It is now possible to upload files without file extension.
  • Performance optimization

ChurchTools 3.25.3 (25.12.2017) #

Fixed bugs

  • (CS) In a certain case, it was no longer possible to create agendas from templates.

ChurchTools 3.25.2 (20.12.2017) #

Fixed bugs

  • (CS) No link could be attached to events
  • (CS) The Live Agenda now works again, even if you are not scheduled for a service
  • Further error messages


  • Performance optimizations


ChurchTools 3.25.0 (18.12.2017) #

Fixed bugs

  • (CDB) Too large pictures in the signature broke the e-mailer
  • (CDB)The SMS transmission did not work
  • (CDB) If a lot of emails were sent, it could happen that mails were sent twice
  • (CR) Bugfix: 0% was always displayed for the workload for quarter and year
  • (CS)The link in the e-mails to the agenda now leads directly to the agenda view
  • (Cal) The self-chosen name of the church calendar was not used
  • Persons in the archive were included in the license configurator


  • (Cal) For calendar entries with a link, only the domain is now displayed. Before, long links destroyed the design

  • (CS) Agendas can only be edited if you have the right (edit agenda)

  • The e-mails were redesigned and have become much smaller

  • New installations can now also be used with basic language French

  • The label printout of Checkin can now be freely adjusted in the admin settings

  • Performance optimizations

  • Add support for the third party ldap wrapper from Michael Lux :


ChurchTools 3.24.2 (06.12.2017) #

Fixed bugs

  • (CS) No link could be attached to events
  • Persons from the archive were included to the total number of persons in the license tab
  • (CR) When booking resources, it was possible to create incorrect database entries


  • (Cal) The API error message has been improved if the specified calendar does not exist

ChurchTools 3.24.1 (04.12.2017) #

Fixed bugs

  • (CS) The print view of the agenda did not work anymore

ChurchTools 3.24.0 (04.12.2017) #


  • (CDB) First and last name are now displayed separately in the group list
  • (CDB) E-mail can now be selected as an additional person field in a group
  • (CDB+CS) The free text search has been reworked, now you can find tags directly without specifying tag:
  • (CS) The total number of days of absence is now displayed for each user in the dialog for maintaining the absences
  • (CS) When editing the agenda, a navigation through the various agenda elements leads directly to saving
  • (CR) For reasons of clarity, paging is no longer displayed in the resource list
  • Many improvements in Portuguese translation
  • Line breaks in e-mails are formatted as single-line lines again
  • License management in ChurchTools
    • License tab in admin settings
    • Customize your own license
    • Adjustment of the invoice recipient
    • Selection of the payment option

Fixed bugs

  • (CDB) E-mails with field for [Nickname] have now been filled with first name if no nickname is available
  • (CDB) In some languages the search for tags and groups in the free text field did not work correctly
  • (CDB) The campus with ID 0 can be renamed again
  • (CDB) Security levels for comments for groups can now also be edited with Firefox
  • (CDB) Sorting by superior groups now works as desired
  • (CDB) Image attachments for persons are no longer reduced in size, but remain in the original format
  • (CDB): File attachments were no longer sent in e-mails
  • (CDB) The site name was not displayed in the button in the service reminder e-mail
  • (CR) E-mails were also sent if there was no recipient e-mail. This led to the unnecessary display “Error when sending mail”
  • (CR) The generated e-mails did possibly not contain the name of the person who made the change
  • (CR) When deleting resources, it could happen that associated calendar entries could no longer be edited
  • (Auth) The permission “Create own booking requests” was not saved correctly under certain circumstances
  • (Auth) In some modules, the API authorization check has been revised and improved
  • Some spelling mistakes fixed
  • Other bugs fixed

ChurchTools 3.23.1 (26.10.2017) #

Fixed bugs

  • (CDB) Registering to a public group sometimes led to a problem

ChurchTools 3.23.0 (26.10.2017) #


  • (Checkin) We have revised the check-in, it is now even easier to understand and on the start page open check-ins are displayed automatically
  • (CS) For a role, also the station name of a selected person is shown.
  • (CDB) Improvement of group homepage:
    • Group homepages can now be configured via their superior group
    • Easier integration of the group homepage into the website
    • Display of leaders with pictures possible
    • Possible to hide the map
  • Sessions can now also be saved in the database
  • Better readability of generated PDFs


Fixed bugs

  • (CS) Fact Report was not delivered by e-mail
  • (CDB) Automatic group e-mails were not sent
  • (CDB) Individual fields in groups could not be edited or deleted
  • (CS) Link to the agenda could not be opened in e-mails
  • (CDB) All additional group fields selected for the registration form were mandatory

ChurchTools 3.22.4 (10/05/2017) #



  • E-mail Editor can now be enlarged

Fixed bugs

  • (CR) It was not possible to change or confirm bookings
  • (CS) PDFs of songs could not be opened in the browser
  • (CDB) Synchronization with Optigem did not work if no condition was set in OptigemSync
  • (Checkin) The cross-wide view could no longer be used for check-in

ChurchTools 3.22.3 (09/28/2017) #


Fixed bugs

  • In some cases, there were problems on apache installations with the last version.


ChurchTools 3.22.2 (09/28/2017) #


Fixed bugs

  • An error has occurred in installations using a database prefix


ChurchTools 3.22.1 (09/28/2017) #


News / Optimization

  • Improvements in Portuguese and English translation
  • Stabilization of the database backup
  • New WYSIWYG editor TinyMCE replaces the old CK editor
  • (CDB) For group registrations, fields with type “Multiselect” can now be created
  • (CC) Validation of the time zone in the admin settings
  • (CW) ProPresenter files are now handled correctly
  • Optimization of PDF creation with the current PhantomJS
  • (CDB) All fields of a group relationship are now historized when changes are made
  • (CC) New API getUserSettings: Allows to get a query for the user settings e.g. language for the different modules


Fixed bugs

  • Export to OpenSong, SongBeamer and ProPresenter didn’t work anymore
  • Many emails contained different languages in header, body and subject
  • (CDB) Public groups are displayed on the group homepage again, even if they are no longer open.
  • (CS) Error in the permission check “Song to practice”.
  • (CDB) Group types were sometimes displayed incorrectly (without the necessary permission)
  • (CDB) Registration to a public group on the start page did not work if a target group was set
  • (CAL) In French, the dates were not displayed correctly
  • (CDB) The order of persons in groups did not work correctly



Some critical vulnerabilities have been fixed

What are your Feelings?
Updated on 4. October 2024
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